The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1110 The imperial decree is issued

Chapter 1110 The imperial decree is issued
At the beginning, it was Qin Han who made Duan Xingzhi realize his long-cherished wish to subdue all the tribes of Dali.

At that time, the Dali Duan clan selected [-]% of the defenders from various ministries to fill the imperial army. It can be said that the Dali royal family faction has been in Dali for so many years, and it is the happiest moment.

It's a pity that this kind of elation didn't last for too long because of Duan Qilin's failure in the battle.


In the Song Dynasty, Jinghu North Road was located in the two great cities of Changde Mansion and Jiangling Mansion.

After several days, the imperial envoy who passed the decree for Zhao Dongting finally arrived within the two cities.Of course, the imperial envoy to Changde Mansion arrived earlier.

The imperial envoy arrived at Changde Mansion at night, and rushed to the garrison military area of ​​Changde Mansion before full light the next day.

At that time, Wen Qi was organizing the whole army to carry out the flag-raising ceremony.

The red and gold banner gleamed in the light of the rising sun.

All the officers and men of the Changde Mansion on the school field stood their weapons on their chests and saluted with attention.

From the moment when Zhao Dongting designed the national flag of the Great Song Dynasty and sent an order to military camps, schools, government offices and other departments across the country to hold flag-raising ceremonies, flag-raising has been a rather solemn ceremony.

Even Zhao Dongting himself often participated in the flag-raising ceremony in the palace.

Every day when the flag is raised, many people wait and see from a distance outside the street in front of the palace.

This kind of ceremony has gradually taken on a sacred nature.

On this flag, there are countless blood of soldiers who have paid for the Song Dynasty.

It also symbolizes that the Song Dynasty will rise slowly like a flag.

Don't forget the past shame, forge ahead.

The imperial envoy arrived and saw that the army was raising the flag, so he stopped immediately.Look up to the national flag, and your eyes will gradually rise with the national flag.

It wasn't until the flag-raising ceremony was over that he led a few people to Wen Qi's side and shouted, "Commander Wen Qi of the Changde Mansion Garrison received the order..."

Wen Qi was slightly taken aback, and immediately knelt down on one knee, "Wen Qi kowtowed to the emperor, long live the emperor, long live the emperor!"

The Changde mansion garrison officers and soldiers who filled the school grounds all knelt down.

The imperial envoy opened the imperial decree and shouted: "Follow the heavens, the commander of the Wen Qi Wen army is well-managed and loyal, and made immortal military achievements for the Song Dynasty in the battle of Jiangling Prefecture. I specially named Wen Qi the commander of the Tiangang Army. The second-rank general of the country."

Wen Qi's face was even more shocked.

Zhao Dongting's transfer was indeed beyond his expectation.

In fact, his military exploits in the Jiangling Mansion battle were not particularly outstanding. He never expected that Zhao Dongting would let him replace Su Quandang as the commander of the Tiangang Army.

So, what should Marshal Su do?

This made Devon freeze in place for a long while.

Until the imperial envoy shouted softly: "Commander Wen still hasn't accepted the order?"

Wen Qi had no choice but to suppress the doubts in his heart, took the imperial edict and said: "Chen Wenqi accepts the edict!"

He was transferred from the Changde garrison to the Tiangang Army as the commander, and he still manages more than ten thousand soldiers.But the status is very different.

The forbidden army is the forbidden army, and there is still a gap between the garrison army.Not to mention, the Tiangang Army is still the most powerful Forbidden Army among the Forbidden Army.

This can even be said to be the difference between the regular army and the reserve service.

Wen Qi can no longer be regarded as a general to be used in the Song Dynasty, but will truly become a general in the court.

Furthermore, he was originally only a general of the third rank, but now he is named a general of the second rank.This military rank has also been raised.

Zhao Dongting's reward for him was not insignificant.

The imperial envoy saw Wen Qi accepting the imperial edict, he showed a smile on his face, and said: "Mr. Wen should go to Jiangling Mansion earlier to go to Marshal Su to pre-employ, and now the imperial envoy to Jiangling Mansion to announce the edict is already on his way. .”

Wen Qi was stunned again, then nodded, "Wen Qi knows, thank you, Imperial Envoy."

Then the imperial envoy was invited to a house in the military area.

Although in fact the status of these imperial envoys in the court is definitely not as high as Wen Qi, but since they are imperial envoys and come on behalf of the emperor, they must be entertained.

The next day after receiving the order, Wen Qi left the garrison military area of ​​Changde Mansion and went to Jiangling Mansion with only a few offerings.

And before he arrived at Jiangling Mansion, the imperial envoy who went to Jiangling Mansion to announce the decree had arrived in Jiangling Mansion himself.

Su Quandang led the Tiangang and Tianli armies still in the city.

He Fangsong, Jin Hao, and Jiang Xiu are still in Ezhou City.Even if the soldiers and officials of the Yuan Dynasty did not completely withdraw from Jiangnan East Road, Huainan West Road and other places, they would not leave Ezhou easily.

The imperial envoy who delivered the decree saw Su Quandang in the government office of Jiangling Prefecture.

At this time, Su Quandang was already living with Zhou Qianluo.The difference between the two is only a name.

And now it's on the agenda.

As long as the Song Dynasty accepts the roads waived by the Yuan Dynasty and Su Quandang is free, he will marry Zhou Qianluo immediately.

Zhou Qianluo can be said to have become a model of flying on a branch and turning into a phoenix in the government office of Jiangling Prefecture.

No one thought that being sent to Su Quandang's side to take care of Su Quandang's daily life would give her such a chance.

Not only did he marry well, but he was also the Grand Marshal of Zhenbei in the Song Dynasty.

I don't know how many maids in the government office would turn their eyes red with envy when they mentioned this matter.

After the imperial envoy arrived at the government office, he went directly to Su Quandang.

He carries more will.

The first seal was to grant Su Quandang the title of Grand Marshal of the Jiankang Military Region and a Cabinet Member of the Military Aircraft Province. The affairs of the forbidden army on the road will then be in charge of the six armies of Tiangang, Tianfu, Tianman, Tianli, Tianying, and Tianping.At the same time, Su Quan was also revoked from the position of commander of the Tiangang Army.

Su Quandang knew about this a long time ago, and Zhao Dongting had already asked him what he meant, so he would not have any resistance in his heart.

After the imperial envoy read out the decree, he only asked: "Who is it that takes over the Tiangang Army? And who is the commander of the Tianping Army?"

Zhao Dongting didn't give him any information about these things beforehand.

The imperial envoy dared not neglect Su Quandang, so he replied, "General Wen Qiwen took over the Tiangang Army. Commander of the Tianping Army, Su Shuai, you will find out later."


Su Quandang just nodded slightly.

The imperial envoy glanced at Lu Yuwen who was also kneeling in front of him, smiled lightly, handed the imperial decree to Su Quandang, and took out a second one.

In this letter, Lu Yuwen was appointed as the commander of the Tianping Army, and he was asked to form the Tianping Army with the old troops.Surplus soldiers can be used as defenders of Xiangyang Mansion.

Lu Yuwen was overjoyed when he heard the words.

He never thought that he would be entrusted with such an important position by the emperor.

Although he voted for the Song Dynasty, he had voted for the Yuan Dynasty before, and his body was stained.Lu Wenhuan, who was kneeling beside him, all the old generals were also moved, feeling happy for Lu Yuwen.

At the same time, I am also happy for myself.

The emperor did not doubt them, relying so heavily on Lu Yuwen was enough for them to see a bright future in the Song Dynasty.

In the third seal, Yu Xingwen was granted the title of commander of the Tianli Army.

In the fourth letter, Ma Fei was appointed as the commander of the garrison of Changde Mansion.

In the fifth seal, Wei Yutang was granted the title of deputy commander of the Tianli Army.

In the sixth letter, Tang Hongcai was named the deputy commander of the Tianping Army.

In the seventh seal, Liu Tong was named Marquis of Yu, the capital of the Tianping Army.

As more and more imperial edicts were read, the generals of Lv Wenhuan's old department gradually couldn't help but smile.

No one thought that apart from Lu Yuwen, even Wei Yutang and Tang Hongcai would become deputy army commanders.Moreover, the emperor also said in the decree that the generals of the Tianping Army's regiments will be appointed by Lu Yuwen.

This also means that the remaining generals, even if they are not promoted, will still hold military power.

There is also the eighth letter, which is to seal Zhou Qianluo as Cong Yipin's wife.

Because Zhou Qianluo was not here, Su Quandang took over the imperial decree.

Su Quandang smiled all over his face, thinking that Qian Luo would be extremely happy after knowing this imperial decree.

She will no longer be white in the future.

Afterwards, Zhao Dongting did not make any further orders regarding the transfer and rewards of the other generals.

The imperial envoy handed over a secret letter to Su Quandang, saying: "Marshal Su, the emperor has said that the rewards of the other generals in the army should be announced to you first. The emperor will read it out in person later."

Su Quandang took the secret letter, slightly puzzled, "The emperor read it out personally?"

The imperial envoy said in a low voice: "After the Yuan Dynasty completely gives way to Huainan East Road and other roads, the emperor intends to go to Lin'an Mansion. At that time, the general will be mobilized and made public."

Then he bowed his hands to Su Quan and said: "This old slave will congratulate Marshal Su first. Throughout the Song Dynasty, there is no one who can become a general of Xingguo Xingguo at your age..."

Su Quandang stood up and said with a smile, "Your Imperial Envoy is polite."

Then the imperial envoy was also invited in.

Generalissimo of the Jiankang Military Region.

This official position is not much different from the Marshal of Zhenbei.Even before there were only four military regions, but now there are six.

It can be said that there are more and more people in the court who can sit on an equal footing with Su Quandang.

However, he has another forbidden army under his command!

Moreover, the official rank has also been promoted.Now it is from the first rank, and then go up, that is the real first rank that is under one person and above ten thousand people.

(End of this chapter)

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