The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1365 The Battle of Weizhou

Chapter 1365 The Battle of Weizhou ([-])

From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality.

They had already developed such a habit when the Yuan army was in all directions.In the past few years, the Yuan army has always been beaten to the ground by the imperial army of the Song Dynasty, but they have not been able to change this habit.Normally, apart from discussing important matters, there are not many dancers and wine girls to accompany the generals, and they always feel that they are missing a lot.

As the coach of the three armies, Tu Boda enjoyed the compliments from all the people.

Just at this time, a soldier hurried to the entrance of the main hall, knelt down on the ground, and said to Tu Boda: "Commander, there is a military situation!"

Tu Boda, who was holding the jade cup, was slightly startled, but he didn't take it too seriously, and asked lightly, "What is the military situation?"

The soldiers reported: "The Song army set out from Leshan, and the whole army is coming towards our Weizhou city."

At this moment, a look of surprise appeared on Tu Boda's face.

All the generals in the hall were also slightly startled.

Except for the sound of silk and bamboo, the chatter and laughter in the hall suddenly became completely silent.

Tu Boda came back to his senses, frowned slightly, and waved his hands, "Stay back!"

A group of pretty dancers and the musicians bowed and slowly exited the room.

Tu Boda looked at the soldiers outside the hall again, "Is the whole army of the Song Army coming towards Weizhou City?"


Soldier Road.

Tu Boda's brows were furrowed deeper, and his eyes swept across the generals in the hall, "Song Army dared to march towards Weizhou with great fanfare, what do you think?"

A general smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Marshal, you are leading us to garrison here. If the Song army comes, why should we be afraid?"

Tu Boda was not so arrogant after all, and shook his head when he heard the words, "The Song army is not easy to deal with, and the enemy should not be underestimated. Since they are coming towards this Weizhou city, they must have a plan. It's just that the commander-in-chief can't think of what they plan to do for the time being." What method is used to capture Weizhou City. What do you think they will do?"

Hearing what he said, the expressions of all the generals in the hall finally became more dignified, and their smiles also disappeared.

Another general cupped his hands and said, "Marshal, among Weizhou and Jiuzhaigou, we have the heaviest deployment of troops in the city. Could it be that Song Jun thinks it is too troublesome to break through Jiuzhaigou, so he concentrates all his troops to forcibly break through our Weizhou city?" Even so, the Song army will inevitably suffer great losses, but after all, as long as Weizhou City is broken, it will be difficult for us soldiers of the Jiuzhaigou to stalemate with them without the basis of the heavy city... .If the Song army cuts off our way of transporting food again, then... the soldiers of Jiuzhai may have to turn back..."

Tu Boda nodded lightly after pondering, "If the Song army wants to eradicate Jiuzhaigou one by one, it will definitely cause heavy damage. They are eager to decide the winner, so it is not impossible."

Then he stopped hesitating, and said to the generals in the hall: "Then you all go down and prepare. The commander-in-chief has ordered the Jiuzhai soldiers to support Weizhou City at any time. Since the Song Army wants to fight quickly, then we will Let's go head-to-head with them. In the past, they had grenades and other things, and they were invincible. I want to see if they still have that ability now!"


All the generals in the hall clasped their hands and stood up, walking towards the outside of the hall.

Fortunately, because it was a time of war, they were still a little restrained, so there were no people who staggered when they walked because of drinking.

Sitting in the room, Tu Boda frowned and thought for a while, then shouted to the outside: "Order the troops outside the city, if there is a fire in the city, immediately lead the army to come to support!"

Someone outside the house agreed, and the footsteps hurried away.

On the north wall of Weizhou City, Yuan troops continued to gather here, and soon, the defenders at the top of the city appeared to be quite dense.

There were hundreds of grenades, their bores protruding from the battlements.

Under the city, there is a towering artillery formation.


Around mid-afternoon, Wang Dagang and Feng Hebi led the army to the outside of Weizhou City first.

They stationed troops in other places outside Weizhou City, and then began to camp.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Tianqiao and Tiankui also arrived.About two miles from the east and west sides of the Tianshang Army also set up camp.

It seems that the army has no plans to hastily attack Weizhou City.

When Shen Shi arrived, the three armies of Tianmeng, Tiangui and Tianbao also arrived.They camped at the outer periphery of the Tianqiao and Tiankui armies.

Wang Dagang is in the tent.

Feng Hebi, Deng Yezhou and other generals gathered here.

The task Zhang Guangbao gave them was to snatch the southern city wall of Weizhou, which was an extremely difficult and dangerous task.Therefore, the eyes of all the generals in the tent are dignified, and their expressions are quite serious.

Wang Dagang looked around the crowd, and said, "I don't know what's going on in the Zhongxing Mansion right now. We don't have much time to stand in a stalemate with the Yuan army here. It's getting better and better to break the Yuan army. The marshal asked our Tianshang army to attack the south gate of Weizhou. Can you do it?" Have a good plan?"

Some generals looked towards Feng Hebi.

With a smile on his face, Feng Hebi stroked his beard slowly and said: "There is no need for the regiment commander to worry. Now that the Yuan army's Jiuzhai soldiers have not come to help, our plan is already half successful. If we want to destroy Weizhou, we can wait until the first step." It is not too late to destroy the Jiuzhai Yuan Army. When we enter Weizhou, Jiuzhai soldiers will rush to help sooner or later. The general will come out. It is really unnecessary to risk a large-scale attack on the city."

Wang Dagang's eyes narrowed slightly, "You mean... a feint?"


Feng Hebi nodded lightly and said, "I thought that we would bombard the city with grenades, and then order two thousand soldiers to stand scattered behind the artillery array, holding torches to create a large army ready to attack the city at any time. The rest of the soldiers can rest in the camp and recharge their batteries for the decisive battle with the Yuan army."

Wang Dagang pondered, "Then if the Yuan army in the city sees our falsehood and comes out of the city..."

Feng Hebi shook his head and chuckled, "It's not yet summer, and the night is extremely dark, so it's impossible for them to see it. We must use the number of torches to distinguish our army from reality."

Wang Dagang looked around at the others again, "Do you all agree with the deputy commander's idea?"

All the generals nodded.

Seeing this, Wang Dagang nodded and said, "Then do as the deputy commander wants!"

Then, he went out of the account and took a few offerings to the camp of the Tianmeng Army.Zhang Guangbao personally sits in the Tianshang Army, so of course he still has to report to Zhang Guangbao.

Later, Zhang Guangbao also approved of Feng Hebi's tactics.

Night gradually came.

At night, the coolness carried by the wind becomes more and more profound.

In this land of Xixia, the temperature difference between day and night is even greater.

In the various strongholds of the Forbidden Army in Central Shu, the soldiers holding torches to watch the night looked a little thin.

Although the treatment of lieutenant officers and soldiers of the Great Song Army is already excellent, the best in the world, fighting a war is extremely hard work after all.

At the head of Weizhou City, the Yuan army also cursed their mothers in such a cold night.

Stay late at night.

There was movement in the Tianshang Army's stronghold.

A long torch like a fire dragon spread out of the village, heading straight for the city of Weizhou.

In front of the army were two thousand grenadiers dispatched by Zhang Guangbao from the Tiankui and Tianqiao armies, and one thousand grenade fighters from the Tianshang army.

This was followed by the Soaring Cannon Battalion of the Tianshang Army.

In the end, it is the ordinary soldiers in the army.

In fact, the total number of soldiers who left the camp was only five thousand, but because the lieutenant soldiers were quite scattered, judging from the torches, it seemed that there were twenty thousand troops.

The Yuan army at the head of the city saw so many torches spreading towards the city, so they didn't dare to neglect, and even sounded the horn.

The desolate horn sounded in the cold wind.

But this kind of sound did not light up a few lights in Weizhou city, but made the city suddenly dark.

In war, the people who fear the most are actually the people.Turn off the lights, because I don't want to get into trouble when the two armies are fighting.

To seek good fortune and avoid disaster is not only the instinct of animals, but also the instinct of human beings.

After hearing the sound of the horn, Tu Boda and the other generals rushed to the top of the city in person.

Around them, there are many green forest camps enshrining and defending them.Although he said he didn't take Song Jun too seriously, it was obvious that Tu Boda was quite afraid of Song Jun.

Song Jun has countless tricks, and even arms can't give him a full sense of security.

At the top of the city, Tu Boda and the generals stared outside the city for a long time.

Then Tu Boda frowned and said, "Looking at the Song army's formation, there should be only about 2 people. Are they planning to attack Weizhou City with this force?"

Some generals sneered, "Commander, the Song army has just broken out of camp today, and the soldiers must be tired. According to the general, they may just come to harass and harass, trying to drain our army's energy. Now our army has firearms. If you want to come there The commander of the Song army will not think that we can take down our Weizhou city with just this little army."

Tu Boda pondered, then nodded slightly, "You have some truths."

(End of this chapter)

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