The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 101 Cannons in Qiongzhou

Chapter 101 Cannons in Qiongzhou ([-])

In the past twenty days or so, the New Year has passed.

Calm gradually returned to Leizhou Prefecture, but the massacre in Suixi County continued to simmer, and everyone was in danger.Countless people from the people and from all walks of life denounced the heinous thief Murong Chuan, but of course it was useless, and Murong Chuan could not be scolded to death.

Zhao Dongting took Liu Hongyi as his commander, and nearly [-] soldiers of the Huanglong Forbidden Army pretended to be refugees and went to Qiongzhou in batches.

Just a few days ago, the two masters who were originally arranged by Li Yuanxiu to watch the pirates came back and reported that more than [-] Yuan troops had traveled from Guangxi to the outer sea of ​​Leizhou along the sea route, and now they are stationed on the islands of those pirates.

The actions of the Yuan army were no different from what the young man in sackcloth expected.

Their intentions can be imagined.

At this time, there were many soldiers in Leizhou, and the Yuan army only had more than 3 people. Even if the tens of thousands of pirates in the outer sea were integrated, it would be impossible to break through Leizhou.Apart from Leizhou, they could only attack the nearby Qiongzhou, which even Zhao Dongting could see.

At the same time, this made him admire the young man in sackcloth a little.

The young man in linen has been living in a simple way in Zhizhou Mansion these days. Zhao Dongting went to see him, and his room was full of piles of military books.

Such a person can only talk on paper, and there is definitely his basis for it.

Thinking that Murongchuan might lead the pirates to attack Qiongzhou, Zhao Dongting had an irresistible impulse in his heart.

He really wanted to watch Murong Chuan die with his own eyes.

To say that after coming to the Southern Song Dynasty, the person Zhao Dongting hated the most was not Ge Lijun, but the father and son Murong Chuan and Murong Hao, especially the insidious and cunning Murong Chuan.Yang Yidong died because of them, Xiao Jin died because of them, even Li Yuanxiu died because of them.

It just so happened that there was nothing going on in the court at this time, and all ministries and departments were operating normally, and the emperor Zhao Dongting was also a little idle.

Simply, he gave an order to hand over the military and political affairs of the DPRK and China to Lu Xiufu and Su Liuyi to decide, and he took Brother Zhao Da Zhao Hu, Yue Peng and the [-] Feilong Army to Leizhou.Although Lu Xiufu and the others tried their best to stop them, they couldn't stop them.

The two girls, Le Wu and Yun Jin, were also full of resentment towards Murong Chuan, one acted like a baby, the other begged, and they also followed Zhao Dongting.

Ying Er wanted to take care of Zhao Dongting's diet and daily life, so naturally she followed suit.

Zhao Dongting couldn't help sighing, in fact, being an emperor is quite cool.It's a pity that Le Chan is not around.

To him, Le Chan is like first love, which is always unforgettable.

At the same time, what Zhao Dongting brought with him were ten grenade launchers and hundreds of shells that the weapons workshop has been rushing to make these days.

The group of people also turned into refugees, put all their flags and weapons on horseback, and rushed from Haikang County to Leiqiong Ferry leading to Qiongzhou via the highway, then rented a boat and went to Qiongzhou.

A messenger had already notified Liu Hongyi of Leizhou in advance that at night, Liu Hongyi and Zhao Yuluo, the peace envoys of Qiongzhou, greeted Zhao Dongting at the ferry.

In order to avoid the Yuan army's inspection and discovery, the two only brought dozens of soldiers with them, and they were still wearing civilian clothes.

As soon as Zhao Dongting arrived, all the people knelt down on the ground.

Zhao Dongting asked them to get up, and taking advantage of the darkness, nearly a thousand people hurried to Qiongshan County, Qiongzhou, and stopped in a village.

The villagers who originally lived in this village have been quietly moved away, and now it is actually the camp of the Huanglong Forbidden Army.

There are several other villages like this nearby.

As soon as they arrived in the room, Zhao Yuluo fell to their knees again, "Qiongzhou appeasement envoy Zhao Yuluo kowtowed to the Holy Majesty!"

He was originally a Beijing official, but was later specially sent to govern Qiongzhou's military affairs and quell the riots.However, unlike Ge Lijun, he is related to the Empress Dowager Xie by blood. He is considered a relative and is loyal to the court of the Southern Song Dynasty.

At this time, Zhao Yuluo was nearly 40 years old, quite elegant, with a slight beard and a scar on the left cheek.

This scar left a pale white mark on his face, but it was left when he fought with the rioters before.

Zhao Dongting helped him up, "Master Zhao, please get up."

Zhao Yuluo looked at Zhao Dongting, he had heard about what Zhao Dongting did in Qizhou and Leizhou in Qiongzhou, and now he saw that although the emperor was young, he was really heroic, confident and calm, so he was naturally a little excited.

It is absolutely unnatural to have such an attitude when he was young, he couldn't help but say in his heart: "The emperor really has the appearance of a celestial being."

Not to mention, after Zhao Dongting's body recovered, his features were clear and his eyes were focused, and he was indeed extremely handsome.

After the monarchs and ministers sat down, Zhao Dongting said again, "Lord Zhao, what is the situation in Qiongzhou now?"

Next to him was a young man in sackcloth sitting on the ground, frowning in thought, ignoring anyone, not even looking at Zhao and Luo.

Zhao and Luo looked suspiciously at the young man in linen clothes, then bowed their heads and said, "Reporting to the emperor, Qiongzhou now has a total of more than [-] troops, of which [-] are defenders. Prevent the people from causing trouble. The remaining [-] troops are all stationed in Qiongshan County and Gangan and Yingtian, ready to be dispatched by the emperor at any time!"

Although it belongs to the same prefecture, Qiongzhou has five counties, and its territory is larger than Leizhou, and it has to deal with rioters. Naturally, its military strength is not comparable to that of Leizhou.

Zhao Dongting nodded lightly, there are 9 troops from Qiongzhou, and [-] Huanglong Imperial Army, a total of [-] people, it should be enough to swallow the pirates and those Yuan troops.

"The [-] troops are divided into three groups. The [-] Huanglong Forbidden Army and the [-] Qiongzhou Army are ambushing along the west coast of the Qiongzhou Prefecture Bay. Another [-] Qiongzhou Army is preparing warships. When all the enemy troops enter the bay, they will immediately cut off their retreat. The remaining [-] Qiongzhou troops will be deployed in various places on the south and east coasts of the bay to prevent the enemy from landing on the island and fleeing. This battle will definitely wipe out all the enemy troops!"

The young man in sackcloth sitting on the ground spoke abruptly.

Zhao Yuluo's face became strange, "Your Majesty, who is this?"

The young man in linen looks really different.

Zhao Dongting didn't know how to explain it to him, so he waved his hands and said, "You have the right to regard him as my military advisor."

Then he also looked at the young man in Mai and said, "How do you determine that the enemy will attack from Puqian Bay?"

Puqian Bay is a bay next to Qiongzhou government office, and the sea water extends in very deep.

The young man in Mai said to himself: "If they want to occupy Qiongzhou quickly, they must go straight to Huanglong, and landing from Puqian Bay is the fastest shortcut!"

Zhao Dongting pondered for a while when he heard the words, and gritted his teeth: "Okay, Mr. Zhao and Liu Hongyi, then you two will arrange it like this!"

Employers do not suspect, suspects do not.The movements of the Yuan army were all calculated by the young man in sackcloth, and Zhao Dongting didn't mind listening to his words.

If the whole battle situation develops as he expected, then he can be said to have picked up a treasure.This guy is an absolute tactical expert.

Hearing this, Zhao Yuluo hesitated and said, "Your Majesty, if our army dispatches troops like this, the Yuan army will definitely find out, and I'm afraid they will adjust their strategy at that time!"


The young man in sackcloth showed contempt, "How could the Yuan army attack rashly? I expect they will incite the rioters to attack all parts of Qiongzhou before they attack. We will only dispatch troops when the rioters rebel, and at the same time order the soldiers from all over the sea to strictly guard the sea line." , No one is allowed to leave the island. Even if the Yuan army wants to leave the island, they have to go around the territory of the rioters. It is too late to report to the enemy. It will be difficult for them to change their policy. As long as the rioters make chaos, they will inevitably We can only march from Puqian Bay according to the plan."

Zhao Yuluo stared at him, thinking that he, the majestic Qiongzhou appeasement envoy, was despised by this young man. He was just angry, but he didn't know how to refute.

"it is good!"

Zhao Dongting threw the ground and said loudly: "Master Zhao, then you secretly order all counties and armies to prepare to prevent the invasion of rioters."

Zhao and Luo had no choice but to bow their hands, "Minister Zhao and Luo take orders!"

The young man in linen furrowed his brows and thought deeply.

In the past two days only, those rebels in Qiongzhou who were unwilling to obey the orders of the Southern Song court actually suddenly launched a fierce attack on the three counties of Lehui, Lingao, and Chengmai.They were said to be rioters, but in fact they were the aborigines who originally lived in Qiongzhou, and now they still occupy half of the country in Qiongzhou, fighting against the army of the Southern Song Dynasty.

The flames of war spread throughout Qiongzhou in an instant.

Fortunately, all the counties have received dense forests and are ready to face the battle. It will be even more difficult for the rebels to break through the county.

Zhao Dongting got the news in the village and immediately ordered Liu Hongyi and Zhao Yuluo to lead the army to set off.He himself led the Flying Dragon Army and followed Liu Hongyi to the coast of Puqian Bay in Qiongzhou Fuya.

There are only ten grenades, all of which he equipped for the Flying Army.

Two more days.

It was a dark day and night, and the sea wind howled.Even though Puqian Bay is deep inland, the sea is still full of waves.

The troops of Zhao Dongting and Liu Hongyi were stationed in the forest only a few miles away from the sea.

Suddenly, a scout on the coast rushed to the commander's camp to report, "Your Majesty, General Liu, the enemy ship has arrived at Puqian Bay!"

"it is good!"

Zhao Dongting's face became a little excited, "For the time being, let the three armies not move, and let all their warships enter Puqian Bay!"

In the past two days, the counties and the rebel army have suffered a lot of losses. Now, it is finally time to close the net.

Next to him, the young man in linen clothes also looked a little more dignified.

(End of this chapter)

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