The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1216 Chaos at the City Gate

Chapter 1216 Chaos at the City Gate
Zhao Dongting patted Xiyi's shoulder with a smile, "Although Chen Shangshu is a strict person, as long as you don't open your mouth, he will allocate the money that should be allocated to you."

Xiyi looked at Zhao Dongting anxiously, "Why don't you go talk to Chen Shangshu, Your Majesty?"

Zhao Dongting shook his head, "I have given full power to the financial affairs of the Song Dynasty to Chen Shangshu, so I will not interfere more. Although I am the emperor of the Song Dynasty, I don't just regard the Song Dynasty as my private residence in my heart. .”

He looked outside the hall, "This magnificent Song Dynasty was built with the painstaking efforts of countless soldiers and subjects. The Great Song Dynasty is the Great Song Dynasty of all Song people in the world. The state has national laws and systems, and no one can act recklessly. , including me. If not, there will be civil strife in the Song Dynasty in the future. Do you understand what I said?"

Xi Yi pondered.

After a long while, he frowned slightly and said, "Your Majesty, you are the emperor. Don't you just put the power in the hands of the officials below? Don't worry?"

Zhao Dongting smiled lightly, and replied: "That's why I want to gradually improve the official organization of our Song Dynasty. The officials manage the people, the people supervise the officials, and the officials supervise each other. Only in this way can the Song Dynasty truly establish a foundation for the future."

Xi Yi was moved, "Are you even the emperor under supervision?"

There was a slight strangeness in Zhao Dongting's eyes, "You don't have to ask about this. In the future, I will give you and the whole world an answer."

After finishing speaking, he put his arms around Xiyi's shoulders, "Let's go. I haven't seen you in many years, let's go have a drink with me."

Xiyi didn't ask any more questions, and followed Zhao Dongting out of the hall, walking towards the depths of the palace.

On the way, the two did not talk about state affairs.Zhao Dongting only asked about the situation of He Qingyi and Xi Cunzhong, Xiyi's son.

Counting the time, Xi Cunzhong should be seven years old by now.At this age, he should be in school.

Xiyi answered one by one.

When talking about his family, his face was full of satisfaction.

After so many years, except for He Qingyi, he never married again.It can be said that he loves He Qingyi very deeply.

It wasn't long before the laughter of the two resounded in the palace.

The monarch and his ministers hooked their shoulders and walked towards the depths of the palace, as if they had returned to the original appearance in Leizhou, but there was no such thing as a relationship between the monarch and his ministers.

After all, Xiyi was young, and he knew Zhao Dongting well when he was in Leizhou.In front of Zhao Dongting, he did not abide by the rules and etiquette like those old officials.

But this is what makes Zhao Dongting most comfortable.

As an emperor, he didn't want to be alone.Even after all these years, this is still the way of thinking.

The next day.

Zhao Dongting got up just before dawn.

First, he practiced internal strength and swordsmanship in the palace courtyard, and then he groomed himself, put on the royal robe, and went to the palace hall.

Up to now, his swordsmanship has also reached an extremely superb level.

In the past, Le Wu gave him the grass ring stabbed by the sword, but now let alone the grass ring, it is the leaves falling from the tree, and he can stab whichever one he wants to stab.

When he arrived at the main hall, Kong Qiangu was already waiting outside the hall.

"Senior Empty."

Zhao Dongting waved his hand at him to say hello, did not enter the palace, and directly took Kong Qiangu out of the palace.

It was already light when we left the palace gate.

There were hundreds of old soldiers in armor standing at the gate of the palace.

They are Naozhou veterans.

At this time, the armor they were wearing was all custom-made special armor, with five characters engraved on the left chest, "Remembrance of Advent."

There are also a few words engraved on the right chest, "The heroic veteran of the Song Dynasty."

And no medals.

This is glory.

The glory belongs to these soldiers who were bravely wounded in the battle of Naozhou.

The situation of the Song Dynasty was opened after the Battle of Naozhou, and the Battle of Naozhou was also the most far-reaching battle in the Song Dynasty.

"The old soldier of the Song Dynasty kowtowed to the emperor, long live the emperor!"

As soon as Zhao Dongting's figure appeared at the gate of the palace, Huang Sanzi and other Naozhou veterans all fell to their knees.

All of them looked passionate and full of excitement.Some people have red eyes.

"Everyone, please, everyone, please."

Zhao Dongting hastily stepped forward to let all the old soldiers die.Then he said with a smile: "Everyone, will you follow me to the city?"


All the veterans promised loudly.


Zhao Dongting was in high spirits, he was the first to go, and led all the old soldiers to the head of Lin'an City.

Except for Kong Qiangu, he didn't bring anyone else in the palace with him.

This can be regarded as special preferential treatment for these veterans.

All the veterans looked at Zhao Dongting's back with complicated expressions.There is gratitude, gratification, and admiration.

Going out of Qian Street to the inner city, Zhao Dongting, who was wearing an imperial robe, naturally attracted countless people's attention.

His appearance only caused the people on the street to kneel to the ground one after another.

A few people looked up secretly with curiosity, looking at Zhao Dongting's appearance.

The emperor who restored the Song Dynasty is indeed a legend in the hearts of countless people in the Song Dynasty.

Seeing that Zhao Dongting still had a childish look on his face, those who looked at him were surprised.

Don't say that a child from an ordinary family can build a great empire at the age of the emperor.Being able to start a family and start a business is already considered extremely good.

Zhao Dongting also frequently waved to the surrounding people, appearing extremely kind.

In this way, until approaching the east gate of the city wall of Lin'an Prefecture.

The city wall of Lin'an Mansion is extremely high, and at the top of the east gate, you can even see the sea.

The excited look in the eyes of all the old soldiers became more and more serious, and all of them showed expectations.

They have not been to this Lin'an mansion for many years.

But when everyone was looking up at the decorated north city gate, dozens of people suddenly jumped up from the crowd on the street.

Their speeds were all extremely fast, and just as they jumped up, a cold light appeared in front of them.

is the knife.

It can also be said to be a sword in the sleeve.

These small swords are all small and exquisite, but the cold light is hidden, and they are obviously extremely sharp.

"There are assassins!"

Kong Qiangu was the first to react and shouted in a low voice.A turbulent sword intent burst out from his body, as if it wanted to stir up the sky.

He held his sword in front of Zhao Dongting.

Zhao Dongting also reacted to this, and anger appeared on his face instantly.

He was angry, not because these assassins came to assassinate him.After all, he destroyed Dali and Xin Song, and drove the Yuan Dynasty out of the Great Song. There must be many people in the world who want to kill him.

But they are angry that they choose to assassinate at this moment.

He was going to take all the veterans to the top of the city!

This is great news.

For him, it is also extremely important.

In this process, he is unwilling to see any unexpected situation.

And now, these assassins undoubtedly touched his bad luck.


A word came from Zhao Dongting's mouth in a deep voice.

Kong Qiangu brazenly unleashed his sword.

The sword light passed, and in an instant, several people who were approaching were swept by the sword light, and their blood spilled in the air.

Only at this moment, a dozen or so assassins suddenly threw black objects the size of eggs into the crowd.

There was smoke rising.


These two words suddenly appeared in Zhao Dongting's mind!
Sword in the sleeve, smoke bomb.This is not common in Song Dynasty, and only ninjas in island countries like to use these things.

This made him even more angry.

Before he went to trouble them, the mere island country dared to break ground on Da Song's head first.

Amidst the smog, the crowd instantly became extremely chaotic.

The people shouted and ran.

Zhao Dongting's vision was also obscured by the smoke.

There is a sound of breaking through the air.

It is a hidden weapon.

All these hidden weapons were blocked by Kong Qiangu in front.

It is no problem for Kong Qiangu in the extreme realm to protect Zhao Dongting's safety.

If he hadn't wanted to protect Zhao Dongting, he would have easily killed these ninjas.

It seems that the strongest of these ninjas is nothing more than a cultivation level of the Shangyuan Realm.Most of them are mere Central Yuan Realm cultivation bases.

Only Zhao Dongting was the emperor after all, and Kong Qiangu didn't want him to join the battle in person after all.


At this time, thunderous shouts of killing also sounded from behind Zhao Dongting.

All the old soldiers pulled out the sabers around their waists that were actually just for decoration in the smoke.

At this moment, they seem to have returned to the era of war-torn times.

The murderous aura swept through the sky.

Although hundreds of old soldiers have been out of battle for a long time, their hearts are still brave.Hundreds of people greeted the ninjas who had been killed in the smoke.

There were screams and victories.

Soon, there were soldiers of the Song Dynasty rushing towards the city walls and gates.

The chaos at the city gate was even worse.

The smoke also gradually dissipated.

Zhao Dongting scanned his surroundings. On the ground, there were corpses of ninjas, but there were also corpses of old soldiers.

This made his anger break through the sky at this moment.

He yelled: "Kill! All assassins! Not a single one will get out alive!"

Seeing that he was about to fulfill his promise and lead all the veterans to the top of the city, something like this happened suddenly.

In Zhao Dongting's heart, there was a raging anger that was constantly burning, and it was exuberant at an extremely fast speed.

(End of this chapter)

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