The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1114 The Battle of Rebellion

Chapter 1114: The Battle Against Chaos ([-])

It's not that they guys can't get hot air balloons.

They actually belong to Duan Qilin, and Duan Qilin has the technology of hot air balloons.They want this kind of technology, and Duan Qilin will definitely not refuse to give it.

It's just that they can't.

People like Pang Hongguang belong to Xixia on the surface.Li Xiushu must have visited Lizhou, Fengxiang and other roads they ruled.

Li Xiushu's hot air balloons are only provided to the Qi Tian Army and the Forbidden Army. If they find out that they also have hot air balloons, how should they explain it?

At that time, their identities as Xin Song's detectives will be exposed.

Therefore, since they invested in Xixia, Pang Hongguang and others were honest and did not wantonly expand the strength of their defenders.

Pang Hongguang, Jia Fenghua, as well as Fengxiang and Lintao Jiedu envoys, there is no hot air balloon army in their territory.

Hearing the sound of shouting and killing from behind, General Lintao felt the chill in his heart getting worse.

Just now, his chances of winning are slim.Just waiting for the Qi Tian army, which is as curved as a sword, to take off, his Lintao army will inevitably fall into a place of eternal doom.


Lord Lintao charged outside the gate of the camp and did not continue to charge inside, but hid himself in the army. At this moment, he suddenly looked towards the guard general beside him.

He said: "Lead your army to break through immediately and go to Tongchuan Mansion to report. Please ask Tongchuan Mansion to send troops to help me wait! I'm here to deal with it, maybe I can last for a while!"

After all, he still has more than 2 soldiers, plus more than 2 soldiers and horses on Fengxiang Road.If commanded properly, it would not be easy for He Liancheng, Qu Rujian and Li Zhengqin to eliminate them in a short time.


The personal guard general also realized the seriousness of the matter early on, and immediately took the order, leading his subordinates and turning back.

The fighting continued.

The Lintao Army continued to attack the barracks.

Qu Rujian's imperial guards firmly blocked the gate of the camp and the fences on both sides.

The battle between the two armies became more and more intense.

About ten minutes later, it was a few miles to the west of the camp.General Fengxiang led his subordinates to rush outside the camp of the Imperial Army under the command of Helian City.

They also directly attacked the camp.

There are countless torches in the army.

There are archers who are still more than a hundred meters away from the camp and shoot arrows into the camp.

At the same time, countless flames suddenly appeared in the camp.Many cannon carts appeared in the flames.

Helian City also met the enemy with artillery.

The sound of artillery resounded throughout the Xixia Military Region.

This is probably the Great Song Forbidden Army who can alarm Zheng Yihang and Du Hu who are not far from here.

Fengxiang Army was blocked by the fierce artillery fire in the barracks.

They were also a little dazed by the continuous bombardment.

General Fengxiang also realized that something was wrong at this moment.Only at this moment, it can't be said that the arrow is on the string, but the arrow has already been sent out.

He had no way out.

Now that the troops are withdrawing, the Xixia Forbidden Army in the barracks will inevitably take advantage of the situation and pursue them.At that time, he will only fail faster.

Ever since, he could only raise his gun and shout: "Kill! Kill!"

And this kind of shout really couldn't be heard very far amidst the bursts of artillery fire.

The situation that the Fengxiang Army's offensive was blocked is difficult to change.

At this moment, a few miles to the east, countless hot air balloons slowly lifted into the sky.I'm afraid there must be nearly [-] of them.

The Qitian army under Qu Rujian's command should be dispatched with the whole army.

Li Zhengqin slaughtered the Xianglintao army in front of the battle, so that they had enough time and leeway to lift the hot air balloon into the sky.

So many hot air balloons are like stars in the night sky.In an instant, I don't know how many people's attention has been attracted.

The officers and men of Fengxiang and Lintao may feel chills in their hearts.

Even if they have never seen a hot air balloon, they must know how powerful a hot air balloon is.Throughout the war of nations, hot air balloons are indispensable weapons.

This has long made hot air balloons famous all over the world.

In the military camp of Helian City, Heliancheng couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw the hot air balloon slowly rising into the sky.

They have the odds.

He shouted: "Soldiers! Our hot air balloon has lifted off! Victory is imminent, keep these rebels out!"

There was a neat response from the army.

There were screams, the sound of arrows piercing the air, the sound of swords meeting, and the sound of shells.

In fact, the soldiers on both sides may not know what happened, why Fengxiang and Lintao Paoze suddenly turned against each other.All they can do is fight with the generals.

This is their conduct as soldiers.

Time passed slowly.

This night, the banks of the Jialing River are destined to flow like rivers of blood.

If Fengxiang and Lintao's army wins, they will never let those people in Helian City survive.

And the victory of Heliancheng and Qu Rujian's Xixia Forbidden Army will inevitably wipe out the Fengxiang and Lintao armies.

Only in this way can Xixia be stable.

Qu Rujian's Qi Tian Army did not go to bomb the Lintao Army after it was completely lifted off.Instead, it flew over from a high altitude and headed straight for the barracks in Helian City.

However, this didn't make Lintao Master's complexion any better.

Of course he knew the purpose of the Qi Tian Army going to the barracks in Helian City.

Here, his army had already been jointly suppressed by the Forbidden Army and Li Zhengqin's Lizhou West Route Army, there was no need for Qi Tian Army to take action.

On the other side of Helian City, it can only be said that they are evenly matched with Fengxiang Army.Qi Tianjun rushed over, this is to establish the victory.

But what can he do?
On the ground, he could only watch the hot air balloon fly towards the military camp in Helian City.

All hopes were placed in the hands of the guards who went to Tongchuan Mansion for help.

Further west.

Inside the barracks of Zheng Yihang and Du Hu.

Zheng Yihang hurried to Du Hu's tent to find Du Hu.

When we first met, he smiled and said, "Commander Du, there seems to be a fight over there."

"Ha ha."

Du Hu also chuckled, "I think the Xixia rebels couldn't hold back anymore. Hearing the sound of the cannon, Helian City and the others should have the upper hand."

Although the sound of cannons is dense, there are still rules.It seems unlikely that this is the artillery army from Fengxiang, Lintao and other roads.

Because the army is on the way to attack, the artillery thrower usually still has some scruples.Furthermore, it is inconvenient to take the artillery cart to the camp in a hurry.

Zheng Yihang said again: "Then shall we also prepare for this?"

Du Hu pondered slightly, then nodded: "It's about time. If the Lizhou West Route Army receives the news, they run away, and then we have to drive them out."

After all, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Then Zheng Yihang left Du Hu's barracks and went to his own barracks.

Both of them woke up the soldiers overnight, and hurriedly got ready to march to the Lizhou West Road Army Camp, which was camped about ten miles north of them.

This is nothing to the generals of the Song Dynasty.

In their usual training, it is common for them to be awakened by generals at night.This is specifically for emergencies.

In an instant, the two barracks became noisy, and the soldiers moved.

The soldiers of the Great Song Imperial Army put on their armor as quickly as possible, and then hurried to gather in the open space of the barracks.

There are no heavy firearms in the entire army.The heaviest ones are grenades and hot air balloons, and these two things are not particularly heavy.

The grenade can be regarded as an individual combat weapon, and the hot air balloon is more than enough for five soldiers to carry.

Zheng Yihang and Du Hu stood on the high platform in front of the army wearing armor respectively.

None of them said much, they just yelled two words, "Let's go!"

In less than a quarter of an hour, the Imperial Guards of the Song Dynasty in the two camps all left the camps and headed north side by side.

The food and heavy equipment in the army were left in the barracks.

The personal guards of the general of Lintao Road led his personal guards and rushed out of the battlefield at this time.

The imperial army under Qu Rujian's command did not break out of the camp, and no one stopped them at all.

It's still unknown whether they can successfully invite reinforcements in Tongchuan Mansion, and whether the reinforcements can arrive in time.

It can be said that the battle in the entire Tongchuan Mansion and the frontier of Xixia is still far from being resolved.

Qu Rujian's Qi Tian Army has already started bombing outside the barracks in Helian City.

This has blown the Fengxiang army out of their wits who failed to break through the camp.

They rushed and couldn't get in, and the general didn't give the order to retreat for a long time.Covered by nearly two thousand hot air balloons, the situation can be imagined.

In such a short period of time, the soldiers of the Fengxiang Army suffered countless losses.

In this case, the morale of the army is naturally slackened.

Many soldiers didn't care about carrying out the military orders, and ran away in all directions in order to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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