Chapter 65 Turkic defeat, Khitan fights again.

At this time, not only the tens of thousands of people in the stands were shocked, but the Costinus in Li Mu's hand was also shocked.

Two amber-like eagle eyes shone with an incredible light.

Hai Dongqing: "I was flying in the sky at the time, it was quite sudden anyway."

Hai Dongqing: "From now on, I will be a disgrace to the eagle world?"

Hai Dongqing: "I lost the eagle, how can I see those little female eagles who have a crush on me."


"How?" Li Mu asked, holding Haidongqing in his hand, and shaking Haidongqing in the hand of the Turkic envoy Ashina Tuoye.

The Turkic envoy Ashina Tuoye didn't recover for a long time. After a long time, he finally regained his composure and said in a strong and calm voice: "The general is really a god."

Before the Great Sui Dynasty, during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Bodhidharma crossed the river with a reed and became the most powerful person in the world at that time.Li Mu's unique skill of stepping on the arrow and taking the eagle is definitely not inferior to that of Bodhidharma's crossing the river with a reed.It can be seen from this that Li Mu, the number one master in the world, is justifiable.

Under the stands, in the awning, countless pairs of eyes were fixed on Li Mu who was catching the eagle with one hand on the martial arts stage.This so-called sky god is nothing more than a beast in Li Mu's hands right now.

"General Tiance, invincible under heaven." Li Xiunian waving his small fists and grinding his canine teeth in the arbor shouted loudly.

When Li Xiuning yelled, the people in the audience were like boiling water, completely boiling.

"General Tiance, invincible under heaven."

"General Tiance, invincible under heaven."

"General Tiance, invincible under heaven."

In the stands, countless people shouted hoarsely, this is the pride of the people of the Sui Dynasty.

In Yang Guang's stand, Empress Xiao's beautiful eyes were full of light. She now firmly believed that Li Mu was the one who Yuan Tiangang said could save her.

"Ha ha!"

"Did you see that, this is my Tiance Admiral, this is my Tiance Admiral."

"What kind of Turkic Khitan Linyi, in front of the general are all native chickens and dogs." Yang Guang laughed loudly.

As the saying goes, experts watch the doorway, and laymen watch the excitement.In the eyes of Qin Qiong and Yuwen Chengdu, who are highly skilled in martial arts, Li Mu relied on the upward force of the arrow to be able to walk on the arrow.This is difficult, but it is not impossible for someone with extremely advanced martial arts.

However, in the eyes of those people who don't know martial arts, Li Mu just flew into the sky and captured this sea dongqing.

The morale of the people of the Sui Dynasty under the stage was high, which made the Turkic envoy Ashina Tuoye on the stage very uncomfortable.

"The general is great, I lost the Turkic battle." Ashina Tuoye said.

This Costin is still a sacred object of Turkic, and it is the best falcon in Turkic.Ashina Tuoye wanted to ask Li Mu for an eagle, but Li Mu just held the eagle's claw like this, obviously not intending to give it back to him.

Although Li Mu dragged Hai Dongqing down from the sky, it doesn't prove that the eagle is a waste.An eagle that knows how to catch arrows in the sky is not just about flying fast, it also has an extremely high IQ.

Li Mu's eyesight is so vicious, he can tell at a glance that this eagle is a treasure.If the things in my hands are in my hands, I can still send them back.

Ashina Tuoye stared at Li Mu for a long time, but he didn't dare to ask for it, so he turned his head and got off the ring in desperation.

"If you are obedient, I will let you go."

"If you are disobedient, I will roast you tonight."

"Don't think about running away, even if you fly into the sky, I can drag you down." Li Mu stared at Hai Dongqing in his hand and said to him.

What Li Mu never expected was that Hai Dongqing could understand human language.Just after Li Mu finished speaking, Haidongqing, who was thumping, stopped thumping.

After Li Mu let go of Hai Dongqing, the eagle didn't fly anymore, but followed Li Mu down the ring.

Hai Dongqing: "I don't want to fly? Once I fly, you will drag me down."

The Turkic envoy got off the ring and came to the pavilion belonging to the Three Kingdoms.

"You two, I'm sorry, I agreed to win three games in a row, and now I have lost the Turkic first battle, which is really demoralizing." Ashina Tuoye said to the envoys of Khitan and Linyi.

Although the Turkic people lost, the envoys of Khitan and Linyi were really hard to say anything.Stepping on the arrow and taking the eagle, people can drag Haidongqing flying in the air.If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have believed that this scene actually happened.

"This defeat is not the fault of the Turks. Brother Ashina, don't be too self-pitying." Khitan Prince Yelu Hongqing said.

"Brother Yelu, this general is invincible. We may have to change the rules of the second round." Ashina Tuoye said.

This second game was played by Khitan, who, like Turks, is also a country on the grassland.But compared with the Turks, the Khitan has a smaller population, and the whole family has a population of only a few hundred thousand.You know, the Sui Dynasty had more than 10 million households and a population of more than 600 million.Even the Turks have 4000 million entrances.Compared with the Sui Dynasty and the Turks, Khitan is indeed just a small country.

As the saying goes, what is concentrated is the essence. Although Khitan is a small country, the people in this country are all brave and ruthless people.There are many people who are good at fighting warriors and can fight.In the Khitan Kingdom, the thirteen most capable fighters are Yale Hongqing's adopted son.

"Brother Ashina, what do you mean, let's restrict the general and prevent him from playing?" Yale Hongqing said.

"Yes, if this Sui general Tiance is allowed to fight, I'm afraid the shadow it will bring to Khitan will not be as bad as that of Wei Yunqi back then." Ashina Tuoye said.

Wei Yunqi was one of the generals under the leadership of the old master Yang Jian. When the Great Sui Dynasty was just established, Khitan refused to accept the Great Sui Dynasty.Put down the words, hit me if you have the ability.

Wei Yunqi said, I have never heard of such an inexplicable request, I should satisfy it.

Wei Yunqi wanted to fight against Khitan, but the boss Yang Jian felt that there was no need to travel so far to fight against Khitan. We should first develop the economy and people's livelihood, so he did not agree to Wei Yunqi's request to fight.

Wei Yunqi is also a stubborn person, if the boss Yang Jian doesn't let him fight, he insists on fighting.Since the old master Yang Jian didn't give soldiers, Wei Yunqi found a way by himself.At that time, the relationship between the Turkic people and the Khitan people was not good. The Qimin Khan of the Turkic people didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and saw that there were many people who didn't think the death was too much.

Qimin Khan lent Wei Yunqi [-] soldiers. However, Wei Yunqi led the [-] cavalry and fought the entire Khitan Kingdom to surrender to the Sui Dynasty.

Therefore, Wei Yunqi is the shadow of the Khitan people. If a child cries in Khitan, it is useless to say that the wolf is coming.But you said that Wei Yun got up, and the child stopped crying on appointment.

Thinking of the shadow Wei Yunqi brought to Khitan, Yale Hongqing didn't want this shadow to come again, so he agreed to Ashina Tuoye's suggestion.

(End of this chapter)

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