The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1371 The Battle of Weizhou

Chapter 1371 The Battle of Weizhou ([-])

The two are not of the same magnitude at all.

Although the training methods of the special regiments of the Imperial Army of the Great Song Dynasty are definitely not as perfect as those of the later generations of special forces, it is still [-]% at least.Such elites are not conceivable in this era.

Although most of the scouts of the Yuan army are veterans of the army, they are still far behind the soldiers of the Frost Regiment.

Until they were only tens of meters away from the soldiers of the Frost Regiment, the scouts of the Yuan army still didn't notice anything.

Gunshots sounded.

The Yuan army scouts also failed to avoid the panic situation.

As the scout at the front was shot and fell to the ground, all the scouts showed surprise on their faces.The horse was also frightened, its front hooves raised high.

Under such circumstances, these yuan army scouts could not shoot back at all.

And the soldiers of the Frost Regiment have all emerged from behind the slope.

A row of Shenlong guns were erected on the slope.

There was a little black smoke from the muzzle.

The Yuan army scouts who were in a panic were shot one after another and fell to the ground.

Only those priests of the Green Forest Camp, relying on their martial arts cultivation, forcibly twisted their bodies, jumped up from their horses, and rolled to the side.

The official path obviously cannot go.

They can only take other ways to deliver letters to Jiuzhaigou.

Although they are not familiar with the terrain here, they are very likely to get lost, but there is nothing they can do about it.

They completely ignored these ordinary scouts.


Yang Kanglong frowned suddenly when he saw the priests from the green forest battalion rolling away, and said: "All priests, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Before the words fell, several Wuding hall priests beside him rushed out of the slope and chased after those green forest camp priests.

In Feng Hebi's entire plan to destroy Weizhou, the Tianmeng army exhausted the enemy's energy, and the Tianmeng army pretended to attack the city. In fact, the most important part was precisely the soldiers of the Frost Regiment.

Only if they stop all these messengers, can the Yuan army from Jiuzhaizhai be prevented from coming in groups.

Although this is actually impossible, after all, the Frost Regiment is no more than a thousand soldiers, and it is impossible to block the entire city of Weizhou, but every time they eliminate one more scout, it means that the Yuan army loses a chance.

When the scouts of the Yuan Army on the official road were severely punished by the soldiers of the Frost Regiment, the priests of Wuding Hall also caught up with the priests of the Green Forest Camp.

All the priests in the green forest camp changed their expressions.

Because, they discovered that among the Song army priests who caught up with them, there were actually several masters in the Shangyuan realm.

Just after they fought, they lost two people and were instantly killed.

Song Jun is crazy!

Really crazy!
There are so many masters on the official road.

If they knew the arrangement of Zhang Guangbao and others on the west side of Weizhou City, they would be much more surprised.

On Yang Kanglong's side, there are still only a few Shangyuan Realm priests, but on the west side, among the soldiers of the two Frost regiments, there are True Martial Realm priests accompanying them.

In order to intercept the scouts of the Yuan army, Zhang Guangbao can be said to have overwhelmed all the most powerful priests in the general.

In just a few minutes, several green forest battalion priests were all wiped out.

The scouts of the Yuan army on the official road were lying on the ground early, and they might be cold at this moment.

Yang Kanglong led the soldiers of the Frost Regiment to the official road, and said in a deep voice, "Clean the battlefield quickly!"

Then there's the repetition.

And at the city wall of Weizhou City, until this moment, the soldiers of the Tianmeng Army had not entered the city.

They just confronted the Yuan army in the city on the periphery of the corridor and the gap.

The offensive was not violent.

The losses on both sides are far from serious.

Scouts kept running to Tu Boda and other Yuan army generals to report the battle situation.

After hearing this, Tu Boda frowned slightly, and said to himself, "These Song soldiers don't seem to have plans to destroy the city..."

He still has some understanding of the Great Song Imperial Army.I knew in my heart that if the Imperial Army of Song Dynasty wanted to break through the city, it would definitely not be such a battle.

Those Song soldiers were desperate to fight.

And why did they attack the city without breaking it?

After pondering for a while, Tu Boda sighed softly, and said to the general beside him: "It seems that these Song soldiers still want to destroy our soldiers and horses in Jiuzhai first, and cut off our wings..."

The general hurriedly said: "Then we... must not just sit and wait for death like this."

Tu Boda nodded, "Everyone imagine a way to break the situation!"

Several high-ranking generals beside him fell silent.

Then a general said: "Commander, as long as our Jiuzhai robes come together, then there is no need to be too afraid of these Song troops! How about a decisive battle with them?"

Tu Boda said quietly: "Then what if our Jiuzhai robes come in batches?"

The general fell silent again after hearing the words.

After a while, he looked up again, and said with a little luck: "We have sent so many scouts, we should be able to rush to Jiuzhai to deliver the message!"

Tu Boda shook his head lightly, "I hope so... Only we need to be prepared for their failure to send messages to Jiuzhai."


After a while, the Yuan army in the city also made some movements.

Except for those soldiers who were still confronting the Tianmeng army at the gap in the southern city, many of the remaining soldiers were transferred by Tu Boda to the east and west cities of Weizhou City.

Only those soldiers who defended the city last night suffered, and they haven't been able to rest until now.

Originally, taking advantage of the time when the two armies were confronting each other, they could take a nap in the city.As a result, before the nap, he was ordered to deploy defenses to the east and west sides of the city.

No matter how Buddha-natured a person is, I'm afraid there will be some resentment at this time.After all, when people lack sleep, their temper is often the most irritable.

Of course, the Yuan army would not cause any mutiny because of this.

But after they rushed to the east and west sides of the city, they fell asleep very quickly.

Tu Boda and other generals walked out of the Acropolis, condescending, and closely watched the Song Army's movements.

They are undoubtedly extremely nervous at this time.

At this time, the strength of the southern city wall was quite empty. If the Song army took the opportunity to attack on a large scale, Weizhou City would most likely be destroyed.

It's a pity that Zhang Guangbao, Wang Dagang, Feng Hebi and others outside the city did not expect that the Yuan army inside the city had re-armed.

They are still following the original deployment and have no plans to change their strategy.

Time passed slowly.

At the west end of the city, those scouts who left the city were also stopped by the soldiers of the Frost Regiment.Death dies, fall falls.

In the face of the two true martial arts priests from Wudingtang, those priests from the Green Forest Camp also failed to play any role.

Although their cultivation is not bad, they are still just small ants in front of the real martial arts realm, and they can be wiped out with ashes with just raising their hands.

This must be beyond the imagination of Tu Boda.

Even if he could think of it, he would not necessarily accept such a task of delivering a letter out of the city if he only had a true martial arts enshrined arch guard with his eyes above the top.

It's just that there is no way to know if any scouts chose to report to Jiuzhai from the mountains.

Unknowingly, it has been about two hours since the Imperial Guards in Shu captured the city.

The confrontation is still in the south of the city, and the fight is not lively.

At this time, the soldiers of Tianqiao Army and Tiankui Army also crossed mountains and ridges to the east and west sides of Weizhou City, and lay down in ambush.

The Yuan army in Jiuzhai finally arrived at this moment.

This speed is actually relatively slow. If it was the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty, they would have arrived about half an hour ago.

A long team of about thousands of people appeared on the official road, including cavalry and infantry.

Some of them had guns, while others had swords.Obviously, in just two years, with the national strength of the Yuan Kingdom, it is still not possible for the entire army to be equipped with Shenlong guns.

Zhen Jin and the others were obviously a little too hasty.

It's just that there is no way to do it, the empress attacked the four major army divisions.It is impossible for the Yuan Dynasty to give up this good opportunity. By supporting Daxia, it is possible to get the whole Xixia, which can save a lot of effort.

Probably they didn't expect that just because of the Xixia incident, there would be such a big commotion in Song Dynasty.

This Yuan army carrying the flag of Qingyuan Road is getting closer and closer to Weizhou City.

Weizhou City, which was originally quite small in the eyes, gradually magnified.

Hearing the faint gunshots coming from the south of the city, the vanguard general of the Yuan army in front of the army shouted: "Go faster!"

The smoke in the city was lit for a long time. Although the gunshots were not dense, he was still worried about the current situation in the city.It's just that he didn't find the soldiers of the Great Song Imperial Army hiding beside the official road.

(End of this chapter)

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