Chapter 69 Luo Shixin Pulls an Elephant

"How about it, am I good?" Li Xiuning got off the stage and said to Li Mu proudly, grinding her teeth.

"Amazing, awesome." Li Mu laughed.

It stands to reason that Li Xiuning might lose in the fight, but at the critical moment, Yulongju roared and scared the horse under Yelu Hongqing's No. 13 crotch to its knees.Suddenly, the BMW under his crotch knelt down, which gave Li Xiuning the opportunity to win.

Produced by the system, it must be a high-quality product.The Jade Dragon Colt is definitely the number one BMW horse in the world. This is a kind of suppression in blood.

Seeing that his No.13 son also died, Yelu Hongqing's face was ashen, and his brows were tightly frowned.

Originally, Yelu Hongqing thought that if his thirteen sons could win a game, then he would take advantage of the situation and admit defeat, so that he won a game anyway, and would not embarrass Khitan too much.

But it never occurred to him that this thirteen son of his had the audacity to choose a woman. It was okay to choose a woman, the key was that he had never beaten him.Really, you are not qualified enough even if you are quite strong.

It's not embarrassing to choose a woman, but the most embarrassing thing is that you haven't had a fight.

This is all right, four sons have already died one after another, Yelu Hongqing subconsciously looked at the remaining nine sons.


Seeing that Yelu Hongqing was looking at them, the rest of them fell to their knees on the ground.This look is already very obvious, it is clear that whoever wants to go will go, anyway, I will not go.

Good guy, who is going to go now? Now it is clear that Li Mu's arbor is a trap. Damn it, no matter who you choose, it will be a dead word in the end.

At this time, even Ashina Tuoye couldn't stand it any longer, and thought to himself, don't compare, it's going to die in the competition.You can't win anyway, the more games you lose, the more embarrassing it is, isn't it?

"Brother Yelu, let's forget about this one." Ashina Tuoye persuaded.

After Ashina Tuoye persuaded him, Yelu Hongqing finally found the steps and went down.It's time, let's hurry down if there are steps.It's really meaningless to compare with such a forceful appearance.

"The powerful generals of the Great Sui Dynasty are like clouds and rain, so we still lose this match." Yelu Hongqing said bravely.

At this time, Turkic and Khitan have lost two games, and Lin Yi has become the hope of the whole village.Whether he can beat the Great Sui depends on Lin Yi.

Linyi is different from Turkic and Khitan.Khitan and Turkic are both small countries on the grasslands in the north, but Linyi is in the south.Probably in Vietnam and Myanmar in the 21st century.

During the Qin Dynasty, Xiang County was established in Vietnam, but later this Xiang County took advantage of the chaos in the Central Plains to go out independently.

Today's Vietnam, the generation of Myanmar, is composed of many small countries, the two largest of which are Annan and Wanchun, and Linyi is one of the small and inconspicuous countries.

Linyi has a small population, and the entire country has a population of only a few hundred thousand.It is such a small country that can be destroyed in a snap of the Sui Dynasty, but it also has their unique skills.

Just like Turkic people can train eagles, Linyi people can train elephants, and the elephant soldiers of Linyi people are famous all over the world.

Elephants were actually very common in ancient times. It should be after the Little Ice Age in the Ming Dynasty that the Central Plains gradually lost elephants.Nowadays, elephants are very common in the south of the Sui Dynasty, but compared with the elephants in Linyi, the elephants in the Sui Dynasty are much smaller.

The elephants in the south of the Sui Dynasty were smaller Asian elephants, while the elephants domesticated by the Linyi people were larger round-eared elephants.

Since Linyi people are good at taming elephants, the content of their competition with Li Mu is naturally related to this elephant.

Not long after, I saw people from Linyi driving the giant elephant up to the martial arts stage.

People in Linyi are generally short and dark-skinned.

"General Tiance, we Linyi people will compete with your subordinates in this battle."

"Let's see, my subordinate can pull an elephant with all his strength." The envoy of Lin Yi said, motioning his subordinates to show it.

I saw a Linyi man with a height of at most 1.6 meters and a dark skin, wrapping a hemp rope around the elephant.Then he tied the other end to Zhijian's body, and then saw that this person actually pulled the elephant alive.

Li Mu said in his heart: "I have no enmity with you, why do you treat me as a fool? Could it be that you are bullying me for not having read about entering science?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Li Mu really felt both angry and funny.Damn it, the Linyi people really have no bottom line in order to win a game.

You fucking call this pulling an elephant, but is he pulling an elephant?The fucking elephant was obviously following him back.

That short, dark-skinned Linyi man is obviously an elephant trainer, and he tamed this elephant.Now, he is not pulling the elephant, he is obviously performing with the elephant.

Damn, if you say that this elephant's acting skills are really bad enough, of course, if Teacher Guo is here, he will be assigned an S card for this elephant.After all, everyone's definition of S card is different.

"Get off."

"Get off."

"Get off." In the stands, the people of the Sui Dynasty erupted.

At this time, everyone except fools can see that this motherfucker is not competing for strength at all.

"That's a lot of strength, let me compare it with you." At this moment, Luo Shixin started his scud and rushed to the martial arts stage as fast as he could.

Among Li Mu's subordinates, in terms of strength, Luo Shixin is the strongest.Compared to strength, even Yu Wencheng is inferior to him.It's just a pity that Luo Shixin is a fool, and he can't learn martial arts.If not, this kid might not be worse than Li Yuanba.

In contrast, although Li Yuanba is not smart, Li Yuanba is a martial arts genius.

What foolish boy Luo Shixin likes most is to compare his strength with others. When he was grazing cattle, when he saw two top horns of a bull, he had to go up and break them off for the bull.

After Luo Shixin flew up, without waiting for the Linyi people's consent, he took the rope off his body and tied it around his waist.


Luo Shixin yelled, and then with a sudden force, he dragged the elephant forward two steps.

Luo Shixin was really wrestling with the elephant. Seeing that the elephant had changed hands and was not its owner, the elephant also pulled hard towards the other side.For a moment, the wrist-thick hemp rope was bounced straight.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Luo Shixin yelled three times, and with a sudden force, the elephant staggered and almost fell to the ground.

In a hurry, Luo Shixin got excited and dragged the elephant to run on the martial arts platform, and ran around the martial arts platform three times.

After running three laps, Luo Shixin took off the rope, grabbed the elephant's trunk and said, "This stuff is mine now. Usually no one is willing to compare my strength with it. I will compete with it in the future."

Luo Shixin dragged the elephant's trunk and got off the martial arts stage. The people of Linyi were all stunned, and they dared to stop him.

(End of this chapter)

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