Chapter 1282
Tatsuya Fujiwara is in a state of desperation.

At this time, he had just led the samurai under his command to Satsuma Town not long ago.How could he have thought that before Satsuma-cho's butt was wiped clean, another accident happened in Dahua-cho.

These Song soldiers appeared and disappeared like loaches, which really gave him a headache.

And the resentment of the common people, as well as the succession of news reports from all over the world, made him even more angry and hated.

It's all rubbish.

He felt quite powerless in his heart.At this time, he knew that it was impossible to destroy the Song army with the warriors he led alone.

The Song army has no base here, and its behavior is no different from that of pirates.If you want to drive them out or destroy them, you can only encircle them with a huge force advantage.

And this is not something he Fujiwara Dae can easily do.

After all, although he is the Great General of Kyushu, he is actually just the most powerful daimyo on Kyushu Island.In his territory, there are probably only tens of thousands of warriors.

If he were to use all his strength to encircle and suppress those Song troops, not to mention whether he could win or not, he would undoubtedly not be willing to do that.

Officialdom is extremely realistic.

If his subordinates pay a huge loss, even if they destroy the Earth Demon Army, he may not be able to achieve good results in the end.

Those big names from all over the world may not repay his kindness, but it is more likely that they will attack him in groups, taking advantage of his weakening power, carve up his territory, and encroach on his interests.

Ever since, although Fujiwara Dae was in a rather awkward situation, he did not rush to Dahuacho with the army in a panic.

He just sent envoys to various castle towns in Kyushu one after another.

It is the entire Kyushu Island to destroy these Song armies.

In the past, this kind of fact happened in Japan. Under the situation of divided regimes, there must be unity.

Facing the outside world, these Japanese daimyos are quite united.

As time passed, more than ten days passed, and in the castle towns of Fengqian, Fenghou, and Hizen on Kyushu Island, a large number of samurai came out of the city.

Under the leadership of their respective generals, they all headed for the coastal areas of Kyushu Island.

This is also impossible.

The Yindisha army disappeared like a ghost, and disappeared after sweeping Dahua Town.It is almost impossible for them to find the Disha army in the vast sea, and they can only defend passively.

And when the armies of the cities and towns of Kyushu Island were moving, the Disha Army did two feats one after another, which made Kyushu Island and even the whole of Japan completely uproarious.

The name of the Imperial Army of the Great Song Dynasty spread throughout Japan.

They first appeared in Hizen Town on the northern coast of Kyushu Island, and captured two towns in Hizen.Then it goes south and directly crosses Dacidong, and then arrives at Guima Town.

The main city of Guima Town was destroyed, the guard of Guima Town was killed, and thousands of samurai in the town were lost.

The big stabbing is even more desolate. Its territory was swept away by the Disha army like the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves. I don't know how many warriors and treasures were lost.

Although the soldiers of the Disha Army did not intentionally harm the Japanese people, they were also terrified.

The towns that were breached by the Disha army can only be described as devastated.

The traces of gunpowder left on the city wall and the potholes formed by the explosion of the shells made many people feel chills in their hearts.

It turned out that in this world, there are so many troops more powerful than their Japanese samurai.

It turned out that the warriors they were proud of were so invulnerable.

I don't know how many Japanese people fell into a state of heartbreak soon after the initial hesitation.

The samurai from various castle towns rushed to Hizen and Osashi towns, but in the end, they couldn't meet the soldiers of the Disha army.

From the beginning to the end, the soldiers of the Disha Army only raided the coastal areas and did not go deep into the interior. This made the warriors of Kyushu Island have no chance to catch them.

When the samurai in Kyushu Island gathered in the coastal area one after another, the Disha army led by Diabolo had already made a lot of money and left.

They plundered many treasures in Feiqian, Daci, Huima and other places, and they could hardly let go of the ships.Moreover, all the samurai in Kyushu Island are now fighting against the same enemy. If the fight continues, it will inevitably be in danger of being encircled, so I don't plan to continue to stay overseas in Japan.

In this battle, Da Song just came here to find a place.

Now that the benefits are exhausted, if you don't leave, if you stay here and suffer any losses in the future, it will be a waste of all your previous efforts.

Looking at the overall situation, there are diabolos.

On the vast sea, there are more pirate ships of the Disha army than when they came, and they are heading south again.

On the way, I occasionally encountered those Japanese pirates. How could those pirates be their opponents?
By the time the famous people in Kyushu got the news that the Disha Army had gone to sea, the Disha Army had already gone far.

Such a boring loss only made all the Japanese daimyo want to vomit blood.

At this time, someone finally reacted and wanted to take the merchants of the Song Dynasty to avenge their bloody revenge.

But it is a pity that the merchants of the Song Dynasty saw the opportunity early, and they had already slipped away by this time.

The merchants of the Great Song Dynasty, which were not uncommon in Japan, seemed to have disappeared all of a sudden.

The two must be completely broken.

According to legend, when Ashikaga Hono, the shogun who controlled the real power in Japan, learned the news that the Disha army was going to sea, he was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot.

Then he immediately dismissed Fujiwara Dae's post.

Only these have nothing to do with the Disha Army.

On the sea, hundreds of pirate ships staggered southward, talking and laughing on board, how leisurely they looked.

If people don't know the truth, I'm afraid they can still think that these "pirates" are out to play.

In just over a month, Diabolo led only [-] soldiers of the Disha Army, making him famous in Japan.

Another few days passed.

There was no Japanese sea ship chasing the Disha army.

The shogunate is already quite devastated just dealing with the mess in the country, and has no energy to deal with the earth evil army.

At this time, Chen Diaoyan and others led the army, Manasi Ghana, Wang Zaikan and others finally arrived at the coast of Demayi.

Naturally, the customs here are completely different from those in the Song Dynasty.

Coconut trees stand by the sea.

Most of the Tiansha and Tianyun soldiers of Song Dynasty had never seen the customs of this foreign country, they all ran out of the cabin and looked towards the shore again and again.

Ma Yi's envoy Wang Zaikan stayed on Huang Zhijie's boat, right next to Huang Zhijie, pointed to the beach and said to Huang Zhijie, "Master Huang, this is our Ma Yi."

Huang Zhijie nodded slightly, and said, "The scenery is pleasant!"

It's just that he doesn't feel relaxed and happy like Tiansha and Tianyun lieutenant generals.

Qiongzhou Island is also an island, and it can only be said to be similar to this Mayi's terroir.Although the scenery of Mayi is really pleasant, but no matter how beautiful the scenery is, if you see it too much, that's it.

Wang Zaikan also knew where Huang Zhijie was from, so he laughed a few times and didn't say anything more.

And Manasi Ghana, who stayed on Chen Diaoyan's boat, spit all over the place.

This envoy from Boni was already quite a talkative person, and during his time at sea, he had gotten mixed up with Chen Diaoyan and others.At this time, of course, it is inevitable to talk about this troublesome customs in front of Chen Diaoyan and others.Although he is not from Ma Yi, but Ma Yi and Bo Ni come from the same origin, and they have always had a good relationship. He is also quite familiar with Ma Yi.

Chen Diaoyan and the others felt refreshed by the beautiful scenery.

As the fleet got closer and closer to the coast, Manasigana, Wang Zaikan and others couldn't help frowning slightly.

It was too quiet on the beach.

Wang Zaikan glanced at Huang Zhijie beside him, with worry in his eyes, he hesitated to speak.

Huang Zhijie was keenly aware that he had something on his mind, and asked, "Master Wang, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Zaikan said: "We have sent messengers to report back to the country first, and we have stated that we will land from here, but now for some reason, no one has come to welcome you."

Huang Zhijie couldn't help frowning slightly when he heard the words.

Mayi is a vassal state of the Great Song Dynasty. When their army came here, the king of Mayi should not say that he came to greet him in person, but he should also send ministers to come over.

There was something wrong with the beach being so empty right now.

He didn't think that King Mayi would not even have this kind of etiquette.

That can only show that King Mayi probably doesn't have the energy to send people to meet them now.


(End of this chapter)

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