Chapter 1305
Mao Jue was slightly surprised, and then said: "I am willing to be dispatched by the emperor."


Zhao Dongting nodded lightly, "Then you will take the post of assistant to the supervisory order first, and follow Zhao Aiqing's side to relieve Zhao Aiqing's worries."

The assistant to the supervisory order is a newly added official position after Zhao Dongting's restructuring.To put it bluntly, he is similar to a secretary. Although his official title is not very high, his power is not small.

Anyway, they are also the people around the chief officer.

In fact, Zhao Dongting wanted to send Mao Jue to Zhao Yuluo's side as an assistant, with the intention of letting Mao Jue be the deputy supervisor in the future.

Nowadays, there are a large number of talents in the court, but there are only a few who are qualified enough to be the chief and deputy officials of various ministries. He needs to bring up the qualifications of these cadres.

In the new Song Dynasty, under his many new policies, in fact, only those Jinshi selected from various majors can adapt to these new policies.In Zhao Dongting's heart, he also felt that only by waiting for those new types of talents to take charge of the government can the Great Song Dynasty be able to achieve a real rebirth.But this kind of thing has to be done step by step.Because of this, there are too many relationships involved.

Not to mention anything else, the fact that Zhang Xizai, Chen Jianghan, Zhang Shijie and others are about to retire now has already made Zhao Dongting a little anxious.If all the old ministers in the court were replaced, the officialdom of the Song Dynasty would be turbulent.Some people may not be against it, but there will always be a lot of unnecessary troubles.

If not done well, the imperial court may even split into two factions, conservative and innovative.And this is undoubtedly what Zhao Dongting does not want to see.

Before the frontier was stabilized, Zhao Dongting was unwilling to make drastic changes in the court and take unnecessary dangers.Because the Great Song Dynasty seems to be powerful, but its foundation is actually still shallow, and it really can't stand much trouble.

Not long after, Zhao and Luo went down with Zhao Dongting's imperial edict.

Zhao Dongting also announced Chen Jianghan, Minister of Finance, and Zhu Hecong, Minister of Finance, into the imperial study.

At Chen Jianghan's age, not to mention retiring to the second line, it is almost time to retire.

The chief officers of other departments can still slow down, but he can't slow down here.

Zhao Dongting couldn't bear to see Chen Jianghan continue to work day and night for the finance department at such an old age.

After the two entered the imperial study, Zhao Dongting asked Chen Jianghan directly: "Chen Shangshu, I wonder if Zhu Shilang's performance in the finance department is still satisfactory to you?"

Because Zhu Hecong was close to him and went out from his side, Zhao Dongting didn't shy away from asking this question.

In his heart, he regards Zhu Hecong as a very close person.

Zhu Hecong really had nothing to dislike, just smiled beside him.

Chen Jianghan instantly understood Zhao Dongting's intention to announce the two of them entering the imperial study, looked at Zhu Hecong, and replied: "Back to the emperor, Zhu Shilang is very capable, but the old minister has handed over all the affairs of the financial department to Zhu Shilang on behalf of him a few months ago." Nevermind."


Zhao Dongting was a little surprised, "Now the finance department is under the management of Zhu Shilang?"

Chen Jianghan said with a smile: "Your Majesty only needs to read the financial statement to understand. Veteran, you can retire with peace of mind!"

He had known that Zhao Dongting had put Zhu Hecong in the finance department, so after allocating funds to Jiangnan West Road, he simply asked Zhu Hecong to be the leader of the finance department.

In this way, it can be regarded as smooth sailing.

Seeing that Chen Jianghan's words came from the heart, and his smile didn't seem fake, Zhao Dongting felt relieved.

He had no doubts about Zhu Hecong's ability.The only thing I was slightly worried about before was whether Zhu Hecong would be hard to convince the public in the finance department due to his young age.

But until now, the finance department has not had anyone ginseng Zhu Hecong, and Chen Jianghan also recognizes him, so there is no need to worry about it.

Zhao Dongting originally had the kind of resolute temperament, so he stopped hesitating immediately and said with a smile: "In that case, Chen Shangshu, you can change to be a scholar of the Imperial Academy, and let Zhu Shilang take over your class, how about it?"

Chen Jianghan stroked his beard and nodded, "That's very good."

Judging from his appearance, it is clear that he also approves of Zhu Hecong.

And Zhu Hecong showed a little excitement.

Although he has been in charge of the finance department recently, it is completely different if he wants to be promoted to the secretary of the finance department now.

He also understood Zhao Dongting's high hopes for him.

Throughout the dynasty, among the young cadres who were promoted to a chief official at this time, he was the only one.

He quickly knocked down on the ground, and said to Zhao Dongting: "My minister Zhu Hecong thanked the emperor."

Zhao Dongting waved his hand lightly, "As long as you don't let me down."

These words made Zhu Hecong understand his intentions even more.

Zhao Dongting promoted him to be Minister of the Finance Department in order to make him a role model among young officials.It can also be said that it is an example of new talents.

If he performed well in the finance department, it would be logical for Zhao Dongting to promote new talents in the future.

And if he didn't do well, it would take a lot of trouble for Zhao Dongting to achieve a big change of blood in the whole dynasty.

As for Chen Jianghan, even though he had resigned from his position as Minister of the Finance Department, Zhao Dongting treated him with great favor.

A Bachelor of the Hanlin Academy of the Academy of Sciences, in charge of drafting secret edicts such as the appointment and removal of generals, orders for conquests, etc., and preparing the emperor's advisers, but he is known as the "inner minister".

If Zhao Dongting wanted to make a big move, he would discuss it with the chief officials of the imperial court and the provinces, as well as the Hanlin scholars.Whatever decision is really made, the academy must be the first to know.It is almost impossible for someone who is not the most trusted veteran to be appointed as a Hanlin scholar.This official position is not only an honor in today's Song Dynasty, but also has real power.

Even if Lu Xiufu and others retire in the future, they will probably be appointed as Hanlin bachelors like Chen Jianghan.

This is already the best place for retired officials of the Song Dynasty, and only officials who are most trusted and relied on by Zhao Dongting can have such kind treatment.Ordinary, I am afraid that I will retire when I retire.

Just the next day.

Zhao Dongting convened all the officials for the early court, and announced the appointment of Zhao Yuluo, Zhong Jian, Zhu Hecong and others in the court hall.

Zhang Shijie, Xu Yuesong, Chen Jianghan and others also retired honorably.

Both Chen Jianghan and Zhang Shijie were awarded Hanlin Bachelors.

Xu Yuesong, on the other hand, was awarded the honorary advisor of the Military Science Department.

After all, it’s not really retirement.The current Song Dynasty cannot completely leave these humerus veterans.

Although many of the ministers were surprised, no one raised any objections.

As Zhao Dongting promoted Zhong Jian, Mao Jue and others one after another, the veteran officials were already somewhat prepared for these young officials to gradually enter the center.

Many of them are also aware of their own shortcomings, and their professional knowledge is far inferior to those young people.Maybe now, I am still happy for Da Song in my heart.

The Great Song Dynasty was brought down by them following Zhao Dongting.The feelings of these people are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

For these founding heroes, the prosperity of the Song Dynasty is much more important than their personal interests.

The current Song Dynasty has not yet reached the time to show its decay.

For the next few days, there were only wedding banquets on the street in front of the palace.

Zhang Shijie, Chen Jianghan and others retired to entertain everyone, and the courtiers, old and new, naturally gave face.

The entire Changsha officialdom is quite happy and harmonious.

Zhao Dongting went to the workshop of the Military Science Department again.Only now, he also brought the baby Li Goudan with him.

This is still an unexpected discovery.

It was Zhao Dongting who found Li Goudan writing and drawing in the imperial study and asked him what he was doing.

Li Goudan then showed Zhao Dongting what he had drawn, scratched his head and said, "Goudan drew carelessly, thinking that the mine might be useful."

After seeing his paintings, Zhao Dongting couldn't help being a little surprised.

What Li Goudan painted is a "cable car"!
Ropes, and boxes hanging from the ropes.This is obviously no different from the cable cars of later generations.

And if this kind of thing is put in the mine, I really don't know how much manpower can be saved.

Of course, it is impossible to put the cable car on the mine as simple as that, and a lot of improvements are still needed.

But this still made Zhao Dongting enlightened, and also discovered Li Goudan's talent and hobbies in this area.

It was a matter of course to take Li Goudan to the workshop of the Ministry of Military Science and Technology.

After the reform of the imperial examination system, although he set up various subjects, most of them were related to people's livelihood and governing the country.For example, physics and chemistry, he did not set up special subjects.

Now, Zhao Dongting also intends to bring out such an apprentice.I just don't know if Li Goudan has made any amazing inventions after he came into contact with physics.

(End of this chapter)

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