The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1243 Promise to withdraw troops

Chapter 1243 Promise to withdraw troops
Afterwards, after Tuoba Wu, She Tuoba and others left the government office, messengers from the four major military commanders headed towards Chengdu.

They planned to lead the army back to various places first on the grounds of lack of food and grass.

And the next day, Zhongsun Guge's letter was sent to Zhongxing Mansion again.

Li Xiushu read the letter first in the imperial study, and after reading it, a little smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She was still a little worried that Zhao Dongting would go back on his word and fail her, so she took this opportunity to completely control Xixia.Now, apparently, that doubt no longer exists.

Zhao Dongting used Xixia's unconditional surrender as a condition before, and the condition of submitting to the jurisdiction of the Song Dynasty, now it seems that it is just to deter her court Chinese and military officials.

This is the way of negotiation.

It is impossible for both parties to directly reveal their bottom line.

But now Zhao Dongting's request is what she and Zhao Dongting agreed upon at the beginning.This, of course, is Zhao Dongting's bottom line.

Li Xiushu's eyes drifted a little far away, but the smile on the corner of her mouth did not diminish, and she murmured: "This little man is quite reliable..."

After waiting for a long while, she said to the old eunuch beside her, "Go to Xuanwen and Wu officials to meet in the hall."

The old eunuch took the order and left.

Li Xiushu admired herself for a while in front of the bronze mirror in the imperial study, and then walked towards the main hall.

But after she got outside the main hall, her face became cold again.

Zhongsun Qifu and others who had already rushed to the hall felt a little bad when they saw her like this.

Everyone guessed that the Empress's sudden summons should be due to news from the Song Kingdom.It's only because of this expression that Emperor Song didn't make too much concession.

"Long live the emperor, long live!"

When Li Xiushu sat on the dragon chair, all the officials except Zhongsun Qifu fell to their knees.

Li Xiushu waved his hands and said, "Everyone is free!"

Then he said directly: "Zhongsun Guge has sent back the results of the discussion with Emperor Song. Emperor Song made a slight retreat, and he promised that after I bowed my head and professed my vassal, our Xixia will still maintain autonomy, and he will not interfere in any internal affairs of our Xixia .”

Before the words fell, all the officials in the court were already moved.

This time no one yelled.

Although Li Xiushu couldn't see any joy or anger on his face, they were quite satisfied with Zhao Dongting's retreat, just like Zhongsun Guge.

All they want is for Xixia to maintain its autonomy.

In this way, there is actually no harm in bowing to the Song State.These people are still important ministers in Xixia, and even Xixia can receive more support from Song State.

To put it more bluntly, after Xixia, it is equivalent to having the powerful empire of Song State as its protector.

Soon, all the courtiers started whispering.

Li Xiushu didn't stop them either.

Only after a long time, Li Xiushu said: "What do you Aiqing think about this matter?"

An old minister spoke first and said: "Your Majesty, this old minister thinks that if the Emperor Song really can not interfere in the internal affairs of our Xixia, then it is not impossible to bow down to the Song State. Our Xixia country is weak, and if we can have the Song State to help us in the future, we will not worry about it." You will be bullied by the Yuan Dynasty and other countries. Furthermore, you can also concentrate on destroying domestic rebels."

What he said made many people in the hall suddenly think of the families of Tuoba and She Tuo.

Zhongsun Qifu couldn't help but asked Li Xiushu: "Your Majesty, did the letter mention how Emperor Song will treat those people from the four major military regions in the future?"

Li Xiushu replied: "That's not true. But since Song Guo is willing to stop the army, then he probably won't interfere in the affairs between us and the four major military commanders."

Zhongsun Guge lowered his head and pondered slightly.

After a while, Li Xiushu said: "Okay, dear friends, you have already made a decision? Shall we meet Song Guobing, or bow down to Song Guo?"

Although this question was asked by everyone in the hall, her eyes were wandering between He Liandong and Zhongsun Qifu.

The Helian family and the Zhongsun family control the Gansu Army Division and the Xiangqing Army Division respectively, which are undoubtedly her greatest support.

Zhongsun Qifu raised his head, cupped his hands and said: "The old minister thinks that it is wise to vote for the Song Dynasty at this time."

When He Liandong heard what he said, he naturally wouldn't object.

But Li Xiushu frowned slightly at this time, and suddenly stopped talking.

His Highness and all the officials looked at her, thinking that she was still unwilling to vote for Song Dynasty.

Some old ministers couldn't help but persuade: "Your Majesty, although we are the vassal state of the Song Dynasty after voting for the Song Dynasty, the Song Emperor has already proposed not to interfere in our Xixia state affairs. I think that for the sake of all people in the world, we should turn our wars into friendship with the Song Kingdom at this time. In this way, the common people can continue to live and work in peace and contentment, and we Xixia can continue to prosper..."

There are not a few people who look at Li Xiushu eagerly like him.

They didn't know it, but Li Xiushu's heart was already full of laughter at this time.

She and Zhao Dongting set up such a big game because they knew that these old officials would not be willing to vote for Song.But now, it was these old ministers who came to persuade her to vote for the Song Dynasty.

She knew that the play was about the same up to this point, and it would be too much to continue, so she sighed softly and said, "If that's the case, then let's bow down to Song Guo..."

After all, she seemed a little lost and got up, walking towards the outside of the hall.

All the ministers in the palace looked at her back, some of whom felt remorseful.

If it weren't for the fact that they are not capable enough, why would the emperor have to bow his head to the Song Emperor...

She is the king after all...

But when Li Xiushu walked to the entrance of the main hall, she stopped suddenly and said without turning her head: "Order He Liancheng and Qu Rujian to destroy the rebels of the four major armies."

This sentence is said with murderous awe.

The eyes of all the officials in the hall who have not yet left are slightly stern.

Sure enough, the emperor is going to attack the four major military commanders.

This is in line with the emperor's temperament.

In the eyes of the emperor, there is no room for sand, and she has long wanted to destroy the four major army commanders.

Afterwards, carrier pigeons flew out of the city one after another in the palace of Zhongxing Mansion.

two days.

In Qingchuan County, He Liancheng and Qu Rujian received a secret letter from Li Xiushu ordering the war with the four major army divisions.

And in her heart, Li Xiushu still mentioned the matter of striking peace with Da Song.

This surprised both of them.

Then it was a surprise.

The Empress and Emperor Song gave up and made peace, which made them who were facing a desperate situation suddenly alive.

Although the four major military divisions should not be underestimated, of course they cannot be made to be as afraid as they are of the Imperial Guards of the Song Dynasty.

After reading the letter, both He Liancheng and Qu Rujian felt a little high-spirited.

After only a short while, the two called all the generals in the army and announced that they would send troops to attack the rebels of the four major armies immediately.

But at this time, the messengers of the four major military divisions had just arrived in Chengdu Mansion.

Because they had surrendered, they were not stopped by the soldiers of the Song Dynasty at the gate of the city, and they were taken by the soldiers to meet Zhang Guangbao in the military camp inside the city.

When they saw Zhang Guangbao, Zhang Guangbao was reviewing military affairs in the commander's tent.


Hearing the soldiers outside report the arrival of the envoys of the four major armies, only Zhang Guangbao's voice came from the room.

Several messengers entered the room.

Zhang Guangbao raised his head behind the desk, frowned slightly and said, "Are you here to invite another battle?"

Over the past few days, he has seen more than a dozen envoys from the four major military divisions, and they always come to ask for a fight, and they are still these old faces.

"Marshal Zhang, you are worrying too much."

An envoy laughed and said, "I am here at the command of the commander-in-chief, not to ask for a fight, but to ask to lead the army back to the military division first."


Zhang Guangbao was a little surprised, "The Xixia Forbidden Army is still confronting you in Qingchuan County, why are you suddenly withdrawing your troops?"

The envoy said: "All our armies traveled thousands of miles to Longzhou. Qingchuan County was occupied by the Xixia Forbidden Army. Our food and grass cannot be transported. There is not much left in the army. If we don't withdraw our troops, we will run out of food. Marshal Zhang please forgive me. "

Zhang Guangbao frowned slightly.

The messenger's words were reasonable, but he didn't know whether they were true or not.

And most importantly, he only knows that the imperial court is negotiating with Xixia, and he doesn't know that Xixia has decided to bow down to Song Dynasty.

In his eyes, the four major armies are not enemies right now.

This gave him no reason to force him to stay in the four major military divisions.

You can't stop others from beating and force others to stay here, right?

After pondering for a while, Zhang Guangbao nodded and said: "Since that's the case, then you should lead the army back first! After returning to various places, wait for my order."

Several envoys showed a little joy on their faces, and quickly agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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