The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1212 Goudan High School

Chapter 1212 Goudan High School
At this moment, Wen Tianxiang finally understood Zhao Dongting and the empress's plan thoroughly, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty and the empress should take this opportunity to completely pacify those big clans in Xixia, right?"

"of course."

Zhao Dongting didn't hide it from Wen Tianxiang, and said bluntly: "These big clans have controlled the military divisions of Xixia for decades. Xixia wants long-term peace and stability. Only by getting rid of them can they be done once and for all. Even if these people are unable to prevent Xixia from becoming a vassal of our Song Dynasty, in the future, they will It is a factor of instability, even if they are not completely pulled out, they must be made to lose power."

Wen Tianxiang only nodded slightly and stopped talking.

After hearing Zhao Dongting's words, he was completely at ease about the situation in Song Dynasty and Xixia.

The emperor can completely control the court of the Song Dynasty, and Xixia also has a female emperor who cooperates internally and externally. If this can't make those Xixia clans lose their power, that would be a strange thing.

Only on the next day, Zhao Dongting, Wen Tianxiang and others led the army and continued towards Lin'an Mansion.

During the Western Xia Dynasty, Zhao Dongting did not tell anyone except Wen Tianxiang and a few others.

Because Chen Wenlong only needs to raise food and grass in Changsha, and with the military quality of the veterans in Xianglong Military Region and Shuzhong Military Region, they can go out in a very short time.

And it is not a matter of time before the Xixia army will approach the border of the Song Dynasty.

Zhao Dongting was happy to pretend to be confused.

At this time, Da Song acted defenseless, which somewhat relieved De He Liancheng and Qu Rujian from being so nervous.

Of course, if the news of Chen Wenlong's secret raising of food and grass spread to Xixia, it would be a different matter.

But even if He Liancheng and Qu Rujian were fully prepared, the Great Song Imperial Army would not be afraid.

In the city of Changsha, the list of new imperial examinations was finally announced after the high expectations of all the candidates.

Officials in red silk went to Qianda Street to release the announcement.

There were [-] subjects in the imperial examination in the Song Dynasty, with a total of [-] lists.

These lists are all based on big red paper, and the list of students in the list is written in gold ink on the top.

The moment the list was just released, the crowd instantly boiled up.

It was another lively scene where some people cried and some laughed.

Li Goudan followed his father to wait and see among the crowd.

He is underdeveloped, too short.His father was illiterate, so he had to carry him on his shoulders.

Just when Li Goudan was carried on his shoulders, his father couldn't stop asking, "Did you hit it? Did you hit it?"

Li Goudan's eyes were directly on the list of economics subjects.

Sweep from top to bottom.

In just a few moments, surprise appeared in his eyes, and he shouted: "I've won! Father! I've won!"

His father's eyes also radiated brilliance, "What's the ranking?"

Li Goudan said: "Economics No. 15!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

His father didn't put him down on his shoulders, but there were tears in his eyes.

This was something he hadn't even dared to think about before.

Their old Li family must be honored because of Li Zhaoen.

Among the surrounding crowd, many people also looked at Li Goudan.Not for anything else, just because he yelled the word "hit".

Nowadays, more and more scholars are applying for the imperial examination in Song Dynasty, and the threshold is getting higher and higher.The proportion of Jinshi who can be awarded is getting smaller and smaller than in previous years.

Take this year as an example, there are nearly 3000 candidates in Song Dynasty, and very few people have not signed up for the palace examination.However, the number of Jinshi admitted by the imperial court was only a few hundred.

Seeing Li Godan's immature appearance, these students were even more surprised.

Some people feel ashamed.

They are much older than Li Goudan, but they failed in Li Goudan's high school.

People have to die more than people, and currency and goods have to be thrown away, but that's all.

Later, the name of Li Zhaoen was also spread among the crowd.

The youngest scholar, the youngest Juren, the youngest Jinshi.

Li Goudan is bound to become famous among scholars in the Song Dynasty.Maybe even if there are many people in the past, some people will still talk about it, as long as no one breaks his record.

Soon, people who looked like housekeepers flocked to Li Goudan and his son.They didn't come here for anything else, they all handed over their own invitations.

This has happened every year in previous years.

In Changsha City, and even the officials and gentry in the surrounding cities outside Changsha City, they all want to get close to these new scholars.

After all, no one can tell what achievements these new scholars will have in the future.

However, the prosperity of the family requires talents from generation to generation.

As for those wealthy businessmen, they want to combine government and business.In this way, it will be more or less convenient in the future.

Take Mao Jue, who was in the first imperial examination high school, for example, his family is even poorer than Zhong Jian.When I went to Changsha for the palace test, I couldn't even fill my stomach.

It was a wealthy family in Changsha who helped him, so that he could take the imperial examination with peace of mind.

Later, in Mao Jue High School, out of gratitude for his kindness, he also married the daughter of the rich man.

Now Mao Jue is working on Dali Road, and his position is similar to that of Zhong Jian.In the court of the Great Song Dynasty, they can be regarded as the big officials of the frontier, and the status of the rich man has also risen with the tide.

Although Mao's promotion does not mean that they can do anything wrong and do business by improper means.But at least, no one dared to use improper means to deal with them.

That's the benefit.

It's a pity that Li Goudan is still young, looking at the butlers who are swarming over, he is just at a loss.

As for his father, his expression was similar to his.

He is just an honest farmer, at most he has dealt with Master Ma.At this time, after everyone who came to him reported their families, and judging by their attitudes, I am afraid that their families are more successful than Mr. Ma's family.Even many of the butlers are more generous than Master Ma.

While everyone was chattering, Li Goudan's father just pleaded guilty again and again, and hurriedly carried Li Goudan and walked out of the crowd.

And he didn't know that this scene also fell into the eyes of someone not far from the side.

This person is the butler of Chen Wenlong's family.

Seeing that Li Goudan and his son left like this, the housekeepers were slightly stunned.

However, he quickly realized it and walked towards the Jinshi from the rest of the high schools.

Li Goudan is a great talent, but he is not the only choice.

To put it bluntly, in order to find Jinshi willing to be close to their own family among such a crowd, all they can do is to cast a wide net.

After a while, I watched Li Goudan and his son walk away.The housekeeper of Chen Wenlong's family also left the crowd with a smile on his face, and went back to Chen Wenlong's mansion.

It was quite late at night, and Chen Wenlong returned to the Chen Mansion with a tired face.

The old butler was waiting at the gate.

Chen Wenlong saw him as soon as he got off the sedan chair, with a slight smile on his face, he said, "How is it?"

The goatee steward said: "Master, then Li Zhao'en and his son have not accepted any invitation from any family."

Chen Wenlong's smile became wider, and he sighed repeatedly: "It's rare, it's rare..."

The goatee housekeeper echoed, "It's really rare. According to a small inquiry, Li Zhao'en's family is not rich, but a family that can barely be regarded as a wealthy family. Facing so many rich and powerful families, they are still unmoved, really. It surprised even the villains! Master, your piercing eyes are really admirable."

Hearing these words, Chen Wenlong couldn't help showing a little complacency, "Over the years, these eyes have always seen many people of all kinds."

I just don't know what he would think if he knew that Li Goudan and his son didn't accept the invitation just because they were timid.

In Changsha City, the lively atmosphere has not passed.

Although the list has been announced, the next appointment of officials is undoubtedly also the highlight.

In the past, all the students were eagerly waiting for the list, but now, it is the new scholars of various disciplines who are eagerly waiting for the appointment of the imperial court.

In previous years, the ranks of Jinshi in various subjects were high and low.But the size of their official positions granted by the imperial court is not entirely determined by their ranking.

And what kind of official they can be appointed, and even which city, state or county they are assigned to serve, will have a great impact on their future official career.

Probably the most indifferent to this is Li Goudan and his son.

Being able to go to high school already made them extremely happy.

When the imperial examination just ended, the father and son just stayed in the inn.This time, it was to travel around the city of Changsha.

Of course, this is not entirely because they don't care about what kind of official position they will hold in the future.More importantly, I'm afraid they don't know much about the official title system in the court.

After all, Li Goudan was still too young.

His father, too, was far from well-informed.

(End of this chapter)

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