The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1145 Pearl to Song Dynasty

Chapter 1145 Pearl to Song Dynasty
Zhao Dongting and others continued to march towards Chongqing Mansion together with the Feilong army.

It wasn't long before the army arrived at Ningxiang County on the west side of Changsha, but there were fast horses chasing them from Changsha city.

The knights on horseback were palace guards wearing golden armor, there were more than ten of them in total.

After the dozen or so people caught up with the Feilong army, they hurriedly reported that there was a message from the pigeons from the Chongqing government, asking to see the emperor immediately.

This matter soon alarmed Zhao Dongting.

He ordered the army to stop, and then received the palace guards.

At this time, Feige from Chongqing government suddenly sent a letter, which was nothing more than two things.Either the Chongqing government asked for help, or the Chongqing government's fighting spirit was over.

Zhao Dongting hoped it was the former.Because of this, it proves that the Chongqing government has not yet fallen.

But he also understands in his heart that this possibility is quite slim.

Miao Youli and Pang Wenbo also knew the current layout of the Imperial Army of the Song Dynasty, and they must also know that there are not many imperial troops of the Song Dynasty who can support the Chongqing government.

Just as the imperial guards knelt down to salute, Zhao Dongting said, "Hurry up and submit the secret letter!"

The leading guard hurriedly got up and delivered the secret letter to Zhao Dongting who had already stepped out of the chariot.

Zhao Dongting took the letter and opened it, sighing deeply.

Zhao Da and the others next to him knew that there would be absolutely no good news in this letter just by looking at his face.

I wanted to ask, but there were many soldiers around, so I could only hold back.

Zhao Dongting was silent for a long time before speaking, "Go back!"

He waved his hands at the palace guards, and then went back into the room holding the letter.

Everyone only saw the look of regret on Zhao Dongting's face, but few people noticed that his fingers were already a little pale due to too much force on the letter.

The letter was sent jointly by Miao Youli and Pang Wenbo.

The content of the letter did not say whether the Chongqing government is still under the control of the soldiers of the Song Dynasty.Let me just say that when Chongqing is in danger, the two of us can only lead the soldiers and the New Song Army to fight to the last moment, so as to repay the emperor Long's kindness.May the Song Dynasty be immortal, and may the emperor live forever.

The letter from Miao Youli and the two of them does not seem to be much different from the last letter.

Zhao Dongting knew that when they wrote the letter, Chongqing Mansion might not have been captured, but it was definitely in critical condition.

Otherwise, with Miao Youli's and Pang Wenbo's natures, they would not have led the army to fight to the death.They must have no way to deal with it.

All the palace guards left.

Zhao Dongting's voice came from inside the chariot again, "The army will continue to advance and will not stop in Ningxiang County."


Zhao Da took orders outside the chariot.

The army moved on.

Kong Qiangu finally couldn't help asking in the chariot: "Your Majesty, has the Chongqing Mansion fallen?"

Jun Tian is even more concerned when placed beside him.

Kong Qiangu lived in Shuzhong for more than ten years, and Jun Tianfang even came from Shuzhong.They are undoubtedly very concerned and caring about the outstanding people in the middle of Sichuan.


Zhao Dongting shook his head slowly, and couldn't help sighing again, "It's possible that we can't defend. The letter was jointly submitted by the two army commanders Miao Youli and Pang Wenbo. The determination of the lieutenant generals and the New Song Army to fight to the end."

Kong Qiangu, Jun Tianfang and others were silent when they heard the words.

Everyone would have guessed that the secret letter from Miao Youli and Pang Wenbo must have reached the last moment of life and death in the Chongqing government.

And if the Chongqing government falls, Miao Youli and Pang Wenbo, the two commanders of the Great Song Army, may also sacrifice their lives for the country.

This was something that no one in the chariot wanted to see.

However, at this moment, there is nothing anyone can do.

They are far away in Changsha, and they can only understand the situation in Chongqing.Perhaps the only thing that can be done is to let the army speed up the march.


Dasongjing Southwest Road.

At this time, ten days had passed since He Liancheng, Qu Rujian, Du Hu, Zheng Yihang and others defeated the defenders of Fengxiang, Lintao, and Lizhou East Road.

He Liancheng and Qu Rujian led the army on Lizhou East Road like a bamboo.

The officials and generals in Lizhou East Road surrendered in anticipation. Even if there were resisters, they were all destroyed by the Xixia Forbidden Army.Pang Hongguang gradually declined, and the sun was setting.

Li Zhengqin led the defenders of Lizhou West Road and returned to the territory of Lizhou West Road.

At the same time, Empress Li Xiushu sent another [-] Xixia Imperial Army and [-] Xiangqing Army to Lintao and Fengxiang Imperial Army respectively.

The Xixia government and the public were shocked.

The Empress played Mingxiu plank road very cleverly.If not, it would have been impossible to push Pang Hongguang and other high-ranking officials to a desperate situation with such an easy gesture.

If the New Song Army in Tongchuan Mansion did not come out, Pang Hongguang and others could say that they had no chance of winning.

Until now, there was no movement in Tongchuan mansion.It seems that Duan Qilin and others have already regarded Pang Hongguang and others as abandoned pawns.

At this time, Yue Peng, Zhao Hu and Xiao Yulin led the Tiankui and Tianjie armies from Junzhou to Daningjian on Kuizhou Road, approaching Kuizhou Fucheng.

As long as they also go to the frontier of the Song Dynasty, what they will face around Tongchuan Mansion will be a completely different situation.

At the same time, the Yuan Mingzhu Princess Turandot's send-off team finally rushed from Zhongdu to the territory of Song Dynasty.

They went overland to the Song Dynasty and went outside Xiangyang Mansion.

Xiangyang Mansion is in the north of Changsha, and from the central capital to Changsha, this is the place to pass.

Liu Zijun, who stayed in Kuizhou Mansion, had already received Zhao Dongting's instruction.

Even when there was no news from Turandot's sending-off team, Zhao Dongting had told him that if the Yuan Dynasty sending-off team arrived, they had to be well received.

On this kind of matter, Zhao Dongting still doesn't want people to gossip.Since he is the emperor of Song Dynasty, he has to show the emperor's mind.

You can't vent your anger on Turandot, a little girl, because of the hostility between Song and Yuan.

Furthermore, since the confrontation between Song and Yuan, it was always the Yuan army who suffered losses, and Zhao Dongting actually had no anger towards the Yuan Dynasty in his heart.

In terms of hatred, only Kublai Khan, Zhenjin, Yeluzhu and others in the Yuan Dynasty hated him.

The north gate of Xiangyang Mansion.

Since the envoys from the welcoming team first went to the Kuizhou mansion to report, Liu Zijun asked people to wear red banners at the gate of the city.

This made De Xiangyang Mansion look very happy.

What is more conspicuous than these flags, lanterns, etc., is the stone sculpture several meters high standing in the middle of the city wall.

This stone carving technique is round and natural, and it looks lifelike, so it must be from everyone's handwriting.

And his person is Lu Wenhuan.

Zhao Dongting also admired Lu Wenhuan's death for the Song Dynasty in the Jiangling Mansion.

For this ill-fated star, he spared no effort to render him a wise and powerful color.

In the history books alone, there is a chapter written solely for Lu Wenhuan.

Zhao Dongting even named Lv Wenhuan the title of General Dragon and Tiger of the Great Song Dynasty and Marquis of Zhenshan.

Although Zhao Dongting did not arrive on the day of the burial, an imperial decree arrived.Not only Lu Wenhuan was posthumously awarded, even his family members also received rewards.

This made Lu Wenhuan's old generals feel grateful to Zhao Dongting, especially Lu Yuwen.After all, he regards Lu Wenhuan as his real father.

And erecting a statue for Lu Wenhuan is even more touching.

There were few such precedents in Song Dynasty before.

Zhao Dongting is simply trying to portray Lu Wenhuan as an eternal hero in the hearts of the people in Kuizhou.Just like Marshal Yue Feiyue in the early Southern Song Dynasty.

But Zhao Dongting felt that Lu Wenhuan deserved it.

Even though he invested Yuan at the beginning, he guarded Xiangyang for the Song Dynasty for several years. This is the credit and loyalty that no one can erase.

At the beginning, Lu Wenhuan did not know how many people in Xiangyang survived.

Turandot's send-off team had just arrived outside the Kuizhou Mansion, and the eyes of most people in the team also fell on the statue of Lu Wenhuan.

A eunuch who was following the chariot gently said to the car, "His Royal Highness, we have arrived at Xiangyang Mansion."


Turandot's soft reply sounded in the carriage.

At the gate of the city, Liu Zijun and more than ten people greeted him out of the gate.Among these people are generals in the army, and there are also Xiangyang government officials who have just arrived in this Xiangyang government.

In front of the sending-off team, Liu Zijun and the others all clasped their hands together and said, "I am here to welcome Princess Mingzhu into the city by order of the emperor."

No one in the send-off team came up to answer.

Because they are not qualified.

The eunuch shouted softly into the chariot: "His Royal Highness..."

Turandot lifted the door curtain and stepped out of the carriage.

At this moment, she looked rather thin and haggard.

(End of this chapter)

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