Chapter 1222
This can be said to be quite tortuous.

But Fan Duan Qilin's body was not found by that farmhouse, but Fan Pu Xuzhong was not found by that farmhouse, but Fanan that farmhouse didn't hide the parcel privately.It was impossible for the Yuan Dynasty to obtain the method of forging the firearms of the Song Dynasty.

Even if the farm family got the blueprint left by Duan Qilin, it would be impossible to develop the grenade and other things.

Furthermore, even if it is developed, it may not have the vision and thought to dedicate it to the Yuan Dynasty and then obtain high-ranking officials and generous salary.

Even Zhao Dongting and the others naturally never expected this.

When Alao Wading, who had high hopes, was brought to the imperial study room, Zhen Jin's face still had unstoppable excitement.

Ala Wading had just entered the door, and he said to Ala Wading: "Ala Wading, this is Deputy Director Pu Xu Chongpu, you should get to know him soon."

There was a little doubt on Alao Wading's face, he first saluted the real gold, and then said: "I don't know which department director Mr. Pu is?"

Zhen Jin smiled and said: "I have appointed him as the deputy director of your manufacturing supervision department, and I have full authority to supervise the manufacture of grenades and other things for the time being."


A look of displeasure immediately appeared on Alwadin's face.

He was the most prestigious craftsman in the Yuan Dynasty, and a veteran minister who had worked hard for the Yuan Dynasty for decades.

Although he did not develop grenades and other items, most of the new weapons in the Yuan Dynasty army came from him.

It can be said that he was invincible before the Yuan Dynasty, and he contributed a lot to it.

Such a person is naturally a little arrogant.

In terms of ordnance forging and development, Alaowadin does not think that anyone in the DPRK can compare with him.Not to mention, this Pu Xuzhong is just a little-known figure.

He said to Zhenjin: "Your Majesty, the Supervisory Department is full of skilled craftsmen, but where does Master Pu come from?"

He only glanced at Pu Xuzhong, with a slight look of contempt in his eyes.

Pu Xuzhong just smiled lightly.

His title of king of Fenzhou is already guaranteed, and he fears that he will look down on Alao Wading, a mere craftsman.

Zhenjin said: "Master Pu is the former director of the Dali Shenbing Supervision Department. He came here this time and brought me the forging methods of grenades, sky cannons, and dragon guns."


Ala Wading was terrified, and looked at Pu Xuzhong in amazement, "You know how to forge grenades and other things?"

Pu Xuzhong nodded with pride, "Pu is not talented, but he has indeed researched the forging method of grenades and other things."

"Well, Mrs. Pu, you should go to the Superintendent with Mrs. Alaoding. I will be waiting for the good news from you two in the palace."

Zhen Jin probably also saw that the two arrogant people were not getting along, waved his hand and smiled slightly, and wanted to let the two leave.

"Wei Chen retire."

Ala Wading took another deep look at Pu Xuzhong, saluted the real gold, and walked out of the imperial study room first.

Pu Xuzhong also saluted the real gold, then picked up the wooden box and followed behind.

In the imperial study room, only Zhenjin and the old eunuch beside him were left in the blink of an eye.

The old eunuch couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, you want to make Pu Xuzhong the king of Fenzhou. Isn't it too heavy to award such a reward?"

He was also left by Kublai Khan to Zhenjin. Although he was an eunuch, he held a special place in the hearts of both Kublai Khan and Zhenjin.It can be said to be second only to the original Great Eagle Claw.

"I know what you're worried about."

Zhen Jin sat back on the bed and said with a light smile: "As long as Pu Xuzhong can really develop a projectile and other things for Dayuan, what is the mere king of Fenzhou? The courtiers will not feel that I have something because of this." What is biased, the importance of grenades and other things, they are all clear in their hearts."

The old lady listened to him saying this, and stopped talking.

It is rare for Zhen Jin to show a leisurely and contented attitude, but he hums a ditty to himself.

Then, within a few minutes, he suddenly said: "Let's go, follow me to see the Supreme Emperor. I want to tell this old man the good news."

The old eunuch nodded in agreement, and followed Zhen Jin to the outside of the imperial study.

Up to now, Kublai Khan's health has not improved.Being bedridden for a long time, it is difficult for the courtiers to see him again. That life, it can be said, is close to exhaustion.

Here Zhenjin saw Kublai Khan, how happy Kublai Khan was when he heard about it.

Over there, as soon as Pu Xuzhong followed Alaowadin to the supervisory department, he showed Alaawadin the grenadier he forged, as well as the blueprints of the Shenlong gun and the sky cannon.

After seeing it, Alao Wading was astonished.

The contempt for Pu Xuzhong dissipated in an instant.

He has been developing grenades and other things for so many years, and he has made some progress.Looking at the drawing, one can also know how authentic the drawing is.

"These blueprints are indeed forging blueprints for grenadiers and other items. I can't forge the accessories on these blueprints. Master Pu, do you have a good idea?"

After carefully looking at the drawings, he just asked Pu Xu again.

Pu Xu smiled softly, "Pu originally studied the new smelting method of the Song Dynasty in Dali. Now that the grenade has been forged, these accessories can also be forged."

"it is good!"

Alwadin was moved, "Master Na Pu, this opened my eyes?"

Pu continued to focus his head.

Then, Alao Wading took Pu Xuzhong to the smelting workshop in the supervisory department.

Pu Xuzhong was afraid that he was holding his own identity, so he didn't go to battle in person.Instead, let Alao Wading teach the craftsmen to smelt after Xuan Xuan came to the craftsmen.

These craftsmen are also the most skilled people in the Yuan Dynasty.Originally, she might have looked down upon Pu Xuzhong, but gradually, there was admiration in his eyes.

And when they followed Pu Xuzhong's teachings and actually forged steel that was completely different from the past, they were even more astonished to Pu Xuzhong.

Many people, including Alao Wading, were overjoyed to see the toughness, weight, and luster of the iron piece, which was completely different from the previous one.

Alao Wading was even trembling all over, and said again and again: "With such a smelting method, our Dayuan will be able to forge projectiles and other things in a short period of time!"

As he spoke, he looked at Pu Xuzhong, "It all depends on Mr. Pu."

Pu Xuzhong just nodded slightly, "It's easy to say, easy to say."

These days, the craftsmen in the supervisory department of the Yuan Dynasty are in full swing.

More and more skilled craftsmen gather here.

Parts are forged one by one.

In the past, the difficulties they encountered when developing grenades and other objects were solved with the new smelting technique and Pu Xuzhong's explanation.

It really didn't take long to think that the Yuan Dynasty could also have magical weapons such as grenade launchers.

I just don't know how the general situation of the world will change because of this.

Zhao Dongting and the others were naturally unaware of this.

More than ten days passed.

Zhao Dongting and others approached the border of Jiangnan East Road and went to Panyang Lake.

As long as you have to bypass Panyang Lake, you will be on Jiangnan West Road, which is close to Longxing Mansion.

The chariots and chariots in the army are like clouds, full of civil and military officials of the Song Dynasty.There are also many masters in Wuding Hall.

Because it was still early, Zhao Dongting and others decided to rush to Longxing Mansion in the next few days.

But just as the army was resting by Panyang Lake and was about to leave again, Kong Qiangu suddenly arrived outside Zhao Dongting's chariot.

He said to the inside of the car: "Your Majesty, Kong Qiangu is begging to see you."

Zhao Dongting invited Kong Qiangu into the chariot, and asked, "What's the matter, Senior Kong?"

Kong Qiangu said with a slight smile: "The old man can no longer accompany you back to Changsha, Your Majesty."


Zhao Dongting was quite puzzled, "Senior, what else do you need to do?"

Kong Qiangu just shook his head, "That's not the case, but the old man has just sat down, and the limit of perception has reached. In just these two days, he should be sitting down."


Zhao Dongting, Le Chan and other women in the chariot all showed astonishment.

Immediately, Zhao Dongting was even more at a loss.

The news was a bit too sudden.

But Kong Qiangu himself seemed to be quite open-minded, with a smile on his face all the time, and said: "Your Majesty, you don't have to feel sad for this old man. At this age, this old man has already lived longer than countless people. Although we are facing a deadline now, But after all, I have never had any illnesses, and I am content to be able to watch the Great Song Dynasty regain the Great Song Dynasty in this life."

Zhao Dongting still didn't know what to say.

Kong Qiangu is the ultimate realm, which is of great importance to the Wu Dingtang of the Great Song Dynasty.

Furthermore, Zhao Dongting himself is quite used to the days when Qiangu is by his side.

Only with such an extreme guard by his side can he be completely at ease.

But now, he is about to lose the strongest swordsman in the world.

How can you not be sad if you don't feel sad?

The two are monarchs and ministers, and they are actually friends who forget the year.

(End of this chapter)

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