Chapter 1210
In the blink of an eye, more than ten days passed.

Wu Amiao and Jun Tianfang finally arrived in Changsha City with Li Zuoxiao and He's mother and son.

All of them rented cars and horses on the way, so even though the mountains were high and the roads were far away, they didn't seem to be busy.

After the carriage entered the city, the lady of the He family lifted the curtain and looked out of the window with a look of surprise on her pretty face.

Changsha's prosperity far exceeded her imagination.

She couldn't see such a grand scene in Xiping Mansion.It is said that the Song Dynasty was prosperous and prosperous, and now it seems that what is said is true.

At this moment, there is hope in her eyes.

Looking down at the child in her arms, she murmured softly in her heart: "My child, I hope we can start our lives here again... Mother will definitely raise you up."

After saying this in my heart, I couldn't help looking at Wu Amiao again.

She was employed by this young master of the Wu family.From now on, the lives of their mother and son will all depend on how Wu Amiao will treat them.

Here she has no relatives, and can only rely on Wu Amiao.

Just when her eyes fell on Wu Amiao's head, Mrs. He found that Wu Amiao was looking straight at her.

This made her face blush, and she quickly hugged the child in her arms.

Wu Amiao's eyes were too aggressive just now, and she was looking at the huge place that shouldn't be seen.

Although it was the pride of the lady of the He family, it was embarrassing to be stared at like this.

Wu Amiao came back to her senses, her face full of embarrassment, and she quickly glanced away.

It's just that this guy has an old problem, he likes to wipe his saliva after seeing women.No, the moment he tilted his head, he habitually raised his hand and wiped it at the corner of his mouth.

The lady of the He family almost dripped water from her face.

It's not like she couldn't see Wu Amiao's thoughtfulness for her.But after all, she and Wu Amiao had known each other not long ago, and besides, her husband was still dead.

She thought about leaving.

But due to reality, if she leaves Wu Amiao, she will have nowhere to go.

Of course, the more important reason is that although Wu Amiao is a little perverted, the lady of the He family can also tell that he is a good person.

This young master of the Wu family is obscene, but he is not obscene.

At least, on the way from Xixia to Changsha, he just watched and didn't touch anything.

Jun Tianfang was also sitting in the chariot, although his eyes were drooping slightly, he was not actually meditating.Seeing all this in his eyes, he couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

Wu Amiao is a genius in the way of swordsmanship, especially in the way of sword intent, which does not belong to the emperor's talent, but this kind of heart...



The wheels of the carriage were driving on the street paved with bluestone slabs, making a crackling sound.

There was a few minutes of silence in the car.

The lady of the He family looked down at her child, but she still didn't dare to look up.

Wu Amiao also looked out the window with embarrassment on her face.

The groom driving ahead said, "My lord, where should I go?"

Wu Amiao jumped out of the chariot in a hurry.

Then his voice sounded outside, "Go straight ahead."

As soon as the voice fell, his head got into the carriage again, and asked Jun Tianfang: "Senior Jun, are we going to the palace or my house?"

Jun Tianfang glanced at Li Zanxiao who was sleeping soundly next to him, and said, "Let's go to the palace!"

Li Zanxiao is the emperor's parent and son, so he always has to be sent to the palace to feel at ease.


Wu Amiao nodded, then retracted her head again.


At this time, the lady of the He family raised her head and said in surprise, "You are not father and son?"

There was undisguised anger and disappointment in her eyes.

Because on the way to Changsha, Wu Amiao always referred to Jun Tianfang as his father, and never told her the truth.

Wu Amiao's face turned a little embarrassing for a moment, wondering: "Madam, please don't be angry. It is really difficult for us to hide it all the way. I will explain it to you later."

Jun Tianfang also nodded slightly beside him.

The lady of the He family turned her head and looked out of the window. At this moment, tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

She just felt full of grievances.

Originally, he wanted to follow Wu Amiao to Changsha, so that he could start his life again.But now it seems that what he encountered was inhuman.

And her weeping appearance with pear blossoms and rain naturally made Wu Amiao, who was thinking about her, a little at a loss for a moment.

He got half of his body into the carriage, hurriedly waved his hands and said, "We are really not bad people."

The lady of the He family just cried, but didn't speak.

After all, she is just a weak woman.

Perhaps by now, whether Wu Amiao is a bad person or not is not so important.Even if she could be tricked into coming to Changsha because of her fancy, there was nothing she could do.

Here, she doesn't even have a place to stay.

With the child again, she doesn't seem to have any other choice except to continue to follow Wu Amiao.

The carriage went deeper into the city.

When he heard Jun Tianfang said that he was going to the palace, the coachman also showed great surprise.

But he was just an ordinary driver, so he didn't dare to ask more questions.

Even before reaching Qiandajie, the carriage was stopped by guards outside Qiandajie.

The coachman said to the chariot: "Young master, I can only send it here."

As soon as the words fell, Wu Amiao got out of the chariot.

As soon as he showed up, the dozen or so guards knelt on the ground on one knee, "Kowtow to the deputy commander!"

The coachman was dumbfounded.

The lady of the He family in the car was also dumbfounded.

They had never thought that this young man, who was dressed in splendor but had no airs, turned out to be the deputy commander of the Great Song Dynasty.

And it looks like he is in command of the imperial guards.

Wu Amiao only said to the guards: "Let us in!"

More than a dozen guards hurried out of the way.

The coachman continued to drive deep.

So until the gate of the palace.

At this point, even with Wu Amiao, it is impossible for ordinary carriages to enter the palace.

Wu Amiao went back to the car and carefully picked up Li Zuoxiao, then looked at the lady of the He family who still had tears on her face, and sighed softly.

Twisted melons are not sweet.

He had heard Zhao Dongting whisper this sentence in his ear many times.

Although Wu Amiao likes the lady of the He family, she is actually quite sensitive because of her growth environment.The lady of the He family didn't trust her, so it would be useless to force her to stay.

After thinking about it for a while, she said to Mrs. He's family: "If you don't want to follow me... I can build a house for you in Changsha City. From now on, you and your mother will live in Changsha City."

The lady of the He family was startled slightly, and bit her lip.

Then she asked, "Where does the general plan to take me?"

Wu Amiao said: "If you want, you can also go to my house. My wife is pregnant with a fetus and needs someone to take care of her."

The lady of the He family looked up at him, quite resentful.

This guy has a wife and never said it.

But this is not too important, after all, there are not a few people whose wives are still out looking for women these days.

About ten seconds later, Mrs. He finally nodded slightly.

Although Wu Amiao said that she would settle down in Changsha city for her, it is not a problem for her to be orphaned and widowed.She has to run a family and raise children, which is not something she can easily afford as a woman.

And when I work at Wu Amiao's house, I can always live comfortably.

Since Wu Amiao is the deputy commander of the Great Song Dynasty, he would not be a bad person after all.If it was bad, she wouldn't say buy a house for her, and take her captive to her home, she had no choice.

The lady of the He family is from Xixia, and she is only judging these things based on the situation in Xixia.I didn't know that if Wu Amiao dared to do this, Zhao Dongting would have to break his legs, three legs.

Immediately, the lady of the He family followed Wu Amiao and Jun Tian to get off the car with the child in her arms.

The guards at the gate of the palace all knelt on one knee and saluted Wu Amiao and Jun Tianfang.

It was only then that Mrs. He knew that Jun Tianfang was not a simple person.

Several people went to the palace.

The coachman watched eagerly, his face full of bitterness, and he hesitated to speak several times.

But Wu Amiao forgot to pay for the carriage.

But he is just an ordinary coachman, how dare he mention it?

Fortunately, when Wu Amiao walked to the gate of the palace, she finally remembered this matter.Looking back, he saw the coachman who was looking forward to it, and patted himself on the forehead.

He smiled and said, "Forget, forget."

Then he took out a silver bill from his pocket and threw it at the coachman.

The silver bills, as thin as cicada's wings, were shot at the coachman like a hidden weapon.Then, it suddenly fell down again.

The coachman caught it in a daze.

Wu Amiao waved her hand and said in high spirits, "You don't need to look for the extra ones."

This is Wu Amiao.

Life can be enjoyed to the fullest.

Big man, when it's time to do it, do it.The wind blows the ass, and the wealth goes to people's peace.

(End of this chapter)

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