Chapter 1253
In fact, the situation has reached the point where the Xixia Forbidden Army is defeated, but it cannot be regarded as a defeat.

After all, the army of the four major military divisions was almost wiped out by them. Even if they won, they would not have the spare power to attack Zhongxing Mansion.

The tenacity and combat effectiveness of the Xixia Forbidden Army obviously exceeded the expectations of people like She Tuoli.

They lived in a corner, after all, they still had a little bit of self-esteem.

As everyone knows, in the past few years, the Imperial Army of Xixia has achieved considerable results after imitating the training methods of the Imperial Army of the Great Song Dynasty.It's not comparable to their old methods.

And if the Xixia Forbidden Army wants to say victory, it can never be regarded as victory.

At least at this time they are at a disadvantage, and they have paid more damage than the four major army divisions.

Even if they fought all the soldiers of the four major military divisions here, it can only be said that although they have no faults, they have no merits.

If Li Xiushu wants to destroy the foundation of the four major military divisions, I am afraid that he will have to make a long-term plan.At the very least, it is not something that can be done in a short period of time to recruit and train the forbidden army again.

And the army went out without success, in fact, it was over.

What Li Xiushu wants is not to hurt both sides, what she wants is to destroy the four major military divisions at a relatively light price.

After all, who wants to wipe out their wealth?

At home, the two armies looked at each other bitterly, wanting to launch the final charge.In the end, something happened in Longzhou City.

Zheng Yihang and Batong led the Imperial Guards of the Song Dynasty and finally rushed to Longzhou City at this last moment.

They came under the banner of the Great Song Imperial Army.

But Longzhou City has become like an empty city.

The four major armies fought with all their strength outside the city, almost mobilizing all the soldiers and horses that could be mobilized in the city.

The defenders in the city are probably only a few thousand.

These defenders wanted to stop them after seeing the more than ten thousand cavalry of the Great Song Dynasty coming in mighty force, but they didn't have the confidence.

No matter who the Great Song Forbidden Army favors, the four major army divisions are still the Great Song's army in name.

Stopping the Great Song Imperial Army outside the city is unreasonable and unreasonable.

In the end, I don't know what the general guarding the city thought, or he let the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty into the city.

Perhaps it was because he was worried that if he blocked the imperial army of the Song Dynasty from entering the city, it would attract the imperial army of the Song Dynasty to attack the city!

This is not something he can afford.

Because if they do so, it is their fault.At that time, even if the whole world knows that the Great Song Iron Cavalry attacked and killed the four major military commanders, how many people will say that the Great Song Imperial Army turned back on what it said?

Who told you not to magnify the entry of the Song Dynasty's imperial army into the city?
Is this the attitude that a surrendering army should have?
It's just that the general probably didn't expect that his enlargement of the Song Dynasty's imperial army's entry into the city would have much impact on the remaining soldiers on the front line.

After Zheng Yihang and Batong led their troops into the city, they did not kill the defenders in the city, but they also took over the city with a rather arrogant attitude.

On the head of Longzhou City, there is a national flag of the Song Dynasty erected high.

This is not counting.

After the national flag was erected, Zheng Yihang even deliberately let the grenadier in the army shoot a few shells into the air.

The sudden tremor naturally attracted the attention of the exhausted Xixia Imperial Army and the four major army commanders outside the city.

The sound of the grenade was too loud, completely different from the muffled sound of Thunderbolt.The momentum is also much bigger.

The Imperial Army of the Song Dynasty has entered Longzhou City!
At this time, although the soldiers on both sides of the front line could not actually see the national flag of the Song Dynasty erected on the top of Longzhou City, the hearts of the generals were all shocked.

Just by hearing the sound of the cannons, anyone could guess that it was the Imperial Army of the Song Dynasty entering Longzhou City.

Some of the generals in the four major military divisions have earthy faces.

She Tuoli, Tuoba Wu and the others also looked pale at this moment.

They had already paid an unbearable price for fighting until now.It is impossible to cross Lintao, Gansu Military Division, Xiangqing Military Division and other places and then return to various places.

With the little force they have left, it is difficult to break through the heavy interception that the empress will inevitably make.

They are still fighting now, and to put it bluntly, they are just trying to win their breath.Even if they can't go back alive, they still have to destroy these Xixia Forbidden Army.

But now that the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty suddenly arrived in Longzhou City, it made She Tuoli and the others feel bad.

They all knew very well that the Great Song Imperial Army would not come to aid them.

If you want to come, you have already come.

Moreover, there is no need to fire cannons on the city for no reason.

Of course, perhaps the Forbidden Army of the Song Dynasty came with the intention of reaping the final fruits of victory and annihilating the Xixia Forbidden Army and the four major army commanders who were both defeated.

But even so, what good will it do for their four major armies?

However, He Liancheng and other Xixia generals had completely different thoughts in their minds.

Although they were not sure why the Imperial Army of the Song Dynasty came, but because they were in a declining situation, they didn't have much chance of winning, so they simply broke the pot and smashed it.

As long as the Imperial Army of the Great Song Dynasty does not leave the city to help the four major armies, they will not be afraid.

They have been able to persist until now, and they have long had the idea of ​​smashing the halberd into the sand.I only hate, I wish I could destroy the four major army divisions, and the prestige of the forbidden army will suffer.

The prestige of the empress will suffer.

But now that the Forbidden Army of the Song Dynasty has arrived, it is very likely that the troops of these four major military divisions will not be able to fall well.In the end, it was just that both sides were wiped out, and Da Song took advantage of it.

At this time, He Liancheng and the others hated the four major military commanders to the bottom of their bones. Even if Song Jun took advantage of it in the end, they probably thought it was better than letting the four major military commanders continue to breathe.

After this idea was born in his mind, all the generals in the Xixia Forbidden Army had a more tragic aura spreading.

He Liancheng held up the scratched and mottled spear in his hand, hissed and shouted: "Brothers! Our allies, the Great Song Imperial Army, have entered Longzhou City, and the rebel army will be wiped out! Come! Come and kill me!" Kill all these rebels, so that the allies of Song Dynasty can see the bloodiness of our Xixia forbidden army! For the emperor! For Xixia! Kill!"

He slapped his horse with a spear, galloped out, and took the lead in killing the front again.

In the army, Qu Rujian was no longer seen.

He did not know when he was killed in the melee.

This battle can be said to have almost exhausted the soldiers in Xixia.

I just don't know what Li Xiushu will look like after hearing the news.

But among the four major army divisions, those generals didn't know how to boost morale at this time.

Said that the friendly army arrived?

But now in the army, who doesn't complain about the Great Song Forbidden Army?
If it hadn't been for Da Song not allowing them to go to war, how could they have fallen into such a situation?

If it wasn't for the fact that the imperial army of the Song Dynasty never sent troops to help them, how could they have killed both sides with the imperial army?
Home, I probably won't be able to go back...

The invisible morale is quietly changing.

When the two armies rushed to fight again, the remaining soldiers of the Xixia Forbidden Army, the Gansu Army Division, and the Xiangqing Army Division unexpectedly broke out with impressive fighting power.

Although everyone looked tired, there was a certain kind of firm light in their eyes.

Longzhou city head.

Liu Zhuwen and other generals were all looking out of the city with binoculars, shaking their heads and sighing softly.

Even though they are all experienced generals, seeing the tragic scene of corpses strewn all over the field outside the city at this time, they still feel a little touched in their hearts.

With this battle, how many villages in Xixia will be reduced to empty villages, leaving only old, young, women and children?

How many families will be torn apart in this battle?
The territory of Xixia is not large, and it has not had much recuperation in the past few years.Now that such a big battle happens again, I don't know when it will be until I want to recover.

Just like the Song Dynasty, it was fragmented and the people were in dire straits.Later, although the emperor encouraged childbearing and widely implemented new policies, hasn't he been able to fully recover his vitality?

It is true that the economy is more prosperous than before, but the number of people in the Song Dynasty, excluding Dali Road, is still far less than when it was most prosperous before.

Before the Great Song Dynasty was almost destroyed by the Yuan Dynasty, in the whole country, the people with the household registration of the Great Song Dynasty probably survived only half of them.

But now, the situation of Xixia is probably not far from that of Song Dynasty.

No matter how iron-blooded a person is, seeing such a scene can't help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart.

However, Liu Zhuwen and others still did not lead an army out of the city to assist the Xixia Imperial Army.

They are Song generals, and they will only think of Song in everything.

Now that the Xixia Forbidden Army is almost wiped out, it doesn't matter whether they win or lose.Rather than saving the remaining imperial guards, they were more willing to maintain the prestige of Song Dynasty and the emperor.

At most, if the Xixia Forbidden Army is completely wiped out, help them destroy these four major army commanders.

For these soldiers of the Song Dynasty, Xixia is finally a country beyond the fan...

But there is a saying that goes like this, people who are not of my race must have a different heart...

(End of this chapter)

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