Chapter 1346

Although they won a large area in the southern city of Tangzhou City, the garrison of Xiangyang Mansion paid a high price for it.

Even looking at Zhao Dongting's fortune from Naozhou, except for a few battles such as the battle of Wuzhou City, the Song army rarely fought such a tragic battle.

Although the Yuan army is still not familiar with the use of thermal weapons, it is still not as easy to deal with as before.

Among the ten regiments of the garrison army of Xiangyang Prefecture led by Tan Siyuan, the first and second regiments, which were the first to undertake the siege task, suffered the most heavy losses.

The deputy head of a regiment was killed, and in the ten battalions below, more than half of the battalion-level generals were killed.

The second group is not much better than the first group.

Every inch of the occupied land in Tangzhou City was really bought back with the lives of the soldiers.

Tan Siyuan's Xiangyang Mansion garrison has killed more than [-] soldiers so far.

This is of course extremely tragic.

Counting those who were seriously injured, the combat strength of the garrison in Xiangyang Prefecture can be said to have reached nearly [-]%.

After Tan Siyuan listened to the general's report, he didn't bother to regret it.

He turned around and said, "Do your best to treat these wounded soldiers."

Then he walked towards the outside of the medical office.

The generals followed him to the temporary command post.

It is said to be a command post, but it is actually just a temporary shop.

It's just that the shop has been refurbished.

In the hall, there is a long book case made of small square tables.On the wall, there is also a map of the distribution of Tangzhou City.

This arrangement is from the military textbook written by Zhao Dongting.In the Yuan Dynasty army, it was probably hard to see.

After Tan Siyuan went to the commander with a sullen face, he immediately asked the soldiers to call all the heads of the ten regiments under his command to the commander.

He stood behind the desk, under the map.

After all the generals arrived, he said, "Sit!"

After all the generals were seated, he looked at the deputy general beside him and said, "What is the deployment of the Yuan army now?"

The deputy general glanced at the generals in the room, and said: "The Yuan army has been forced by our army to retreat to the north of Chunhe Street, occupying two streets, Siyang and Siyin."

Tan Siyuan said again: "How many troops are there?"

The lieutenant general said: "Initial estimates, there should be less than two thousand left."

"Less than two thousand..."

Tan Siyuan lightly tapped his fingers on the desk, and said: "The Yuan army has only these troops left, and they still dare to defend to the death. It seems that they are still holding on to hope and want to last until their reinforcements arrive!"

A general sitting at the bottom suddenly stood up and said: "Deputy Commander, let us join the regiment! Kill them at night and catch them off guard."

Tan Siyuan waved his hands, "You don't fight like this. Now the Yuan army also has Shenlong blunderbuss, waiting for work at leisure, and it must be guarding against our night attack. If you lead people to rush forward, what do you think you can take advantage of?"

The general faltered twice, then sat down heavily.

Tan Siyuan was silent for a while, then said loudly: "Commander Gao and Commander Qiu listen to the order!"

"The end is here!"

The two generals stood up.They are the heads of the [-]th and [-]th Regiments of the Xiangyang Prefecture Defense Army.

Xiangyang Prefecture had 2 garrison troops and [-] regiments, and only half of them followed Tan Siyuan to Nanjing Road.

Tan Siyuan continued: "Both of your regiments didn't go up to join the battle today, and the soldiers still have plenty of energy. I ordered you to lead the army at tomorrow's hour, and take down the two streets of Siyang and Siyin within half a day. Is it possible? "


Both generals answered yes.

Tan Siyuan looked at the other two people again, "Tuan Zhang Ge and Tuan Zhang He, when the fight started, you led the troops to detour to the north of Siyang and Siyin Streets to prevent the Yuan army from retreating!"


Now the situation in Tangzhou City is quite clear, and the generals have no doubts.

Whether it is a confrontation of hot weapons or a confrontation of cold weapons, in the final analysis, it is nothing more than a competition of soldiers, morale, and firearms between the two sides.

On these three points, the garrison of Xiangyang Mansion now has a great advantage.

It is only a matter of time before the Yuan army in the city is destroyed.

However, after the generals left the command envoy, Tan Siyuan still headed towards Chunhe Street with hundreds of personal guards and enshrined Lika command envoys.

Even at night, there were many soldiers crawling behind the bunker, ready to fight.

Although it was quiet, there seemed to be endless killing intent surging in the sky above Chunhe Street, which was located between the two armies.

The arrival of Tan Siyuan and his group slightly broke the tranquility here.

The Song army was all young and strong, and when they saw Tan Siyuan, they kept calling the deputy commander.

Tan Siyuan also nodded along the way.

Not far from Chunhe Street, he and his followers squatted down behind the bunker.

Tan Siyuan looked to the side guards.

The guard smiled, and shouted towards Chunhe Street, "General Yuan, come out and answer!"

There was a quick response, "This general Ge Shiheng is here! If you fart, let it go!"

"Ge Shiheng..."

Tan Siyuan muttered, his eyes were a little blank, he had never heard of this general's name.

The two armies had just clashed, and his understanding of the defenders in the city was limited.Probably, this Ge Shiheng is not a very high-ranking general.

But he still shouted: "This general, Tan Siyuan, is here to recruit you! With your strength, you are definitely unable to defend Tangzhou City. Why don't you abandon your weapons and surrender? Our Song army has always treated prisoners preferentially. Money, let you wait to go home and reunite with your family! How about it?"

Suddenly there was silence.

In the darkness of night, quite a few Yuan soldiers were indeed moved.

Real gold can imitate Da Song's hot weapons by chance, but there are also many things that he cannot imitate.

Zhao Dongting worked hard in the Song Dynasty to raise the awareness of the common people and soldiers. He didn't know how many methods he used. This is something that real gold can't do.

Speaking of it, imitating Zhao Dongting's way of governing the country is much more difficult than imitating arms.

After all, in the entire Yuan Dynasty, there was absolutely no one who had the vision of future generations like Zhao Dongting.

Even in the whole world, there is only Zhao Dongting.

Still the same sentence, the soldiers of the Song Dynasty knew why they were fighting, but the Yuan army did not necessarily know why, this is the difference.

Some of the Yuan army were patriotic, and some joined the army to defend the imperial court.But at the same time, there are also many who are forced by their livelihood and come here for food.

For the latter, survival is the most important thing.Whether it is to vote for Song or go home, it is better than staying here and continuing to die.

That Ge Shiheng didn't answer, thinking he was a little moved.But he didn't dare to speak easily about such things.

If he really said that he was willing to surrender, Zhang Liangdong and He Li would behead him immediately after learning about it, so as to boost the morale of the army.

And at this moment, Tan Siyuan was heard shouting again: "Our army will make a massive attack tomorrow at six o'clock. If you want to survive, you should throw away your weapons and come out and surrender now. Just pass this Chunhe Street, and our army will no longer attack you." You are regarded as enemies. I have a word from the emperor that most of you are Han people, and so are we. We all come from the same blood, so there is no need to kill each other. The Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty are the Great Song Dynasty. Don’t forget that your ancestors, They were all the people and subjects of our Great Song Dynasty. When you surrender, it is not a disgrace, but a return home."

Still no one in the Yuan army answered.

Immediately, Tan Siyuan didn't say any more.

In the dark of night, he led several hundred personal guards towards the command post.

On the way, a personal guard asked him: "Deputy Commander, do you really think there will be Yuan thieves surrendering?"

"I hope so!"

Tan Siyuan sighed lightly: "Although I just wanted to paralyze them, I really hope that some of them will surrender. It is also true that I will not kill them. Do you remember what Marshal Yue said in the army before?"


"Marshal Yue said that the emperor once said that all the people and soldiers in the world are descendants of Yan and Huang."

After all, Tan Siyuan himself felt slightly emotional, "I couldn't understand the meaning of the emperor's words before. I felt that the enmity between us and the Yuan army was as deep as sea, and I had to kill those Yuan soldiers to fuck off. Let them go. But with the surrender of General Lu, the emperor not only accepts us, but also trusts us, and I gradually understand what the emperor said. The vision of the emperor is not comparable to those of us. Ah... Your Majesty can give those of us who have gone on the wrong path a chance, so why can't we give these Yuan soldiers a chance?"

" the end, it can only be endless hatred. Convincing it with sincerity is the best result! Jin destroys the Northern Song Dynasty, Yuan destroys Jin, just want to use us Han people Beat us Han people, if we are blinded by hatred, we will only play into their hands."

(End of this chapter)

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