The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1219 Lin'an Military Parade

Chapter 1219 Lin'an Military Parade
Zhao Dongting suddenly stood up, and said lightly: "The military parade begins!"

These have all been rehearsed long ago.

And these arrangements were all made by Zhao Dongting.

As his words fell, there were messengers lighting arrows on the top of the city.

The sound of arrows lifted off.

After it exploded in the air, the twinkling stars formed a "Song" character in the air.

On the edges of both sides of the golden tent, 99 grenadiers fired in unison.

Resonate nine times.

The sound of cannons completely covered up the discussion of the crowd on the front street.

I don't know how many people showed shock and solemn expressions.

Even among the people above Liancheng, quite a few showed such expressions.

Not to mention anything else, just the hundreds of cannon fires are already extremely astonishing.Just listening to this sound, it seems as if you can think of the power of the grenadier.

And this is exclusive to Da Song.

Not to mention the countries of the Central Plains, but the whole world. At this time, only the Song Dynasty possessed such a magical weapon.

The Song Dynasty was able to let countries such as Liuqiu and Mayi come to the DPRK, and the projectiles, sky cannons and other things can be said to be indispensable.

Boni envoy Manasigana was the most moved, looking towards Zhao Dongting amidst the sound of cannons, eager to try.In the end, he still sighed quietly without opening his mouth.

Of course he wanted the manufacturing method of the grenadier, a magical weapon, but he also understood that it was impossible for the Emperor of Heaven to share this kind of thing that the Song Dynasty relied on with other countries.

When the gunfire fell, Wen Tianxiang drove his horse to the middle of the street.

He held a big banner and shook it vigorously.

From the north end of Qianda Street, there are cavalrymen slowly crossing Qiandajie and heading south.

These soldiers were all holding spears and wearing golden armor.The armor reflected the dazzling light in the sun.

This makes them look like heavenly soldiers and generals.

This is the imperial guards.

Neat armor, neat black horse.

Although the palace guards may not be said to be the strongest army in the Song Dynasty, but in terms of military capacity, they feel that they are second to none.

Golden yellow represents nobility in this era.

And the golden armor paired with the bright red cloak can have an absolute impact on people's vision.

Although the cannon fire stopped, the crowd suddenly fell silent.

At this moment, the eyes of everyone on the top of the city and on the front street were all looking at the palace guards who were slowly approaching on horseback.

There are two thousand palace guards, but their momentum is as if there are thousands of troops.

Wherever they passed, the people on the side seemed to freeze for a few minutes even their breathing.

And when the two thousand palace guards all walked to the front street, behind them, the soldiers of the Flying Dragon Army also appeared.

They followed behind the palace guard.

The guards of the imperial palace wear golden armor, and the officers and soldiers of the flying dragon army wear scarlet armor.He only wears a black cloak.

Their faces were even covered with dark masks.

The horses are also armored.

It is truly an imperial army armed to the teeth.

This is the elite of the elite of the Imperial Army of the Great Song Dynasty.Since its establishment, it has been regarded as the most elite army built by Zhao Dongting as a special force.

The sound of hooves of horses resounded neatly on the front street.Then hit the city wall to send out memories, which is what makes people's minds moved.

And when more than a thousand soldiers of the Flying Dragon Army also appeared on Qianda Street, another hot air balloon rose slowly from the ground.

Flying Army.

The red hot air balloons are like scarlet clouds.

The soldiers of the Flying Army wearing cloth armor on the hot air balloon all bent their bows and set arrows, which was extremely shocking.

After they took off, they followed the dragon army and moved forward slowly.

Countless people looked up.

After that, there was the 36 Forbidden Army named Tiangang in the Song Dynasty.

All armies dispatched special regiments.

The special regiment of the Tiankui Army appeared first, dressed in neat black armor with a red cape.All of them hold the Shenlong Gun in front of their chests.

The palace guards also arrived at the main entrance of the palace at this time.

The leader suddenly reined in his horse and raised his gun.

Later, the general ordered to prohibit it.

Immediately the commander turned his horse's head to face the main gate, looked up at Zhao Dongting, and shouted loudly: "The imperial guards in front of the Great Song Palace, please review the emperor!"

Zhao Dongting nodded lightly on the top of the city, "Start the review!"

The commander raised his gun again.


The sound of shouting and killing rose up, shaking the sky.


Again, it seems that the situation has changed.


The imperial guards in front of the imperial palace did not practice here, they just raised their guns and drank.But his killing intent really made many people around him show timidity.

They are all elite veterans of various armies.

Although he didn't go to the battlefield after arriving in the palace, the murderous aura accumulated on his body still remained undiminished.

Many people in the crowd changed their colors and looked dignified.

And these people are spies from various countries.Such as the Yuan Dynasty, Xixia Dynasty, Yueli Dynasty, etc., and there may even be remnants of Dali and Xinsong.

Of course, it is impossible for them to send representatives to participate in this military parade, but they will undoubtedly not let go of the grand military parade that the Great Song Dynasty built.

This is a good opportunity to observe the strength of the Great Song Army.

Just at this moment, I don't know if anyone regrets not coming to watch.

If you don't look at it, maybe you won't be so afraid of the Great Song Imperial Army.

These soldiers of the Great Song Dynasty are really so elite that it is frightening!Such soldiers, even in the Yuan Dynasty, absolutely did not exist.

Three shouts to kill.

The palace guards slowly moved forward.

Zhao Da led the Feilong army to the main gate.

He also reined in his horse and yelled at the top of the city gate: "Big Song Feilong army, please review the emperor!"


One army after another appeared at the end of Qian Street, one army after another stopped at the gate of the city, and the cry of one army after another shook the sky.

Zhao Dongting didn't let the soldiers of the various armies do complicated performances, they just shouted to kill.

This, undoubtedly, was also done for those with ulterior motives in the crowd.

His purpose in the military parade was to let the nations see the strength of Song Dynasty.Announce to the world that Song Dynasty will no longer be a country that allows others to bully the weak.

Black armor, scarlet armor, each of the imperial guards of the Great Song Dynasty can make the people watching look shocked.

Not to mention the Tianan, Tianyi and other armies, but even the Forbidden Army, such as Tianlao and Tianhui, which have not even been fully formed, the soldiers they send are quite elite.

At least that's what it looks like on the surface.

And after the 36 Tiangang Forbidden Army passed through the former street, the land word imperial army of the Song Dynasty finally appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Most of these forbidden troops were adapted from the Qiongzhou garrison and the Dongsha Islands garrison.

Even Zhao Dongting was quite surprised by it.

Even he himself didn't expect that the imperial army of Song Dynasty had such a grand scene.

But what is still more shocking is still to come.

Although all the major forbidden troops have shown up, the military exercise will not end there.After the military phalanx passed, there were also various arms that came out in a phalanx to participate in the inspection.


Soaring Artillery!

Heavy cavalry!
Dragon Gunner!

Even in the end, even grain transport soldiers appeared pushing grain carts.

But there was no laughter from the crowd.

Even transporting grain and soldiers in the Song Dynasty was not easy.

The grain transport soldiers all sat on the grain carts, pressing the pedals with their feet to drive the grain carts.The structure of the grain truck alone has surprised countless people.

Until all the armies passed through Qianda Street, the crowd was still silent.

Wen Tianxiang was still standing at the bottom of the city, and shouted towards the top of the city: "Your Majesty, the inspection of the troops is over!"

The eyes of countless people gathered on Zhao Dongting again.

At this moment, Zhao Dongting, who was wearing a royal robe, was probably no different from a god in the hearts of the Song people present.

These elite Song soldiers were all formed by the emperor.

Without the emperor, there would be no Song Dynasty today.

Zhao Dongting stood up and nodded to Wen Tianxiang, "The inspection is over, all the troops are back to camp!"

He didn't say anything cruel.

Even Japanese ninjas appeared at the gate of the city before, beheading dozens of old soldiers.He also did not say anything about sending troops to Japan on such an occasion.

Some things don't need to be said, just need to be done directly.

There was another cannon at the top of the city.

99 grenadiers fired in unison again.

Zhao Dongting looked around, and nodded to Kong Qiangu, Qingshan, Le Wuwei and others.

Amidst the sound of cannons, dozens of people on the top of the city suddenly flew into the air.

Dozens of artistic conceptions rolled up the sky in an instant.

The real martial arts masters in Wudingtang and Wudingzong are all ascending to the void.

Zhao Dongting also stomped his feet lightly at this moment, jumping into the air in his imperial robe.

He shouted: "Da Song is invincible!"

The crowd suddenly boiled at this moment.Just boiling is the ultimate.

"Da Song is invincible!"

"Long live Da Song!"

This kind of shouting continued for a long time until Zhao Dongting and the others, who could not stand in the void for a long time, fell back to the top of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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