Chapter 1207
This astonishingly young Jusheng is Li Goudan who met him face to face on the way to Longhu Mountain.

The name is Li Zhaoen.

After parting with Zhao Dongting that year, Li Godan lived with his parents in Maoming County.

With the care of the wealthy businessman Master Ma, Liu Goudan's family situation is getting better and better.Later, just as Zhao Dongting implemented the reform of the imperial examination system and the reform of the school system, he entered the school to study.

This little guy who has never been to school has amazed countless teachers after entering the gate.

Zhao Dongting set up elementary school, junior high school and Jinxue.Most of the students either take the imperial examination or go out to work after they enter school and graduate.

However, Li Goudan completed all the elementary school courses in just two years when he was in elementary school.

Then for another two years, I even completed all the courses I took in the entrance school by myself.

At the age of just over ten years old, he signed up for the imperial examination.

This caused a sensation in Maoming County at that time.

Some people say that although this kid has some talent, he is also too ignorant.Taking the imperial examination at such an age, it must be impossible to be a scholar.

However, Li Goudan passed the county examination in Maoming County like a rock, and became the youngest scholar in Maoming County.

Even the magistrate of Maoming County had to hear his name, so he specially received him, and pushed him to the minister of Gaozhou who presided over the examination in the name of an extremely outstanding talent in the county.

Even before Li Goudan went to Gaozhou Fucheng to participate in the test, his name was spread in Gaozhou Fucheng.

A scholar just over ten years old.

This has never happened in the entire Song Dynasty.

Of course, everyone still didn't trust him to pass the examination.

At such an age, there must be a great element of luck to be able to pass the rural examination.If he can still pass the test, it would be too smart.

However, Li Goudan once again stunned those who did not believe that he could pass the examination.

This year's Gaozhou Examination, Li Goudan not only passed, but also passed with top grades.

He has not been promoted to the entrance school, let alone a higher university.At the time of the examination, I applied for the subject of economics.

There are as many as hundreds of students applying for the economics course among the masters, and he, after passing the written test and interview, ranked fifth in the final score.

Many of his expositions and opinions on economics have even amazed and ashamed the old masters who interviewed him.

Economics was a new subject that Zhao Dongting set up later, and everyone learned it from scratch.Although these old masters often do research, they also ask themselves, they may not be better than Li Zhao'en.

Ever since, even though Li Goudan was very young, the examiners from Gaozhou decided to send his name to the imperial city to participate in the palace examination after deliberation.

There is no distinction between young and old in learning, and those who have achieved it come first.

After all, the emperor never said that students who have not graduated from school cannot participate in the palace examination.

As for whether Li Goudan can become an official at this age if Li Goudan passes the palace examination, that is not something that Gaozhou examiners need to consider.

This is up to the emperor to decide.

Moreover, the Qin Dynasty was fashionable and Gan Luo was 12 years old as his prime minister!

After all the students entered the examination room one after another, Yuelu Academy suddenly became quiet.

Many examiners invigilated the examination in the examination room, and the chief examiner Chen Wenlong led a few senior officials from the court to make a tour.

Unsurprisingly, he asked the dean of Yuelu Academy who was accompanying him, "Dean Luo, I heard that there is a candidate who is just over ten years old this year. Which examination room is he in?"

Dean Luo hurriedly replied: "It's true. This student's name is Li Zhao'en. He came from Gaozhou, Guangnan West Road. Although he is young, he has a lot of talent. He was listed in the Gaozhou Palace Examination in the Gaozhou Palace Examination. The student took the top five. The deputy state secretary wants to meet?"


Chen Wenlong nodded lightly and said with a smile: "We have never produced such outstanding talents in Song Dynasty. Of course, I have to meet them. They are the future of Song Dynasty!"

"Deputy Secretary of State, please follow me."

Upon hearing this, Dean Luo stretched out his hand to lead the way.

A group of people walked towards the examination room where Li Goudan was.

There was no sound in the examination room.

Dozens of candidates are writing quickly.

In the past, Yuelu Academy was full of students, so the examination room still has a strong scholarly atmosphere.

Chen Wenlong sighed softly: "With these students, when we grow old, we don't have to worry about not having talented people in the court."

Dean Luo couldn't help nodding beside him.

Before the emperor implemented the new imperial examination policy, the imperial examinations in the Song Dynasty, which had been decaying for many years, could only be described as a miasma.

At that time, it was mostly based on nepotism and hereditary succession. How could there be such a prosperous scene now?
Chen Wenlong stepped into the examination room.

In fact, he had noticed Li Goudan before, and now that he walked into the examination room, he found Li Goudan very quickly.

Li Goudan was sitting in the front row, burying his head in his book.His not yet fully developed figure is really quite eye-catching.

Chen Wenlong walked lightly to his side, without making a sound, just looked down at Li Goudan's examination paper.

Sensing someone beside him, Li Goudan looked up and saw that it was Chen Wenlong. He was slightly startled, then smiled shyly, and lowered his head again.

He was afraid that he didn't know, but his unintentional move made Chen Wenlong sigh in his heart.

Compared with the warm and earnest eyes of other students, Li Goudan's pure eyes are invaluable.

After seeing what Li Goudan wrote on the examination paper, Chen Wenlong couldn't help showing surprise in his eyes.

This year's exam questions were not written by Zhao Dongting, but by him.

The economics examination question is what is the root of the economic development of the Song Dynasty.

Chen Wenlong was in charge of the economy in the court, and of course he had some opinions on this.Now seeing the contents of Li Goudan's examination paper, it is quite similar to what he thought in his heart.

The beginning of Li Goudan is that the economy of the Song Dynasty was based on agriculture and based on business.

Prospering agriculture can keep people fed.

Prospering commerce can make people rich.

The foundation of business is work.


Chen Wenlong looked down Li Goudan's exam paper, and he became more and more surprised the more he read it.

In the end, his eyes couldn't stop falling on Li Goudan's face.

Even for him, it is hard to imagine that such a mere child could have such profound insights on how to develop the economy of the Great Song Dynasty.

Before, he heard Zhao Dongting talk about the general policy of the Song Dynasty for economic development.There are many things that have not been implemented yet, but what Li Goudan wrote in the test paper is quite consistent.


This is undoubtedly a very fresh term in this era.

Chen Wenlong only heard from Zhao Dongting.

Absolutely few folks know this term.

However, in Li Goudan's examination paper, it is also written that the foundation of business is work, which is enough to show that Li Goudan actually has a slightly vague concept of industry.

Only seeing the end, Chen Wenlong sighed in his heart.

Li Goudan's writing is good. Prospering industry can really make Song Dynasty become a great empire at the fastest speed.

However, the emperor once stated clearly in front of him that he did not want to develop the industry.

Industry will change the development course of the whole world.

Chen Wenlong still remembers the extremely complicated expression on the emperor's face when he said these words.

Therefore, Li Goudan's book is correct.But in the Song Dynasty, it was very difficult to achieve.

Afterwards, Chen Wenlong went to look at the examination papers of the other candidates.

For those who have only seen Li Goudan, there are very few students whose intentions can make him feel amazed again.

Most scholars say that business should be the main focus, such as reducing taxes to encourage business and so on.

These, in fact, have never touched on the fundamentals.

After a while, Chen Wenlong stepped out of the examination room.

Dean Luo and others were waiting outside the house. When they saw Chen Wenlong coming out, Dean Luo hurriedly asked, "Deputy State Order, how are you?"

Chen Wenlong only nodded slightly, but remained silent.

He is the chief examiner. Although he was surprised by Li Goudan's talent, it is inconvenient to express his opinion now.

After all, Dean Luo is also one of the examiners.

He didn't want his attitude to affect Dean Luo's judgment.

In the past few days, the imperial examination was considered to be over.

The city of Changsha is even more lively.

Many candidates who finished the palace examination were finally relieved. Some went out of the city to play in the mountains and rivers, while others stayed in the city to wait for the results to be released.

Accompanied by his father, Li Goudan also rented an inn in Changsha City.

He didn't go out to play like many students. After the exam, he just stayed in the inn to read.

If anyone came to his room, he would be quite surprised.

It is hard to imagine that he has only been in Changsha for a few days, and there are already many books in the room.

These books are still brand new, no doubt recently purchased.

(End of this chapter)

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