Chapter 1319
It's not that he doesn't want to help Xixia, but it's really not something he can decide on his own.

Don't say that he is only the deputy commander and acting marshal of the Shuzhong Military Region, even if he is the real marshal, I am afraid that he dare not make a claim easily.

Among the six major military regions of the Great Song Dynasty, the Shuzhong Military Region can be said to be the weakest.Even during the Xixia Civil War last time, Marshal Liu Zhuwen of the Dali Military Region rushed here to preside over the overall situation.

Zhang Guangbao wants to be a marshal, but he almost has merit and prestige.And the army commanders Zheng Yihang and Batumi didn't have enough qualifications.The generalissimo of the Shuzhong Military Region has always been vacant.

This kind of vacancy made Zhang Guangbao even more afraid to make decisions without authorization.After all, he still has some ideas about the post of Generalissimo of the Central Shu Military Region.

I would rather be conservative than take risks.

After a little silence, Zhang Guangbao only said: "I will immediately send a letter to ask His Highness for instructions on this matter. At the same time, our Sichuan Central Military Region is ready to go out, how about it?"

This is probably his greatest sincerity.

Hearing what he said, Ke Shuyuan was a little disappointed, but he could only nod helplessly in agreement, and had to thank Zhang Guangbao.

Although it took some time for Zhang Guangbao to ask Emperor Song for instructions, his army had to prepare for the expedition.Speaking of which, as long as he prepares immediately, there will be no delay.

After Ke Shuyuan took a deep look at Zhang Guangbao, he resigned and left.

Zhang Guangbao did not intend to perfunctory Xixia, Ke Shuyuan just left, he sent people to send letters to Zheng Yihang, Batong and other army commanders and deputy commanders overnight.And the generals in charge of logistics announced to his residence.

When the logistics generals arrived, Zhang Guangbao said directly: "Everyone, prepare food, grass, ordnance, etc."

All the logistics generals were slightly surprised.

Someone asked: "Deputy Marshal, do you want to start a war?"

Zhang Guangbao nodded and replied: "Western Xia lost in the confrontation with Da Xia, and now the whole army is going to defend Zhongxing Mansion to the death. We will rush to help Zhongxing Mansion when the Emperor orders it."


Someone exclaimed, "The Xixia army has been defeated?"

The news of the defeat of Heliancheng and Zhongsun Zhouting at the Great Wall has not yet spread to the Song Dynasty.

Although these generals now know that the Great Xia Army also has firearms, they are still extremely surprised to hear that the Xixia Army lost so quickly.

This is quite a bit of a defeat.

Zhang Guangbao said quietly: "There are extremely strong men in the Great Xia Army, it's unexpected that the Western Xia Army lost so quickly, but it's also reasonable."

"Extreme Realm Master..."

Hearing this, all the logistics generals couldn't help but frowned slightly, and someone said: "Marshal, there are extreme masters in the Great Xia Army, then let's go..."

Zhang Guangbao said: "Although the extreme state is strong, I don't believe that our Central Shu Military Region can't even deal with the extreme state. Besides, the emperor must have a way to deal with it. You don't need to worry about this matter. As long as We need to make preparations as soon as possible, lest our army is not ready when the imperial decree is issued. Xixia is our ally and the gateway to the west of our dynasty. It is also a great disadvantage for Song."


Hearing what he said, all the generals bowed their hands, said no more, and hurriedly walked outside.

The Imperial Army of the Great Song Dynasty was founded less than ten years ago. It conquered the north and south, destroyed countless enemies, and there were not a few masters who killed them.Although the extreme state is strong, it is not enough to make them even have the courage to fight.

On the next day, many grain trucks gathered in the grain depot in Chengdu.

A cart of grain was loaded onto the cart.


Zhongsun Guge, Xixia's ambassador to the Song Dynasty, entered the palace in a panic and asked to see Zhao Dongting.

Zhao Dongting is reviewing the memorial in the imperial study.

No matter whether it is checking the military science department, checking the firearms of the major military regions, or inquiring about the transactions between Xijing Road and Heishan Weifu Military Division, it is not something that can be completed in a short time.

Until now, both Su Liuyi and Xuanxue have not given Zhao Dongting any results.

When he was bowing his head to review the memorial, a eunuch outside the imperial study reported, "Your Majesty, Mr. Zhongsun Guge is asking to see you."


Zhao Dongting raised his head lightly and spit out this word.

Then it was Zhongsun Guge who rushed into the house in a panic, Zhao Dongting couldn't help being slightly stunned by this appearance.

He put down the brush in his hand, frowned slightly and asked Zhongsun Guge, "Why is Master Zhongsun in such a hurry?"

Zhao Dongting didn't think about the failure of the Xixia conquest.

Because in his opinion, even if the Great Xia army also had firearms, the Xixia army would not be beaten down by the Great Xia army.

After all, in terms of combat effectiveness, the Xixia Forbidden Army should still be stronger than those military commanders in Daxia.

But immediately Zhongsun Guge shouted: "I beg Emperor Song to relieve me of the danger of Xixia..."

He presented the secret letter in his hand to Zhao Dongting.

Zhao Dongting looked at the clay seal and said, "Is this the Empress' secret letter?"

Then he hurriedly took the letter into his hands.

Just watched it for a few seconds, and couldn't help but change color slightly.

In her letter, Li Xiushu stated that He Liancheng and Zhongsun Zhouting had failed at the Great Wall, and she planned to lead the army to defend the Zhongxing Mansion and let Zhao Dongting send troops to rescue the siege.

Zhao Dongting put down the letter slowly, with a look of disbelief in his eyes, "He Liancheng and Zhongsun Zhouting were defeated so quickly... Where did the four major military commanders come from?"

Zhongsun Guge couldn't answer.

When He Liancheng dispatched scouts to Zhongxing Mansion, he still hadn't fully figured out Luotuo's identity.Therefore, Li Xiushu did not explain Luotuo's origin in her appeal letter.

Perhaps now Li Xiushu and the others should know about it.

But even if Zhao Dongting sent another letter for this matter, the letter must still be on the way.

"Your Majesty, Director Xuan of the Military Intelligence Department is asking to see you."

At this time, a eunuch spoke again outside.

Zhao Dongting couldn't help frowning even deeper, and said, "Come in!"

Xuanxue is in charge of the Military Intelligence Department, and usually presents trivial matters to Zhao Dongting in the form of memorials.Now that he suddenly came here to ask for an interview, there must be something important.

Zhao Dongting suddenly felt uneasy.

After Xuanxue came in, her complexion was really not good.Even with a little anxiety.

Seeing that Zhongsun Guge was here, she was slightly surprised.He just opened his mouth, but suddenly closed it again.

Zhongsun Guge was very knowledgeable and said, "Emperor Song, why don't I go outside and wait?"

"No need!"

Zhao Dongting waved his hand and looked at Xuanxue, "Director Xuan, what else do you want to report?"

Seeing that Zhao Dongting had no intention of avoiding Zhongsun Guge, Xuanxue simply said, "Your Majesty, I have just received the news that the Western Xia Forbidden Army..."

Speaking of this, she took a deep look at Zhongsun Guge, "Marshals He Liancheng and Zhongsun Zhouting were defeated by the Great Xia Army at the Great Wall southwest of Zhongxing Mansion, and Marshal Helian died for the country...Marshal Zhongsun Leading more than [-] remnants of the army to retreat in a hurry. Luo Tuo, the king of the Yuan Dynasty, appeared on the battlefield with several of his disciples. And..."

She hesitated.

Zhao Dongting frowned, "Is there any bad news?"

Xuanxue then said: "There is also news from the territory of Tubo that [-] Tubo soldiers have assembled, and it seems that they are going to attack our area in the middle of Shu."

Zhao Dongting was slightly distracted when he heard the words.Zhongsun Guge turned pale in an instant.

The Shuzhong Military Region is the closest to the Zhongxing Mansion in the Song Dynasty, and if it is true that [-] Tubo soldiers are going to attack the Central Shu, then the Song Dynasty may not be able to help Xixia anymore.

Although Xixia and Song Dynasty are allies, the relationship between the monarchs of the two countries is irreversible.But no one would think that Zhao Dongting would disregard the safety of Sichuan for the sake of Xixia.

It was impossible for Zhongsun Guge to say such words brazenly, but his heart sank deeper and deeper.Without the help of Song Dynasty, the Zhongxing Mansion would be destroyed sooner or later.

"Luo Tuo... Tubo..."

After a while, Zhao Dongting murmured suddenly, and then said to Xuanxue: "Then there is no need to investigate the transaction... Daxia's arms must have been provided by the Yuan Dynasty."

The last thing he wanted to see happened after all.

Compared with forging projectiles and other items in the Yuan Dynasty, Zhao Dongting even hoped that those arms were transmitted from the Song Dynasty.

The Yuan Dynasty was originally a tiger with wings. Although its wings were broken by the Song Dynasty, but now it has the manufacturing technology of grenades and other things, which is tantamount to the tiger growing its wings again.

The imperial army of the Song Dynasty was able to sweep the invincible, mostly relying on the advantage of arms.Today, that advantage may no longer exist.

This matter is much more serious than Luotuo breaking through the extreme state.

After all, Luotuo's breaking through the Extreme Realm was only a breakthrough in his personal strength.However, the Yuan Dynasty had arms, but it was enough to arm the entire army, allowing it to have the strength to rival the imperial army of the Song Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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