The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1344 Tang Zhou Goes to War

Chapter 1344 Tang Zhou Goes to War


Zhao Dongting suddenly said, "Ran Anguo, the pacifier of Qiongzhou, and Huang Zhijie, the deputy envoy of pacification, led the two armies of Disha and Diyong to Crescent Island, and joined forces with Diabolo, the pacifier of Crescent Island, to prepare for the island country in the east. The army was led by Ran Anguo As the commander, Huang Zhijie and Diabolo are the deputy commanders."

Li Goudan was busy writing at the side.

"Re-draft the purpose."

Seeing that he had finished writing, Zhao Dongting said again: "Please ask the king, Asinghuang, to send troops to help!"


Ashima, who was in the room, heard Zhao Dongting's words, her eyes moved slightly, "Do we need to send troops from Boni?"

Zhao Dongting looked at Ashima, shook his head and chuckled, "No need."

There was a little bitterness on Ashima's face: "Does the Emperor of Heaven think that our Bo Ni is not strong enough?"

Zhao Dongting was slightly stunned, and said: "Of course not. I thank you in advance for your kindness, Prince. It's just that there is a big battle in Boni, so it's really not suitable to go to war. Besides, the envoys from the Kingdom of Manga came to see me, and you, Prince, are also present." Yes. Instead of traveling thousands of miles to help me, I think the prince might as well send a letter back to let the king prepare for the battle, and it would be better to deal with a full-scale army."

Ashima was slightly moved, "The Emperor of Heaven thinks that the Manga Kingdom is likely to attack us Boni again?"

Zhao Dongting waved his hand, "I'm not sure. But be prepared, isn't it?"

Ashima smiled and nodded, "Then Ashima will write to Brother Wang when she returns."

After the two imperial edicts were passed out, the imperial study room became quiet again.

Only in this quiet imperial study room, Zhao Dongting's state of mind is far from peaceful.

Now this is bound to be a protracted war.As a result, even he didn't have a decision in his mind.

He didn't want to fight an unprepared battle, but at this moment, there was nothing he could do.

After learning that the Yuan Dynasty had imitated grenades and other objects, he knew that it was imminent to attack the Yuan Dynasty.Because if the Yuan Dynasty continues to develop, this bone will only become more and more difficult to crack.

As for the artillery...God knows when it will be developed?

It was the Waking of Insects again.

The weather is getting warmer and there are spring thunders.The beginning of everything.

Another secret letter was sent to Changsha from Xixia Zhongxing Mansion.Almost every half a month, there will be a letter from Li Xiushu.

In the letter, Li Xiushu said that the Zhongxing Mansion was still under the eyes of the Heishan Weifu Military Division and the Baimaqiangzhen Military Division.Moreover, the army of Yan Junsi and Xiping Junsi in Heishui Town is not far from Zhongxing Mansion.After that, it was the missing of Zhao Dongting, and if she encountered any accidents, she would let Zhao Dongting take care of Li Zuoxiao.

In fact, regarding the situation in Xixia, the secret agents of the Military Intelligence Department had already sent a letter to Zhao Dongting.

Zhao Dongting only replied to the letter, so that Li Xiushu would not have to worry.He has his own countermeasures.

Yuan Nanjing Road.

Yue Peng's soldiers attacked Tangzhou, Caizhou, and Dengzhou in three ways, and now nearly half a month has passed.

Zhao Dongting originally caught Yue Peng by surprise when he attacked the Yuan Dynasty. Here, the soldiers of the Great Song Dynasty would not take pictures of the Zhongxing Mansion like the Great Xia Army did.

Only two days after the expedition, the three armies broke through Huyang County, south of Tangzhou.

Although the magistrate of Huyang County in Yuan Dynasty had long been worried because of the entry of the imperial army of the Song Dynasty and made more preparations, under the huge gap in strength, Huyang County still only held on for less than two hours before being declared broken.

The magistrate of Huyang County, officials and generals in the city had no choice but to surrender after the city was broken.

Yue Peng left [-] defenders stationed in Huyang, and the three armies continued to march north.

Up to now, the troops led by Yue Peng and Zhao Hu are still on the way, but Tan Siyuan, the deputy commander of the garrison of Xiangyang Prefecture, led the army and finally approached the city of Tangzhou.

The magistrate of Tangzhou in the Yuan Dynasty was Zhang Liangdong, the magistrate of Fuzhou who fled to Liangzhe East Road after Fuzhou lost power.

Kublai Khan thought that Fuzhou was not his fault, so he was named the magistrate of Tangzhou.

He Lima, the former Fuzhou general who went to the Yuan Dynasty with Zhang Liangdong, was also regarded as the military envoy of this Tangzhou.His position is equivalent to the military commander in Tangzhou.

In fact, the two of them were quite afraid of the Song Dynasty. After leaving Fujian, they probably didn't want to confront the Song army again.It's just like this now, but it can only be said that fate has tricked people, there is no way.

Knowing that they could not be the opponents of the Song army outside the city, the two men tried their best to gather the soldiers in Tangzhou not long after Yue Peng's army was dispatched.

Although this allowed Tan Siyuan's Xiangyang Mansion garrison to drive straight into Tangzhou City, it also allowed thousands of soldiers to gather in Tangzhou City.If you count the militia, there will only be more.

Outside Tangzhou City.

Tan Siyuan led more than [-] garrison troops of Xiangyang Mansion to line up.

The grenadiers in the army lined up along the front line, only a few hundred meters away from the city.

The sky is gray and the banners are flying in the army.

Although this kind of battle is nothing compared to the previous battles between Song and Yuan, but the formation of more than [-] people seems to be quite bluffing.

Many officers and men of the garrison army of Xiangyang Mansion were adapted from the original soldiers under Lu Wenhuan's command. They were battle-tested men, and their murderous aura was even stronger.

City head.

Both Zhang Liangdong and He Lima put their hands on the battlements, their expressions extremely serious.

Although there are thousands of defenders in the city at this time, and Tangzhou is a border city, there are not a few armaments.But its strength is still limited after all.

The Yuan Dynasty did not set up a garrison here, so it is destined that there will not be too strong military power here.

Although the more than ten thousand garrison troops of Xiangyang Mansion may not be able to break through the city, they can still put enough pressure on people like Zhang Liangdong and He Lima.

Seeing the black clouds pressing down on the city outside the city, Zhang Liangdong looked at He Lima with some anxiety, and asked, "General He, when will the reinforcements arrive?"

He Lima hesitated slightly, and replied: "It will probably take half a month."

Zhang Liangdong couldn't help sighing when he heard the words, "Half a month... Can we hold on for half a month?"

He Lima seemed to be more confident than him, and said: "My lord, we have thousands of elite soldiers in our city. The Song army is only [-] people, so it should not be a problem to defend the city for half a month."

He looked at the soldiers standing around him, and said again: "We also have bomb launchers and sky cannons now, so we don't need to be so afraid of these Song soldiers."

"I know that."

Zhang Liangdong nodded slightly, but still sighed, "I'm worried that Song Jun will play some tricks again."

Previously in Fujian, he and the Pu family fought to the death, but it turned out that Song Chao took advantage of it.Until now, there is still a shadow in his heart.

While the two were talking, Tan Siyuan galloped out of the city.

Wearing silver armor and holding a silver gun, he is very majestic.

Before the formation, he reined in his horse and raised his head, but he didn't shout anything to the top of the city.After raising the gun, he shouted: "Fire!"

The battle had just begun, and neither Song nor Yuan had the upper hand. He also knew that it would be impossible to persuade the defenders in the city to surrender.

Instead of spending so much lip service, it's better to fight directly.

With both sides possessing firearms and sufficient food and grass, it is really difficult to implement any strategies.Time does not allow.

The rumbling sound continued.

As soon as Tan Siyuan's roar fell, all the grenadiers at the front of the garrison in Xiangyang Mansion resounded with a rumble.

The [-] grenadiers in the garrison of Xiangyang Mansion opened fire in unison in an instant.

The shells fell on the city head or the city wall.

The gravel is flying.

The smoke spread.


He Lima on the top of the wall also shouted loudly.

The defenders on the top of the city fought back.

Although there were no more than a hundred projectiles on the Tangzhou city, their momentum was not small.

Amidst the rumbling sound, soldiers on both sides were annihilated in the smoke.

Tan Siyuan drove his horse back to the formation, his expression was not good.

Although this scene was expected long ago, no one would feel at ease when they actually encountered such resistance.

It is really impossible for the Song Dynasty army to attack the city and loot the land with such force as before.Unless there is a more powerful new type of arms.

But anyway, the battle must go on.

When the Tangzhou city gate collapsed under the shells, Tan Siyuan raised his spear again and shouted: "Beat the drum!"

The drums sounded.

The charge horn in the front army sounded.

Soldiers from two regiments rushed towards the gate of the city shouting and fighting against the artillery fire.

All of them held Shenlong guns in their hands, and they were no longer lined up in an army formation as they used to be.But it seems to be a lot more scattered.

But this kind of scatter is also a tactic.

In this way, the bombing of Yuan army grenadiers can be effectively avoided.Just like later generations, no army will be arranged in a tight formation to attack the city.

"First Battalion Commander! Second Battalion Commander! Build a floating bridge!"

"The rest of the brothers, follow me in!"

Among the charging soldiers, there was such a shout.

The situation of the war seems to have really changed as Zhao Dongting expected.

Thinking about it, the confrontation between Song and Yuan in the future will inevitably become more and more modern confrontation.

(End of this chapter)

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