Chapter 1275
The diabolo boat docked and landed on the beach.

A general ran straight in front of him, with a strange look on his face, and said, "Boss, what should we do with these Japanese women?"

Those Japanese women in ragged clothes curled up with each other, and at this moment they just looked at the soldiers of the Earth Sha Army with expressions of horror.

The soldiers of the Disha Army also looked at them with great interest, with some weird smiles on their faces, commenting.

They are far away in Dongsha, and they have never seen Japanese girls before.I have to say, these petite Japanese girls really have a bit of a chic taste.

If they were still pirates, they would never be polite.This time is already feasting.

It's just that now everyone is the Imperial Army of the Great Song Dynasty, with military discipline ahead, so although there is some green light in their eyes, no one really steps forward to make a move.

Diabolo was also slightly startled when he heard the general's words.

These Japanese women are indeed not easy to deal with.

Even though they looked kind of pitiful and charming, they couldn't be kept in the army.

Diabolo is quite familiar with the dispositions of these soldiers under his command, and he can restrain himself now, but if the time is too long, no one can guarantee that they will not turn into wolves.

If some soldiers do something extraordinary to these Japanese women, should they be punished or not punished?

These Japanese wives are prisoners of war.The status in the hearts of soldiers is similar to that of goods.

Although there is military discipline, but for these Japanese wives to use military discipline to punish the soldiers, I am afraid that it will cause dissatisfaction among the soldiers in the army.

Some people will say, we are not girls of the same clan who are bullied, so what are these grandmas?
In the end, diabolo's eyes lighted up suddenly, and he didn't know what he thought of, and said suddenly: "Give them two boats and let them leave on their own."

The general standing next to him showed a little surprise, "Let them go?"

Diabolo looked at the general's expression and said with a low smile, "Reluctance?"

The general smiled embarrassingly, "How can..."

Then he hurried down to give orders.

In fact, he was afraid that he was really reluctant.

Good fire and carbon, good girl Fei Han.

They are all fierce men, but they want to spend energy on these Japanese women, but military discipline does not allow it...

Not long after, the Disha soldiers gave these Japanese women two not-so-small boats from the captured pirate ships.

Due to the language barrier, these Japanese women finally understood what they meant.

This surprised them too.

They have been reduced to such a situation, and they also know that they are just playthings for others to vent.Unexpectedly, these pirates from foreign countries would let them go.

They even couldn't help wondering whether these foreign pirates had other plans.

But these naked women, except for their bodies, what else can they do?

After much difficulty, the two pirate ships slowly headed towards the sea.

Those Japanese women were hiding in the cabin, for fear that the soldiers of the Disha Army would shoot them with bows and arrows for fun.

But the soldiers of the Disha Army obviously did not do this.

Although some people feel reluctant, they still let these Japanese women leave.

Under Diabolo's order, the soldiers just walked towards different parts of the island.Defensive measures are arranged along the island.

Boxes of Shenlong blunderbuss, grenade launchers, thunderbolts and other things in the ship were carried out of the ship.

Diabolo led hundreds of soldiers to the pirates' lair.

In this lair, a lot of gold and silver treasures were obtained, as well as Japanese Tongbao.

Although Japan's coins are quite different from those of the Song Dynasty, they are also made of gold, silver, copper and iron, and they are still valuable things.

The soldiers moved all the gold, silver and other treasures outside the cave, all of them grinning from ear to ear.

Diabolo said that most of these gold and silver treasures will be distributed to the soldiers who went to war, except for a few who returned to the army.

The Japanese woman and the others were not able to taste the taste, and now they are finally quite relieved.

And at this time, a general finally understood Diabolo's intentions, came to him and said: "Chief, do you think those Japanese women can successfully go to land?"

Diabolo smiled and said, "I hope they can go ashore alive."

The general laughed, "The leader wants to use them as bait to spread our news and attract those Japanese pirates and officers and soldiers?"

Diabolo raised his eyebrows and said: "If we go to find them, how much trouble will it be?"

He shook the paper fan in his hand, and said: "Our army is on an expedition, and we are not familiar with the Japanese territory. We should occupy the territory and wait for work. I originally wanted to take this island first, and then release news to attract those Japanese officers and soldiers And the pirates came to attack us. Now if these Japanese women can come ashore alive, then perhaps, we will save a lot of trouble."

The general nodded lightly, "Then you did not allow us to use the Shenlong gun, did you plan to do so?"

"Of course!"

Diabolo slapped the paper fan on his hand, and said with a smile: "If we directly exposed the Shenlong blunderbuss, grenades, etc., would those Japanese officers, soldiers and pirates dare to attack us?"

"Ha ha!"

The general couldn't help laughing beside him.

He could already seem to be able to see how frightened those Japanese officers, soldiers and pirates would show when they rushed to this island.

The sun is westward.

By the evening of the day, the soldiers of the Disha Army had already deployed several lines of defense on the island.

Only on such an island, it is impossible to have iron cavalry galloping, so the defense line is mainly based on traps and trenches.

Diabolo is familiar with the art of war and has quite a lot of combat experience, so there are many ingenious things in this arrangement.

After setting up the line of defense, the soldiers of the Disha Army gathered outside the lair of the pirates, feasting on nothing.

Now it can be said that everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

It was night, except for a few officers and men who were on guard and patrolling, the rest of the soldiers of the Disha army were resting inside and outside the pirate's lair.

The night is peaceful.

Those pirates were all wiped out here, even if those Japanese women managed to leave alive, it would be difficult to meet strangers like this in the vast sea.

On the dark and boundless sea.

Two pirate ships drifted alone.

Those Japanese women were so exhausted that they hugged each other in the cabin and took a nap.

They are all just ordinary women, in this vast sea, they really can only resign themselves to fate.

Suddenly, there was loud shouting outside.

This suddenly woke up these women.

There was a look of extreme horror on their faces, and some even shed tears directly.

In this sea, it is difficult to meet any good people.

Not long after, a bang was heard.The ship suddenly shook violently.

The women in the cabin were all screaming.

It's hard to tell whether they were lucky or unlucky. On such a night, they drifted with the crowd and unexpectedly encountered pirates who happened to be patrolling here.

There were a few pirate ships that surrounded the two ships, and they were very close.

The shaking of the ship was because some pirates put the gangplank directly on the two ships.

Someone was screaming in the room.

Dozens of pirates armed with all kinds of weapons ferociously rushed along the gangplank to the two ships.

Then they saw that no one came out from the cabin, and they were also a little dazed.

Some people even showed a hint of worry.

In this era, the theory of ghosts and ghosts was very popular in Japan.At night, I met these two ships without lights, and there seemed to be no one on board, which of course made these believers in ghosts and gods feel a little bit guilty.

Stories about ghost ships, murder ships, etc., these vicious Japanese pirates have heard of it.

Only after that, someone faintly heard the cries of those women in the cabin.

Although he was even more frightened and confused, he still walked towards the cabin bravely.

Then, the pirate's strange laughter immediately sounded in the cabin.

The rest of the pirates, who looked a little nervous, looked at me and I looked at you, and were hesitating whether to go in, when they heard the pirate's loud laughter and the woman's cry again.

They were slightly startled, and then all came back to their senses.

It turned out that there was a woman in the cabin.

At that moment, these Japanese pirates seemed to be crazy, rushing into the cabin in a swarm.

Only those women suffered.

What happened in the cabin afterwards is too difficult to describe in detail.

Don't look at these pirates and ronin who seem to be quite leisurely and rampant everywhere, but in fact their lives are far from as beautiful as imagined.

Eating meat with big mouthfuls, drinking with big bowls, and playing with girls with big hands, these are the treatment that only those pirates who are doing well can enjoy.

Ordinary pirates are not much different from coolies in groups.What they can enjoy is only the leftovers left by the leaders.

For those pirates with little power, it would be even more difficult to feed themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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