The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1154 Before Daqing

Chapter 1154 Former Daqing
Only two days.

He Liancheng and Qu Rujian led their troops out of Xingyuan Mansion, and headed towards Tongchuan Mansion.

Although they actually have less than [-] soldiers under their command at this time, they can still express Xixia's position.The appearance is finally done.

Yue Peng, Wen Qi, and Xiao Yulin joined Du Hu and Zheng Yihang, and only set up a military camp in the north of Tongchuan Mansion.

This made the camp of the Song Army tens of miles north of Tongchuan Mansion even more overwhelming.

The barracks with tens of thousands of soldiers occupy an area much larger than some county towns.

The New Song Army in Tongchuan Mansion felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, dispatching scouts day and night to investigate.

But there was no movement in the Song Dynasty barracks.

There were many Great Song scouts patrolling around the barracks. These New Song scouts didn't dare to get too close. They didn't know that there were actually Song troops quietly leaving the camp every night.

After a few days, the barracks still looked unchanged on the surface.

But in fact, Xiao Yulin's Tianjie army has already left the barracks.

This is the layout of Zhao Dongting.

After learning that the Chongqing Mansion had fallen, he expected that the Xin Song Dynasty would not give up the Chongqing Mansion so easily.Flying dragon army alone, it is difficult to be sure of breaking through the city.

And the closest to the Chongqing government that he can mobilize are the Tiankui and Tianjie armies led by Yue Peng.

After Xiao Yulin led the army to leave the barracks one after another, he never passed by any county town, and he just walked by looking for a small path, going straight to Chongqing Mansion.

This kind of field march is nothing to the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty who often pull soldiers to practice in the mountains.

Survival in the wild is also a compulsory course for them.

Palace Master Guigu and Du Xiuwei led less than [-] new Song troops to Chongqing Mansion.

There are only less than [-] new Song soldiers in the Chongqing government, and they are still entrenched in the government office.It cannot be said that it has any control over the Chongqing government.

However, the Lord of Ghost Valley led the army to change the situation.

Nearly [-] new Song troops, which is enough to deter the people in the city.

When the people in the city saw the new Song army entering the city, they did not dare to stop them.

On this day, the New Song Army finally appeared on the city of Chongqing.

The Lord of Guigu Palace focused on deploying troops at the east gate, and there were many cannon carts at the top of the city.The military flag of the New Song Dynasty fluttered in the wind.

In the city, there are naturally various arrangements.

Another four days.

In the north of Tongchuan Mansion, He Liancheng and Qu Rujian finally led the Xixia Imperial Army and Zheng Yihang's Great Song Imperial Army to meet up.

This brought the number of Song and Xixia soldiers on the north side of Tongchuan Mansion to [-].

The atmosphere in Tongchuan Mansion was solemn.

In the rustling autumn wind, it seemed that there would be a big war at any moment.

The Vice Palace Mistress of Guigu and Chi Fenggu guarded the Tongchuan Mansion, not daring to neglect in the slightest.

Although there are more than [-] soldiers in the city, both of them know that the Song army is difficult to deal with.After all, both of them had suffered at the hands of Song Jun, especially Chi Fenggu.

The army he led to Yongzhou was defeated by the Imperial Army of the Song Dynasty.If he hadn't seen the opportunity early, maybe he wouldn't be alive now.

At this time, Zhao Dongting led the Flying Dragon Army, which was still some distance away from Chongqing Mansion.

Early September.

The Imperial Army of the Northern Song Dynasty and the Imperial Army of the Western Xia Dynasty in Tongchuan Prefecture finally pulled out their camps and continued to approach Tongchuan Prefecture.

This naturally made the atmosphere in Tongchuan mansion even more dignified.

The officials of the New Song Dynasty were also watching the movement of Tongchuan Mansion all the time.

If the Tongchuan Mansion is broken, it means that the North Gate of the New Song Dynasty is broken.It will be difficult for them to rely on.

At sunset, Yue Peng led the Song and Xixia armies and set up another camp only [-] miles away from Tongchuan Mansion.

That night, a scout from the Song Dynasty even broke through to the city of Tongchuan Mansion to check.

This seemed to be a sign that Yue Peng was about to attack Tongchuan Mansion.

It was night, and there were several more waves of soldiers patrolling the north gate of Tongchuan Mansion.

But the Palace Master of Ghost Valley didn't know that when they were nervous, the Great Song Army camp was quite lively.

This night is the eighth day of September.

Wait for dawn again, it will be the Double Ninth Festival.

Whenever the holiday season, think twice.

Yue Peng rewarded the army in the barracks.

For a long time, the Imperial Army of the Song Dynasty went to Dazhou City, which is the nearest city, to buy.

The aroma of twice-cooked pork wafted through the barracks at night.

Although alcohol is prohibited, the soldiers are still quite happy.

All major Song imperial guards in the barracks organized regiments to celebrate the approaching festive season, and there were also performances by soldiers of the art troupe.

And this art troupe was also created by Zhao Dongting.

Among them, the most popular are those female soldiers with long sleeves and good dance skills.

Even though they had just appeared on the stage, there was a wave of applause and cheers from the audience.

They are rare beautiful colors in the barracks.

In the eyes of the soldiers in the audience, they are much more fragrant than the twice-cooked pork in front of them.

Everyone said Song Jun is good.

And actually, it's really good.

After a while, even the barracks of the Xixia Forbidden Army were alarmed by the movement here.

Some generals came to watch.

Then dumbfounded.

Although the female emperor's policy mostly imitated the Song emperor's, but in their Xixia army, they did not have the habit of rewarding even Chongyang.

Looking at the graceful female soldiers on the stage, and the dishes swallowed by the soldiers of the Song Dynasty, these Xixia generals couldn't mention how envious they were.

Some people are even reluctant to go back.

Yue Peng was not stingy either, after seeing this scene, he specially asked He Liancheng and Qu Rujian to come over.

He Liancheng and Qu Rujian arrived with a lot of generals, seeing the joyful appearance of the Song army, they all smiled wryly.

If they had known that this was the situation in the Song Army barracks, they might as well not have come here!
How can I explain to the soldiers when I go back like this?
As soon as they were seated, He Liancheng and Qu Rujian felt the look of resentment from the general next to them.

This made them feel bitter towards Yue Peng, but they couldn't say such words.

Under such circumstances, Yue Peng showed such generosity that He Liancheng and Qu Rujian were stunned.

He actually asked Qu Rujian and He Liancheng to call all the Xixia Imperial Army over.There is enough meat and vegetables in the Song Dynasty military camp.

Qu Rujian and He Liancheng looked at each other and smiled wryly.

They knew Yue Peng's intentions.

If all the generals and soldiers are called over, the soldiers will inevitably yearn for Song Jun.In the future, they will have to create such a battle in the army during the festivals.

More importantly, the soldiers will definitely get closer to the Song Army after having fun with the Song Army.

They were all worried about whether Yue Peng had ulterior motives, planning for the future of Song and Xixia.

Controlling hegemony is not limited to siege of cities.Just like a flame, there are slow fire and strong fire.

The fierce fire, like a large army, is invincible, which is also the policy used by the Song Dynasty against the Yuan, New Song and Dali.

The slow fire is gentle, like moistening things silently.This may also be the Song Dynasty's policy towards Xixia.

Over the past two years, Da Song has given Xixia a lot of support, which has already made the Xixia government and the public praise Da Song quite well, as if they regard Da Song as a big brother.

It was hard for He Liancheng and Qu Rujian to imagine how Xixia would face the Song State if even the main army no longer had any alienation from the Song Army.

Perhaps in a few decades, Xixia will unknowingly become a vassal state of Song Dynasty?
As generals in the DPRK and China, they certainly don't want that to happen.

Only now, looking at the wistful looks of the generals around them, it made the two of them very embarrassed.

"Ha ha."

When the two were silent, Yue Peng suddenly laughed softly: "If the two generals find it troublesome, Yue can ask the soldiers to send all the food to your barracks."

These words surprised De Qu Rujian and He Liancheng, and they were not sure what Yue Peng was thinking.

But at their level, they still believe that Yue Peng's every move must have a purpose.

Is it just for friendship?

After pondering for a while, He Liancheng cupped his hands to Yue Peng and said, "So, thank you Marshal Yue."

No matter what Yue Peng's intentions were, it was to avoid the situation where the two armies were getting close.

Not long after staying in the Great Song army camp, He Liancheng and Qu Rujian thanked Yue Peng again, and then led the generals to leave.

The two walked in front of the generals, so they had to talk in low voices.

He Liancheng looked back at the brightly lit Song Army barracks, and couldn't help asking Qu Rujian: "General Qu, what do you think Yue Peng is trying to do with this move?"

He really couldn't figure it out.

Because if Yue Peng wanted to "get closer" between the two armies, he wouldn't have offered to send food to their barracks later on.

In this way, although the Xixia soldiers will still lament the generosity of the Song army, they will definitely not be grateful.It may even be taken for granted.

After all, in name, they came here to help the Song Dynasty destroy Xixia.

Song Jun ate and drank a lot, and it was right to give them some.

(End of this chapter)

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