Chapter 1189
In the evening of this day, taking the opportunity to have dinner with all the girls at the same table, Zhao Dongting said: "I plan to go to Xixia in the near future."

All the girls were slightly surprised.

Immediately, Le Chan asked, "What are you going to Xixia for?"

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly realized something, and his surprise became even worse in an instant, "Could it be her..."

Zhao Dongting nodded awkwardly, "The empress is pregnant with my child, and she was born a few days before Shu Ya."

The girls were slightly stunned.

Immediately, Yue Wu's eyes became a little resentful.

Even Li Xiushu gave birth to a child for Zhao Dongting, but her stomach has not responded yet.

Le Chan gently put down her chopsticks, and said softly: "But now it's almost the end of the year, if you go now, won't you be able to celebrate the New Year in the palace?"

Zhao Dongting showed a guilty look on his face, and said: "I also want to stay in the palace to accompany you to celebrate the new year. After the new year, I have to leave for Lin'an Mansion immediately, and this trip to Xixia, I have to go, so..."

Seeing what he said, the girls were a little disappointed, but they didn't say anything more after all.

No matter whether Zhao Dongting was going to visit the child or had other things to do, it seemed that they had no reason to stop them.

Ji Lewu pouted and said, "Then you have to stay with us these two days."

Zhao Dongting laughed, "Okay, okay. I'll be with you for these two days."

All the girls laughed.

The next day, Zhao Dongting took all the daughters out of the palace.There is Jun Tianfang, a pseudo-extreme master, by his side.

Up to now, newly recruited masters and geniuses from all over the world have gathered in Changsha, and Dali's Hong Wutian, Zhu Zongyao and others have all returned. Wu Dingtang can be said to be full of masters and talents.

After Zhao Dongting took his daughters out of the palace, he first visited the homes of Qiandajie Lu Xiufu, Zhang Shijie, Su Liuyi, Wang Wenfu and other high officials in the court.

Although they didn't bring any presents, it was already a great honor for Lu Xiufu and his family members.

It is very rare for the emperor and all the concubines to visit at the same time.Even if it's just chatting about family matters, it's enough to show the importance they attach to these courtiers.

All the veterans are grateful for this.

As everyone knows, Zhao Dongting's move actually has some intentions.

He wants to make it a custom.

People like Lu Xiufu are going to retire after all. Now that they have developed such a habit, they will visit them every year in the future, so that these old officials will not be left out in the cold.

Zhao Dongting knew well that the stability of the imperial court could not be separated from people like Lu Xiufu.Even if they retire in the future, they will have great influence in the court.

Now that they are top-notch officials, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are full of peaches and plums.And most of their disciples and children also serve in the court.

Finally, Zhao Dongting and his party dined at the home of Chen Jianghan, Minister of Finance.

Chen Jianghan, who has always been stingy, was very generous this time, and many delicacies from the family were served on the table.

This made Zhao Dongting chuckle, "It turns out that Chen Shangshu's family is so rich."

This seems to be a joke, but it also has a vigilant meaning.

As the head of the finance department, Chen Jianghan has an extremely important position in the court.If there is a slight slack in the matter of receiving gifts, then it may not be able to stop in the future.

Zhao Dongting is absolutely unwilling to see such a thing happen.

He didn't want internal problems to arise while Da Song was not stable externally.Of course, even if it is external stability, he also does not want it.

Corrupt officials, this is absolutely to be guarded against.

Chen Jianghan heard what he meant, stood up hastily, and explained: "This is all given by Yue Peng."

Zhao Dongting was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded, "I see."

This topic can be regarded as the past.

As the generalissimo of the Xianglong Military Region, Yue Peng has a very high salary.It's normal to give these things to Chen Jianghan.

In fact, Chen Jianghan's salary is also affordable, but Zhao Dongting doesn't think he will be willing to buy it.

After the meal, Zhao Dongting and the girls did not stay at Chen Jianghan's house for long.Leave Qianda Street and walk towards the inner city of Changsha.

As soon as I left Zicheng, it seemed to be much more lively.

There are a lot of shops on the street.

Zhao Dongting looked at the bustling streets and people coming and going, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Thinking back when he first traveled to the Southern Song Dynasty, there were only Leizhou and other places left in the Great Song Dynasty. Even if they were not affected by the flames of war, how could there be such a grand scene?

In those few years, it was not easy for the common people to live, let alone eat and drink enough.

And in just a few years, he built Da Song into what it is now.This is undoubtedly something to be proud of, but also a sense of satisfaction.

Shopping seems to be a woman's nature.

Although there was nothing lacking in the palace, the girls still had a great time shopping afterwards.Check out this shop, check out that stall.

Zhao Dongting is very leisurely and Jun Tianfang follows behind.

Most of the time, Jun Tianfang's eyes fell on Yunjing, and at some point he suddenly sighed, "If my daughter is still alive, she would be Yunjing's age."

Zhao Dongting was slightly moved.

In fact, Jun Tianfang said this a long time ago.Zhao Dongting also understands that Jun Tianfang treats Yunjing as his half daughter.

But these few days, Jun Tian was not used to staying in the Wuding Hall.

This green-clothed sword fairy was used to wandering around the world for a long time, and was not used to this kind of life, but he was unwilling to live in Zhang Jue's house, disturbing the old life of Zhang Jue and Qin Xiang.

Although he didn't say it clearly, Zhao Dongting knew that the Tsing Yi Sword Immortal wanted to leave Changsha.

Jianghu is more suitable for him.

But Zhao Dongting undoubtedly did not want him to leave.

Juntian releases the pseudo-extreme realm, which has great significance in Wudingtang.What's more, Yunjing couldn't bear him to leave.

Hearing Jun Tianfang's emotion, Zhao Dongting pondered for a while and said, "Senior Jun, how about letting Yunjing recognize you as foster father?"

There was some emotion in Jun Tianfang's eyes, but he still said in his mouth: "How does this make it, she is now the noble concubine of the imperial court. Besides, she is also my apprentice."

Zhao Dongting said with a smile: "Master is the master, and the adoptive father is the adoptive father! In fact, it was Yunjing who mentioned this to me, so I just told you. She lost her father when she was young, you see..."

Jun Tianfang was even more moved, "Yunjing told me that?"

Zhao Dongting nodded affirmatively, "I just didn't say anything because I was afraid that you like freedom."

What he said is of course a lie.

Yunjing didn't mention it.

But Zhao Dongting also understood that if he told Yunjing about this matter, Yunjing would definitely be very willing.

It's just Jun Tianfang's meaning.

Jun Tianfang likes the world as his home, but the actual reason is that he has no family that he cares about.

To put it bluntly, there is no element of loneliness in this carefree time.


Jun Tianfang hesitated for a while, "That's good!"

Zhao Dongting showed joy, "Then find an auspicious day, and I will let Yunjing officially recognize you as the adoptive father. From now on, I will have to call you the head of the country."

Jun Tianfang waved his hands again and again, "No need, no need. The old man is just a adoptive father, but he can't be called by the emperor."

Zhao Dongting is the emperor, if you call him the head of the country.That would be tantamount to treating him as a real father, which is completely different from being only considered a foster father by Yunjing.

Zhao Dongting smiled and said, "Yunjing is my wife, and you are Yunjing's father, so you are also my father-in-law. Why can't it be done?"

He waved his hand, "I will make up my mind on this matter. Senior, you don't need to say more."

Jun Tianfang hesitated to speak, his eyes once again fell on Yunjing, with a look of warmth flowing past.

In fact, Zhao Dongting wanted to keep him in the palace, and he could see it.But even so, Zhao Dongting's move still moved him a little.

Maybe, I will have a home again in the future?


How many years has this been a feeling?
In the past, the word home would only make him feel strange and a little afraid, but now, this word seemed to make him feel a little warm suddenly.

Looking at Yun Jing who was walking hand in hand with the girls in front, a smile gradually appeared on the corner of Tsing Yi Sword Immortal's mouth.

But at this time, Zhao Dongting, who was walking a little ahead of Jun Tianfang, saw an unexpected person.

He had only met this person once, and he didn't even know his name.

But after he was slightly stunned, he still walked towards this person.

When the girls saw this man, they were also slightly startled.Because it is really hard to see such people on the street.

Zhao Dongting walked up, the man also saw him, but he didn't remember, his eyes quickly passed Zhao Dongting again.

It wasn't until he saw Yunjing and other women walking behind Zhao Dongting that he was slightly surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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