Chapter 1139

The inner energy like a torrential river surged towards the two bridges of heaven and earth at the same time.

At this time, Zhao Dongting, who was suffering endless pain, also felt extremely dignified.

He is no longer an ignorant newborn calf of martial arts. The reason why he is dignified is because he knows that his situation at this time is different from that of ordinary warriors when they break through.

Normally, when a strong person at the peak of the Shangyuan Realm breaks through, the inner energy in his body is calm.They concentrate all the internal energy in the middle dantian, and then open up the two bridges of heaven and earth at the same time.

At this time, Zhao Dongting's internal energy exploded, and the internal energy in each of his dantians was uncontrollable, and they all surged towards the two bridges of heaven and earth at the same time.

Presumably very few warriors have done this since ancient times.Because this is simply a common sense error.

Just imagine, the inner qi at the upper, middle and lower dantians converges towards the two bridges of heaven and earth at the same time.In the end, if the two bridges of heaven and earth are opened up, these internal qi will not have to collide with each other?
This is a big taboo for warriors.Because the internal qi collides with each other in the body, it is very likely to cause internal qi disorder, so that the power is lost, which is often said to be obsessed.

Even those with more unlucky luck may die directly because of this.

At this time, Zhao Dongting was on the verge of going mad almost all the time.

It's just that the weird Gu worm in his dantian seems to have some wisdom, and when he sees that he can't stand it, he will stop releasing his inner energy.

This made Zhao Dongting a little weird, and always felt that this weird Gu worm might be a good thing for him.

However, trying to forcibly open the two bridges of heaven and earth in such a state can only be said to have little hope.Its danger is no different from high-altitude tightrope walking.

Zhao Dongting knew well that even this Gu worm might be helping him.If he gets through the two bridges of heaven and earth, he will also face a greater crisis of going crazy.

Of course, it doesn't make sense to say these now.

When the four strands of internal energy were attacking the two bridges of heaven and earth at the same time, Zhao Dongting had no time for other things, and automatically dismissed these random thoughts in his head.

There is no room for him to be distracted at all right now.

The two bridges of heaven and earth are actually blocked Renduermai.

Other masters want to break through Ren and Du's two veins, they are all cautious and step by step.I am afraid that no one will be in the situation like Zhao Dongting at this time.

In the eyes of others, Zhao Dongting's behavior is absolutely no different from courting death.

The difference between the two is like using silver needles and iron rods to dredge blocked blood vessels respectively.

The two bridges of heaven and earth in Zhao Dongting may be broken if you are not careful.No matter how cautious you are, there is a great danger.

And if the two bridges of heaven and earth are broken, the consequences will naturally be quite serious.It can be said that there is no cure.

You can survive, but in the future, you will always stop before the real martial arts realm in martial arts.


When the inner energy had just impacted into the two bridges of heaven and earth, Zhao Dongting couldn't help but roar again.

This pain is really unbearable.The sharp bursting of Ren Du's two veins even made Zhao Dongting have the urge to commit suicide.

If it weren't for his firm will, maybe he would have drawn his sword and killed himself at this moment.

This is really worse than death.

The two pulses of Ren and Du seemed to be about to rupture at any moment.

At this time, the internal energy in Zhao Dongting's body was like a naughty child, constantly blowing air into the balloon, challenging the limit of the balloon's tolerance.

Zhao Dongting was really worried that his two veins of Ren and Du would suddenly be unable to hold on and burst.

He can only try his best to guide these disobedient guys with the whole mind of Qian Kun.

But the results are minimal.

This is like a centurion who cannot command tens of thousands of troops.

Zhao Dongting has long been cursing in his heart.

Who would have thought that such a thing could happen in a round room.If he knew this earlier, Zhao Dongting would rather be that Liu Xiahui than marry Yue Wu tonight.

Maybe when something like this happens after he reaches the True Martial Realm, there will be no danger at all, and there will only be benefits.

The internal qi released by this weird Gu worm at this time is already equivalent to his years of hard work, and it seems that this Gu worm still has some strength left.

All the girls in the courtyard were in a hurry, and all of them were full of worry in their beautiful eyes.

Yue Wu was so anxious that she cried.

Because she saw that the eyes of all the girls looking at her were full of complaints.

This made her feel anxious and aggrieved at the same time.

Because she didn't know what happened to Zhao Dongting at all.

And Zhang Ru also had tears streaming down her cheeks.

She can't speak, and her heart is weaker than the other women.She didn't dare to imagine how she would live in the future if she lost the emperor.

Up to now, the most beautiful woman in the world who gave birth to Zhao Dongting's heir has already put her whole heart on Zhao Dongting's body.

This has to be said to be Zhao Dongting's blessing.

In terms of appearance and temperament, Zhang Ruzhen can be said to be the beauty of Zhong Tiandi.This woman should only exist in heaven.

Even in Zhao Dongting's last life, the Internet was extremely developed, and the Internet was filled with countless stunning beauties who had undergone post-processing, but Zhao Dongting had never seen anyone who could compare with Zhang Ru.

Even those pictures that have been post-processed are far from each other.

Those women don't have the aura of Zhang Ru.

At this moment, although Zhao Dongting was sitting cross-legged on the rockery, he could still feel that the girls were in the yard.

They were crying and whispering, and Zhao Dongting could feel them.It's just that he didn't have time to respond.

And the girls also gave him strength.

Zhao Dongting always said to himself in his heart that he must do his best to save this life.

Now he has his own warm family in the Southern Song Dynasty.This is what makes him most reluctant.

Even Zhao Dongting no longer cares so much about martial arts cultivation.

It doesn't matter if you can't break through the real martial arts realm.

It doesn't matter if you lose all your martial arts because of this.

Zhao Dongting said in his heart, as long as he can live, it will be fine.

Time passed slowly.

Zhao Dongting's two veins of Ren and Du are already showing signs of breaking with the violent impact of internal energy.It seems to be on the edge of the limit that can be tolerated.

Really reached the critical value.

As long as these internal qi are more arrogant, Zhao Dongting thinks that his two veins of Ren and Du will be broken.

It is inevitable that the road to martial arts will be cut off at that time.

What worries him even more is that at this time the turbulent internal energy in the body may be completely out of control, and there will be a danger of severing the meridians of the whole body.

Even if you can't die, you can only become a living dead.That is, what later generations call vegetative people.

This was undoubtedly the last thing Zhao Dongting wanted to happen.

Die, and become the living dead.Neither of these outcomes was acceptable to him.

Sweat dripped from his entire face.

It's full of blood.

This made his face look terribly frightening.

And if he unbuttoned Zhao Dongting's clothes at this time, he would find that his whole body was like this.

It was as if he had been fished out of a pool of blood, his whole body was covered in blood and sweat.

The extreme pain made Zhao Dongting almost crush his teeth.

If ordinary people endured such pain, they must have fainted.

It's just that Zhao Dongting's cultivation is at the peak of the Shangyuan Realm, but his endurance is beyond the reach of ordinary people.He wanted to faint, but he remained awake all the time.

This made him have to bear this suffering abruptly.

Many guards outside the house were alarmed.

More and more people gathered in the yard.

Looking at Zhao Dongting's appearance, all of them showed puzzled and terrified expressions.

About ten minutes passed.

Zhao Dongting was still sitting cross-legged on the rockery, twitching all over his body.

Even the masters of the Wuding Hall were alarmed and hurried over.

Kong Qiangu arrived first, and when he saw Zhao Dongting on the rockery, he exclaimed in a low voice.

He clearly felt what cultivation level Zhao Dongting had reached now.

This is not just the peak of the Shangyuan Realm.

The emperor is still attacking the real martial arts realm.

What happened to the emperor?
Even though Kong Qiangu had reached the pinnacle of martial arts, he still didn't understand what happened to Zhao Dongting at this moment.

According to the usual theory, no matter how amazing and talented Zhao Dongting is, it is impossible for Zhao Dongting to hit the real martial arts realm so quickly.

And judging by Zhao Dongting's appearance at this time, it is not at all what it should be like to attack the real martial arts realm.

When warriors hit the real martial arts realm, although it hurts, it will never hurt to the extent of the emperor.Even his clothes were soaked in blood and sweat.

Kong Qiangu wandered into the courtyard, and asked Le Chan and the others: "Ladies and gentlemen, what's wrong with the emperor?"

All the girls looked at him eagerly.

Even he didn't know, how could they know?
Kong Qiangu's two snow-white eyebrows were furrowed, and he fell silent.

He was thinking hard, what happened in the emperor's body to make the emperor look like this.

Where did the turbulent internal energy in the emperor's body come from?

Is it...

Is it because the skills passed on to the emperor by Tianshi Dao Zhang Tiandong suddenly exploded?

(End of this chapter)

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