Chapter 1247
After that, no Qingqi came out of the city in the rain to attack and kill the Forbidden Army's camp in Longzhou City that night.

After She Tuoli, Tuoba Wu and the others knew about the deployment of the Xixia Forbidden Army, they all knew that it was impossible to drag down the Xixia Forbidden Army camp in this way.

And using a large army will probably hurt both sides, and they may even be at a slight disadvantage.

Although they felt a little urgent in their hearts, they were undoubtedly unwilling to fight head-on with the Xixia Imperial Army.

The soldiers of each military division were recruited by their big families with great difficulty, and they were piled up with countless gold, silver and energy. After the battle, it was difficult to regroup in a short time.

Until the next day, the rain showed no sign of stopping.

The smoke and rain in Chengdu Mansion, the lush green mountains are shrouded in smoke, making the whole quaint Chengdu Mansion like a fairyland.

Because the soldiers of the Central Shu Military Region are stationed here, the common people always feel at ease.

There are still vendors coming out of their stalls in the rain.

There are many large oil-paper umbrellas standing on both sides of Chengdu Fu Street.

The rainwater hit the oil-paper umbrella like a sweet snare drum.

The fighting in Xixia territory last night did not affect the peace of Chengdu Mansion.

Some spies rode into the city in the rain.

It wasn't long before Liu Zhuwen and the others learned that the Qingqi of the four major armies raided the Xixia Forbidden Army's camp last night.

All the generals in the barracks just chuckled.

Speaking of people like She Tuoli among the four major armies, as well as He Liancheng and Qu Rujian, the empress' trusted generals, they are not simple characters.

Whether it was the light cavalry raid by the four major military commanders last night or the immediate deployment of Helian City, they could all be said to be impressive.

Liu Zhuwen and others are naturally happy to see this.

They certainly hope that the Xixia Imperial Army will win in the end, because in this way, they can relax and wait for work without going out of Chengdu Mansion.

After all, the defection of the four major military commanders is known all over the world. At this time, they have been criticized even if they do not leave the Chengdu Mansion.

This will have an impact on the prestige of the emperor.

Although the emperor should not care about these things since he made such a decision, but they, generals, have to consider for the emperor and the court.

It rained heavily for two days in a row.

At dawn two days later, the sun finally peeked out from the sky.

The clouds and rain suddenly stopped.

The world returned to clarity.

During the past two days, neither the Xixia Forbidden Army camp nor the four major army divisions saw any movement.

Obviously, the four major military commanders also know that, under the circumstances that the Xixia Forbidden Army has taken precautions.Even though it was raining, it was difficult for them to take advantage of it.

Repeating the same tricks in a short period of time will only waste soldiers in vain.

When the rain broke, Tuoba Wu, She Tuoli and others all climbed to the top of the city.

After the clouds and mist dissipated in the distance, the barracks of the Xixia Forbidden Army were faintly visible again.

Tuoba Wu and the others had expressions of anxiety on their faces.

The situation was so deadlocked that they felt helpless.

Only She Tuoli was looking at the Xixia Forbidden Army camp from afar, silent.

The wind whistled at his cloak.

After a long time, he finally said: "He Liancheng and Qu Rujian may not be able to hold out after making up their minds, we still have to find a way to take the initiative to attack."

It is a fact that the Xixia imperial army can afford it, but they can't afford it.

Tuoba Wu sighed softly beside him: "But now those people in Helian City are fully prepared, if we want to forcibly break through the camp, how easy is it?"

She Tuoli frowned slightly and said, "The solutions are all thought up by people, we can't just sit and wait for death like this."

Then he looked at the generals around him, and said: "Everyone, think of a way. If anyone contributes a good strategy, our family will definitely be rewarded."

All the generals are silent.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether it is rewarded or not.If they had a good plan in their hearts, they wouldn't have said it until now.

Another long silence.

In the end, it was Sikongshe who spoke softly and said, "I have an idea."

Everyone looked at him for a moment.

Sikongshe said again: "It's just that we have to wait for it to rain again, otherwise, the Qi Tian army, which is as curved as a sword, will always be a problem."

Then he slowly expressed his idea.

She Tuoli, Tuoba Wu and the others all had a flash of light in their eyes.

No one thought that Sikongshe, who had always been similar to other boring gourds, could come up with such a method.

"Take strict precautions! If the enemy's hot air balloon arrives, take refuge in the city!"

Afterwards, She Tuoli just explained this on the top of the city, and walked down the top of the city with Tuoba Wu, Wu Ge, Sikongshe and others.

There was still no movement inside or outside Longzhou City.

In the blink of an eye, another few days passed.

Not to mention He Liancheng, Qu Rujian and others, even Liu Zhuwen and others in Chengdu Mansion were quite surprised.

Because of the past few days, none of the four major army divisions launched an attack on the Xixia Forbidden Army camp.

Now that the situation is so clear, don't they want to return to their respective territories urgently?
As long as the four major army commanders did not move, of course He Liancheng and Qu Rujian would not move either.

They even wished that the four major military divisions would continue to procrastinate, because of this, the four major military divisions would be burdened by food and grass.And after the army runs out of food, it is inevitable that they will collapse without fighting.

However, they also knew that the four major military commanders were still not moving, and they must be waiting for an opportunity.As long as there is a war, it is likely to be a big war.

In the evening of this day, there was finally the sound of thunder and rain.

The torrential rain poured down.

The night was not peaceful.

He Liancheng and Qu Rujian were a little restless in the barracks.

Either because of the weather, or because of some premonition.Looking at the pitch-black night outside the tent, they always felt a sense of danger.

But apart from ordering the soldiers on the periphery of the camp to stand up, they couldn't do anything else.

In Longzhou City, another Qingqi braved the heavy rain and went out to camp.

They rushed towards the Xixia Forbidden Army camp at an extremely fast speed.

Not long after, chaos reappeared outside the camp of the Xixia Forbidden Army.

It's just that this time the Xixia Imperial Army is extremely well prepared, and it seems impossible for these Qingqi to cause too much turmoil to the camp.

But after that, countless troops left the city of Longzhou.

The army marched through the night in the rain.

It seems that the four major armies have the intention of launching a decisive battle with the Xixia Imperial Army on such a rainy night.

He Liancheng and Qu Rujian each received a report in the barracks, and Qu Rujian hurried to Heliancheng's tent.

As soon as he entered the account, he said to He Liancheng: "The rebels in Longzhou City have launched a large-scale attack."

"I know."

He Liancheng nodded lightly, frowned and said, "Could it be that they are jumping over the wall in a hurry and want to fight us?"

Qu Rujian said: "But if that's the case, why should they wait until now?"

He Liancheng said: "Perhaps they didn't make up their minds during the heavy rain a few days ago, but now, they don't want to miss such a time. After all, in such a rainy night, they can always avoid being bombed by your Qi Tian army. "

Qu Rujian obviously didn't have any definite conclusions in his heart, he just sighed softly: "I hope it's as we two expected."

Immediately, both of them sent orders to let the army prepare for a big battle.

But in fact, no one is very stable in their hearts, and they always feel that things will not be so simple.

There are more than [-] people in the four major armies, there is no reason to launch a decisive battle against them without half a certainty.

Time passed slowly.

The Qingqi who rushed to the outside of the Xixia Forbidden Army's camp made an inch of success, and then patted their horses back with a whistling roar.

Only at this time, the armies of the four major armies were not far from the Xixia barracks.

Therefore, the soldiers in the Xixia Army camp did not go out to pursue them.

The soldiers in the battalion moved in a cloud, running through the rain in the barracks, and rushed to their posts under the arrangement of He Liancheng, Qu Rujian and other generals.

The sound of ding ding ding didn't stop.

The rain hit the armor of the soldiers, making such a crisp sound.

Except for those wearing raincloaks, all the soldiers were completely drenched at this time.

The rain was icy cold.

After the underwear was wet, the weight suddenly increased a lot.This somewhat made the movements of the armored soldiers look a little clumsy.

After all, Xixia does not have the new type of smelting technique of Song Dynasty.

The horn of desolation sounded.

In the rainy night, the armies of the four major armies were less than two miles away from the south side of the barracks.

They lurk in the night, and they look like an army from hell.But in fact, many soldiers in the army were also trembling.

On such a rainy night, being brought out by the generals to conquer, the soldiers inevitably had some criticisms in their hearts.

If you can win, that's fine.If they can't win, I'm afraid that the army of the four major armies will lose their morale a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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