The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1293 Organizing the Rescue

Chapter 1293 Organizing the Rescue
The crowd fell silent again.

In fact, these workers also know that Zhao Dongting's words are reasonable.

It is of no use for them to force the county magistrate.

The county magistrate is not a god, so how can he save all of them?
It's just worry and anxiety in my heart.That's why he acted like this just now.

At this time, they are already quite confused.

At this time, Zhao Dongting's tone became softer, and he said, "Everyone should believe in the county magistrate, no matter how many workers can be saved in the end, the officials of the whole county, the defenders, and the yamen servants will do their best. Such a large landslide occurred in the mine, and the rescue work cannot be completed in a day or two. If you stay here, it is better to go home and make preparations first, and call on the villagers to come and help our defenders carry out the rescue work Help, okay?"

The crowd was talking again.

Then someone shouted: "Young Master is right, there are too few defenders, we should go home quickly and call for help."

Amidst the shouts, someone ran away in a hurry.

Some of them live in a mountain village not too far from here.

The scene was finally no longer so noisy.

The county magistrate gently wiped the sweat from his forehead, and cast a grateful look at Zhao Dongting.

Zhao Dongting also breathed a sigh of relief, and even whispered to the county magistrate: "Now, immediately send people back to the city, and mobilize all the manpower that can be mobilized in the city. In addition, invite all the doctors in the city, and bring them to the city. Qi Medicine. Food and grass will also be delivered here, and all staff must be prepared to search and rescue for a long time here! No matter how many people can be saved in the end, the government will never give up! Food and grass can be delivered slowly, but You must show this attitude now. Do you understand what I said?"


The county magistrate hurriedly nodded, and ordered the director of the Social Security Bureau to go back to the city in person.Then I couldn't help but wonder in my heart.

Zhao Dongting's quick wit and calmness are far beyond his comparison.

Who is the son of the family who can have such insights?
As long as the government does its best, even if the final search and rescue work is not satisfactory, the common people will not be too angry with the government.

Although this still cannot restore the workers who were buried on the mountain, it can somewhat prevent things from deteriorating.

If the common people really make a fuss over this matter, the impact may be even more serious than this landslide.

"Master He!"

After thinking about it, the county magistrate hurriedly said to the master: "You also go to the city quickly and bring all the silver in the treasury."

He glanced at the top of the mountain, "When you bring back the remains of the workers from the mountain, you will immediately distribute pensions to their will mainly distribute them in the name of funeral expenses. Don't be stingy, even if you put the money in the treasury All of them are used up, and the common people must not be dissatisfied with our government, do you know?"

The master nodded heavily with a solemn face, and rushed to the city with a few people applauding.

But at this time, Jun Tianfang and the others had already arrived at the top of the mountain.

Then a master flew down the mountain with a person in his hand.

Not all of the thousands of workers were buried in the mine, obviously there were still many survivors.

Even their slight noise caused another small landslide on the mountain.

The crowd screamed again and again.

Zhao Dongting couldn't help frowning again.

The occurrence of such a landslide in the mine seems to be an accident, but in fact it is due to many omissions in the mining method.

After all, this era is still far from being comparable to later generations.

And even in later generations, don't incidents like landslides often occur?

If the mining method is not improved, there will be many such things in the future.

Although this cannot shake the foundation of the Great Song Dynasty, it is not a good thing after all.How can people not feel bad for hundreds of thousands of lives at every turn?
Zhao Dongting couldn't help thinking deeply.

As some masters brought the surviving workers down the mountain, the crowd who hadn't left became noisy again.

Some wept with joy, while more became even more worried.

The faces of Jun Tianfang and the others were solemn.

After going down the mountain, Jun Tianfang walked up to Zhao Dongting and said in a low voice, "My lord, the situation above is not optimistic..."

Zhao Dongting looked at him.

Jun Tianfang said again: "There are many collapsed places, and there are many people... who were buried below, unable to survive..."

Zhao Dongting sighed heavily, "As many as you can save..."

Then he looked at the county magistrate and said, "Let the defenders clear the mountain road. But remember not to be impatient, safety comes first."

"The subordinate obeys the order."

At this time, the county magistrate admired Zhao Dongting quite a lot, so he quickly agreed and went down to make arrangements.

Hundreds of soldiers of the defending army requisitioned a lot of hoes, cart baskets and other things on the spot, and headed towards the mountain road.

All the people looked at them with quite expectant eyes.

Up to now, they can also pin their hopes on these defenders.

There were also people who wanted to go up to help, but were stopped by the yamen servants.

The county magistrate said loudly: "Everyone is willing to help, the county is here to thank you. But now that the situation on the mountain is uncertain, you should not risk your life to go up."

His words made many people show gratitude.

Those people who were anxious and even impulsive due to worries in their hearts gradually lost their voices.

No one wants such a thing to happen.And now it seems that the government is indeed doing its best.

The soldiers all risked their lives and went up the mountain to search and rescue them. What else could they say?
Who is not raised by parents?Who is not flesh and blood?
Time passed slowly.

The defenders on the mountain path are already dredging the mountain path, but the progress is extremely slow.

Zhao Dongting sighed softly after seeing this scene.

It is too difficult to carry out such a large rescue with human power alone.

Although all the defenders were sweating profusely, how could it be possible to keep up with the speed of those excavators of later generations simply by digging with hoes?

I really have to wait for them to completely clear the mountain road, and I don't know when it will be.

At this time, Zhao Dongting no longer had too much luck in his heart. He knew that it was inevitable that many workers would be buried on the mountain forever.

Even when he first arrived here, Zhao Dongting already had this conclusion in his mind.Otherwise, the subsequent countermeasures will not be based on how to relieve the people.

Those who can go to the mountain to save people at this time are people like Jun Tianfang.

But after all, there are only dozens of them, no matter how powerful they are, how many people can they save?

For about an hour or so, the rescue work still hasn't made much progress.

Jun Tianfang and the others only rescued more than a hundred surviving workers, and most of the workers were still trapped above.

Jun Tianfang and others have already told Zhao Dongting about the above situation.

Many workers are no longer alive.

The director of the Cenxi Social Security Bureau finally came with hundreds of soldiers, as well as many yamen servants.

This is probably the transfer of all the defenders in Cenxi County.

After he led the crowd here, he hastily joined the ranks of dredging the mountain road.

But this process is also dangerous.

Among them, two landslides occurred, and even two defenders were damaged.

Afterwards, the master book also arrived with dozens of people, all of whom were petty officials, servants and so on.There are more than ten carriages, each with several large wooden boxes tied to them.

Behind, there are many people.

These were all temporarily called by the chief secretary and other officials, most of whom were coolies in the city.They helped to transport the grain in the grain depot.

The crowd was surging.

An unknown number of people in the entire Cenxi County are gathering here.

At this time, the collapse of the coal mine was obviously spread.

Meishan, on the other hand, has finally stabilized.

After Zhao Dongting and others observed carefully, they saw that there was no sign of landslide again, so they asked the officials to let the common people go up.

Some brave people joined the ranks of the defenders carrying hoes and other objects.

Although the manpower seems a little meager at this moment, the scene is quite moving.

The government and the people are united.

The county magistrate and others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The county magistrate had nothing to do at the front, and returned to Zhao Dongting sweating profusely, and bowed deeply to Zhao Dongting: "Thank you, my superior..."

If Zhao Dongting hadn't given him advice and helped him appease the people, the situation would probably not be what it is today.

Zhao Dongting looked at him with approval in his eyes.

This county magistrate is about forty years old, has a short beard, looks gentle, but also has a bit of courage.

During this period of time, he took the risk to personally direct the soldiers to clear the mountain path, and he was almost buried here twice, and Zhao Dongting saw it all.

This is a good officer.

(End of this chapter)

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