The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1124 Chongqing Night Chaos

Chapter 1124 Chongqing Night Chaos ([-])


Immediately, a soldier led the order and ran outside.

Priest of Shangyuanjing also grabbed Miao Youli and ran out of the house.

to the courtyard.

There is a pool, and there is a rockery in the pool.

There are several water lilies blooming on the water.

Shangyuanjing enshrined Songkai Miaoyouli, and took the lead in floating and landing on the rockery.

A rockery boulder with two copper tiger heads inlaid on it.

The Priest of the Shangyuan Realm only grasped the tiger's head with both hands, exhaled loudly, and actually lifted the stone that weighed at least a thousand catties.

There is a black hole under the stone, but the size of a water tank.

Even if this enshrined person has the cultivation base of Shangyuan Realm, his face turned red at this moment.

Miao Youli also floated up the rockery, didn't say much, and jumped directly towards the entrance of the cave.

The priest of the Shangyuan Realm put down the boulder, and also floated and jumped into the entrance of the cave.

The hole is not deep.

He stood up straight, his shoulders were still exposed outside the hole.

He held the two lion heads on the boulder again, and slowly moved the boulder over.

Then, he shrank back.Lift the boulder from the bottom of the boulder with both hands, and move the boulder back into place until the entire hole is completely sealed.

There may be lines at the bottom of the boulder.

These lines are quite mysterious, like organs.It can fit the boulder into its original position, making it difficult for outsiders to see the flaws.

After doing this, the Shangyuanjing priest also saw sweat on his forehead, and a dense white mist rose above his head.

Miao Youli has already blown the fire pocket in the cave.

The Shangyuanjing enshrined also shrank into the cave.

The inside of this rockery has been completely hollowed out.

The boulder that was moved just now was actually added later, so it seems to be a kettle, and the boulder just now is the lid of the pot.

The shape of the entire secret room is a bit like a gooseneck bottle.

The entrance is quite narrow and deep, but the space inside the secret room is not small.At least it wasn't too crowded to accommodate Miao Youli and the priest.

After the priest sat down beside Miao Youli, Miao Youli extinguished the fire again.

Around the rockery, there are several holes that are no bigger than the thickness of a little finger for air circulation. Although these air holes are covered by green plants, if a fire is lit inside the hole, the light will naturally shine through.It doesn't matter during the day, as it is very easy to be discovered in such a late night.

Outside, the dense gunfire can still be heard clearly in the secret room.

Neither Miao Youli nor Shangyuanjing enshrined said a word.

The priest of the Shangyuan Realm looked dignified.

Miao Youli was just thinking.

After Xin Song sent so many masters to assassinate after the Luzhou army was dispatched, he had to think deeply about the meaning.

Those Xin Song people probably didn't dare to conclude that these masters would be able to successfully assassinate themselves.But their army was dispatched in advance, which only shows that they have other back moves.

Miao Youli thought with the reverse thinking of Zhao Dongting and the generals in the army.

What is the ultimate goal of the new Song Army?
It must be to win the Chongqing government.

In this way, these masters entered the Chongqing Mansion only to assassinate themselves?

If they succeeded in assassinating themselves, their beheading would of course be considered a success.But it is not easy to break the Chongqing government with this.

The ranks of generals in the imperial army of the Great Song Dynasty are clearly defined. Even if the generals at the commander level are all dead, the generals at the regiment level below all have the ability to lead the fight.

And this, wouldn't the New Song Army who had already fought against the Great Song Forbidden Army not know?
Miao Youli gradually realized that the real purpose of these masters coming to the government office was to completely plunge Chongqing into chaos.

In this way, the Luzhou army, which is rushing to Chongqing, can take advantage of it.

But now, how he should deal with it is also a difficult problem.

More than a dozen real martial arts masters are plundering in the government office, they must have met someone and killed them, it is impossible for him to get out of the government office.

Furthermore, even if you can go out of the government office, how to deal with these real martial arts masters is still a difficult problem.

If you want to destroy these people, you must transfer most of the soldiers from the Chongqing government.After all, these people are all true martial arts experts.

All of them are tyrannical people who can directly take the head of an enemy general among thousands of armies.

If those troops do not have Shenlong guns, even tens of thousands of people may not be able to keep them.It might even be broken through by them.

At present, it seems that the generals of the regiments can only be left to adapt.

Miao Youli didn't think about how to deal with these real martial arts masters after thinking hard to no avail.Instead, he imagined how he would deal with the arrival of the Luzhou Army.

The Luzhou army cannot be stopped, even if these real martial arts masters are killed, Chongqing will change hands.

And if they can stop the Luzhou army, no matter how powerful these real martial arts masters are, they will not be able to take Chongqing.After all, there are only a dozen of them in total.

So in the final analysis, whether or not the Luzhou Army can be stopped is the key.

In the government office.

While Miao Youli was hiding in the secret room and meditating, the deputy palace master Pojun and other real martial arts experts were still wreaking havoc.

They really are gods blocking and killing gods, and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas.

After reaching the depths of the government office, they didn't even let go of every room.

I don't know how many innocent servants and maids in the government office died under their swords.

They were all unarmed, but the Vice Palace Master Pojun still didn't let them go.

Perhaps, they were guarding against Miao Youli or other people in the government office pretending to be servants to avoid assassination.

The Ming sentry and dark sentry soldiers in the government office also suffered heavy losses.

A slight smell of blood was blowing in the wind.

The soldiers arranged by Miao Youli in the government office may be able to block the assassination of three or two real martial arts masters.But it is obviously impossible to block so many true martial arts.

No matter how strong the Imperial Army of the Song Dynasty is, it cannot break this gap in strength.

If all the Tianshang Army gathered here, the situation might be different, but now, there are only a few hundred soldiers in the government office.

Under the leadership of the priest beside him, the Deputy Jiedushi of Kuizhou Road also hid in the secret room with his family.

Only his secret room was not outside the house, but under the floor of his bedroom.

The space inside is also much larger than the place where Miao right is hiding.

Time passed slowly.

The soldiers in the government office never gave up their resistance to the deputy palace master and others.

The gunfire continued.

There was even the occasional booming sound of thunder.

I just don't know whether these Thunderbolts were thrown by the real martial arts masters, or by the soldiers in the government office.

The depths of the originally stylish government office soon became a bit messy.

There are dead bodies lying in many places.

On the outskirts of the government office and at the front gate, there are still many soldiers rushing in.

The noise here has already alarmed the entire sub-city.

Undoubtedly, these soldiers were all night watchmen in Zicheng.

They may know that those who come to the government office to assassinate are masters, or they may not know, but they finally came to kill.

As for the soldiers patrolling the inner city and outer city, it was obvious that they could not rush over in such a short period of time.This is especially true for the soldiers in the barracks at the head of the city.

The inevitable blood flow in the government office.

A master of real martial arts landed in Miao Youli's courtyard.

In the courtyard, several soldiers armed with Shenlong guns shot at him, but none of them could hit him, and then the priest approached him with a very ghostly pace.

Sword intent rises.

Jianmang appeared.

Several soldiers died under the sword of this real martial arts master.

This master didn't stop at all, he just looked at each room one after another.

In the end, he couldn't see Miao Youli's figure.

Only the armor left in the bedroom on the right side of Miao made him pay attention.

But no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find the two Miao Youli who were hiding in the rockery.

After about a few minutes, the expert finally gave up and fled towards the outside of the courtyard.

Only the remains of a few soldiers remained in the courtyard.

Miao Youli looked ugly in the rockery.

He could vaguely hear the gunshots and snoring just now.

Even the artistic conception, he felt a little bit in the rockery.

He knew that those soldiers must have died unexpectedly.And those soldiers are all his personal guards.

In the army, they are superior and inferior.In private, their relationship is also quite good.

This is all in exchange for these guards on the battlefield to guard Miao Youli with their lives.

But now, Miao Youli knew that they were slaughtered outside, but there was nothing he could do.This feeling, this taste, is of course not good.

As long as it is a bloody person, in this situation, I am afraid that they will want to rush out regardless of their lives.

But Miao Youli can't.

He is the commander of the army, so he can't be so impulsive.

He is alive, and there are still many things to do.Keeping the Chongqing government is more important than anything else.

For this reason, he would rather bear self-blame and guilt in his heart.

It's not that the general is ruthless, but that there are some things that the general has no choice at all.This is just like Zhao Dongting, there are too many things, he can only focus on the whole Song Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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