The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1249 Attacking Qingchuan County

Chapter 1249 Attacking Qingchuan County
It was getting brighter.

Only the torrential rain did not stop.

The sky is hazy, and everything is blocked by the rain curtain.

The bloody smell inside and outside the Xixia Forbidden Army camp was blown away by the rain and wind.

Only the remains of those fallen soldiers are still piled outside the camp.Just piled up like that, let the rainstorm wash away.

This seemed inhumane, but He Liancheng and the others were powerless to do anything.

With such weather, it is impossible to cremate them even if they want to.

The atmosphere in the camp was quite tense.

Although the four major army divisions were repelled, there were not a few losses of the imperial army.Among the surviving military strokes, too many friends and brothers died in the fighting last night.

The atmosphere in Longzhou City is also dignified.

The soldiers of the four major armies who returned to the city were inevitably depressed because of the failure of the attack last night.

Only Tuoba Wu, Wuge, Sikongshe and others are not dignified because of this.

They were all worried about whether She Tuoli could successfully lead the army to secretly sneak Chen Cang outside Qingchuan County, and even more, whether he could successfully take Qingchuan County.

If they can win Qingchuan County, their situation will change a lot.And if not, the Xixia Forbidden Army must be prepared, and they will only lead their troops to fight to the death.

That is the result no one wants to see.

Near dusk.

About ten miles outside Qingchuan County.

There are Qingqi galloping past.

Among the thousands of light cavalry, there were very few military flags, and the soldiers just crawled on horseback and galloped.If you look carefully, you can see that there are thunderbolts hanging on their bodies.

She Tuoli is wearing black armor and a treasured sword on his waist.There was a murderous look in the eyes peeking out from under the helmet.

Originally, it would take more than two days to travel from Longzhou City to Qingchuan County, but they are Qingqi, so the speed is naturally faster.

Even if he didn't trek overnight last night and rested for a few hours, he is still approaching Qingchuan County now.

On the towering mountain peaks in the distance, some soldiers exclaimed, "There is a large army of horses heading for the city!"

This is the beacon tower set up by the Xixia Imperial Army.

Because Qingchuan and Longzhou City are very close to each other, there is only one beacon tower.

As the soldier shouted, many soldiers immediately ran towards him.

After looking intently, someone hurried towards the barracks.

Soon, another general in armor came out.

This general is only a centurion, but he is also the chief officer of the beacon tower.

He wears binoculars on his chest.

As soon as he arrived at the cliff, he immediately raised his binoculars and looked far away towards the official road, and then his face changed suddenly, "It's the enemy! Hurry up and set off the smoke!"

Even though he couldn't see clearly the banner of Qingqi led by She Tuoli, he could recognize their armor.

Some soldiers hurried to the beacon tower.

Wolf smoke was lit.

In an instant, thick smoke billowed from the top of the mountain.

The thick smoke swelled up against the rain, and soon floated into the air to an unknown height.

On the official road, She Tuoli and others saw this scene.

She Tuoli just sneered.

He has already led the army to attack here by surprise, and he is not worried about the news leaking out.

Even if you can see the beacon fire in the Xixia Forbidden Army camp, it will take some time to rush here to support.

And he didn't intend to confront the Qingchuan County defenders outside Qingchuan County.

After seeing the wolf smoke, he just shouted: "Send a message to Longzhou City, let it hold back the enemy's camp! The army will follow me to move forward!"

He led Qingqi and galloped towards Qingchuan County without stopping.

There were also soldiers in Qingchuan County who saw the beacon fire.

"The wolf smoke is lit!"

"The wolf smoke is lit!"

Some soldiers at the top of the city exclaimed.Then in an instant, the sound of horns resounded continuously above the city.

On the heads of every city in Qingchuan County, there were soldiers carrying horns and blowing them vigorously.

I don't know how many soldiers from all over the city left the camp or other places in a hurry, and gathered towards the city wall.

He Liancheng and Qu Rujian led the army to confront the four major military commanders, and most of the soldiers in the army went with them.In Qingchuan County, there are no more than [-] defenders at most.

Even, there may be only a few thousand.

After all, He Liancheng and Qu Rujian led the army to Longzhou City. No one thought that the four major military commanders could break through their obstruction and kill Qingchuan County.Unless it is the defeat of the frontline forbidden army.

In the blink of an eye, Qingchuan County seemed to be in a hurry.

Some soldiers moved towards the top of the city in panic, and some soldiers were still carrying defense equipment to the top of the city.

It is conceivable that their preparations were not sufficient.

But not long after, She Tuoli had already led Qingqi to the outside of Qingchuan County.

They didn't hesitate at all outside the city. As soon as they approached the moat, She Tuoli shouted: "Thank you, everyone, take down the suspension bridge!"

Some masters in the army roared out.

Although none of these masters possessed the cultivation base of the True Martial Realm, and even very few masters of the Upper Yuan Realm, it was not difficult to cross the moat.

Someone held a log in his hand, rushed to the bank of the moat, and threw the log vigorously into the river.

The log broke through the waves.

They flew up one after another and stood on the log, approaching the inner side of the moat at a fairly fast speed.From the looks of it, it seems that all of them are immortals.

"Fire arrows!"

"Fire arrows!"

There are such shouts from the top of the city.

Arrows from the top of the city were like rain, shooting at these masters in the rain, and others were shooting at the army behind.

A master in the moat was accidentally shot with a sharp arrow, and fell into the moat screaming.Blood will soon come out of the river.

She Tuoli led the army to press down to the bank of the moat, Qingqi all drew bows and arrows on horseback, and swept the formation for the masters who were going to seize the suspension bridge.

Some strong men in the army even took out the Thunderbolt and threw it at the top of the city.

Although this kind of battle was far less shocking than the fight between the four major military commanders and the Xixia Imperial Army last night, it can still be said to be quite spectacular.

Thousands of Qingqi lined up outside the city, which can barely be regarded as covering the mountains and plains.

In the end, some masters rushed across the moat and plundered towards the city gate.

There are kerosene, thunderbolts, boulders and other things pouring down from the top of the city.

There were only a dozen guns thrown in.

This did not cause too much damage to the army led by She Tuoli.

While the army horses roared, some thunderbolts just landed in the empty space, blowing up a lot of debris in vain.

She Tuoli didn't know when he was already drawing a knife in his hand, looked at the top of the city, and shouted: "Brothers! This Qingchuan County has been broken today, so let's bear with it for a while. After the Xixia Imperial Army is destroyed, I will take you there again." Go to Zhongxing Mansion and have a good time. Not to mention ordinary girls, but those stunning sword servants in the imperial palace who serve the empress, I will definitely let you have a good taste."

After all, he still has the habit of the world.But in fact, these words are quite profound.

She Tuoli is warning these soldiers not to break the city and cause chaos.

He knows the importance of people's hearts.

But all the lieutenant soldiers just took this set, and when they heard this, their faces showed excitement, and they promised loudly.

She Tuoli swung his knife and smashed the arrows that hit the front into powder, and shouted again: "Kill!"

With the sound of killing the word, the inner energy was urged to come out, billowing like thunder.In an instant, it seemed that the sound of the cannon was covered up by a lot.

Then he was seen shooting out of his horse like a cannonball, crossing the moat and heading towards the city gate.

He is not only a hero, but also a top powerhouse in the world.

The cultivation he displayed at this moment is actually in the ranks of true martial arts.

With his strength, not to mention the real power held by the She Tuo family, if not, no one in the She Tuo family would dare to underestimate him.

And after crossing the moat, She Tuoba even rose up from the ground and swept towards the top of the city alone.


The moment he got to the top of the city, another shout came out of his mouth.

The defenders in front of him had no time to react when they were slashed by his gleaming sword, and their heads rolled to the ground.

There was blood splashing high from the neck.

She Tuoli took advantage of the situation and rushed into the moat, his body was extremely fast and he rushed into the crowd.At this moment, it is full of undeserved courage.

Many defenders above the city gate were suddenly killed by him, so that they didn't even care about the masters below the city.

There was a little confusion in the city.

And those masters under the city already took advantage of this opportunity to approach the city gate.

Someone untied Hong Tianlei and threw it towards the city gate.

Amidst the explosion, the city gate of Qingchuan County, which was not so thick, collapsed.


A master rushed into the corridor.

A sword cut through the iron chain.

The suspension bridge plopped down and lay across the moat.

Outside the city, Qingqi shouted and killed.The moment the suspension bridge fell, they all flattered, rushing towards the suspension bridge.

A slightly flustered expression appeared on the face of the general defending the city.

No one thought that the city gate was breached so easily by the enemy.

This enemy army is far from easy to deal with like ordinary troops.

But right now, they have no other choice.

Boulders, boulders, kerosene, etc. fell down the city like rain.

(End of this chapter)

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