Chapter 1384
The screen returns to Zhongxing Mansion.

The empress Li Xiushu raised her sword at the top of the city, and the old grand master Zhongsun Qifu personally directed the overall situation under the city, which made the morale of the soldiers of the Xixia Army last forever.

They repelled more than ten attacks of the Great Xia Army one after another.

On this day, the Great Xia Army did not attack the city in the afternoon.

In the army, Wu Shangyun and other military commanders gathered together, and it was reported that the quarrels in the account continued for a long time, and even almost fought.

Song Qiongzhou Island.

It has been nearly half a month since Zhao Dongting's imperial decree was handed down here.

After the pacifier Ran Anguo and the deputy pacifier Huang Zhijie hastily mobilized food and grass, they finally led the Diyong and Disha armies to prepare for the Dongsha Islands.

There are more than forty sea warships in total, all of which are the most advanced semi-mechanical power sea warships in Song Dynasty.They are all more than forty feet long and nearly twenty feet wide, much larger than previous warships.

There are fourteen gun holes on the left and right sides.There is a small half of the dark grenadier barrel protruding from it.

These warships are lined up neatly on the sea, covering the sky and the sun.

The Diyong and Disha armies totaled more than [-] soldiers, and they were all over the beach.The lieutenant officers and soldiers all wore short sleeves and a red scarf tied around their right arm.

There are laborers carrying food and ordnance to the warships.

Ran Anguo and Huang Zhijie were standing in front of the army, giving lectures.

In the distance, countless people stopped and watched.

I don't know how many people cried.

Many of the soldiers of the Diyong and Disha Army who went to the expedition are their relatives and children.

I heard that the army is going to go to Japan this time. I don't know how far Japan is from here, and I don't know when they will be able to come back.

It's even hard to say whether he can come back.

How many people have fought in ancient times, and up to now, although the Song Dynasty has become more and more prosperous, more and more soldiers have sacrificed their lives for the prosperity of the Song Dynasty.

"set off!"

I don't know when, when the laborers finally moved all the food, grass and baggage to the warship, Ran Anguo also uttered the same roar in front of the army.

The drums in the army sounded like thunder.

Amidst the sound of the drums, the soldiers of the Diyong and Disha armies walked towards the warship.


"My son..."

From behind, cries and cries gradually spread.

Ran Anguo sighed softly, but didn't look back.He knew that his family was also watching from behind.

Eat the emperor's salary and share the worries for the emperor. They are soldiers of the Song Dynasty and have no choice.


Liuqiu country.

Bei Taoyuan, Zhongdou Bei, Nan Jiangong.I don't know since when, these three cities have become the three most famous cities in Liuqiu.

At that time, when the Wulin League was growing, it occupied Doubi and looked at Taoyuan and Jiangong. The pressure was so overwhelming that the royal family could not hold their heads up, so they could only live in Taoyuan City.

Later, because Zhao Dongting brought Hong Wutian and others to Liuqiu and smashed the Wulin League, Mori took advantage of the situation to destroy the Wulin League and returned the power to the royal family again.

Only two years later, the palace was moved to Doubi City.

He did this probably because he wanted to dominate the Doubei and frighten the entire place of Liuqiu.

This made Doubi City more prosperous than before.

Through trade with Song Dynasty and other countries, Liu Qiu's national strength and economy have also been significantly improved in recent years.

The "Xilai Inn" in Ahou City has become a thing of the past, and now it has changed its name.But in Doubi City, there is a new Xilai Inn that opened in the city a few years ago.

Now, as Doubi City is becoming more and more prosperous, this Xilai Inn has also become the most famous inn in Doubei City.

Some people say that Xilai Inn is the golden cave of Doubi City.

In fact, there are no red ladies who perform arts and sell themselves in the Xilai Inn, nor do they have all kinds of complicated gambling games.But here, there is never a shortage of young men with celestial beauty.

The price of these young ladies who are entertainers but not their bodies is higher than those of red ladies.It is impossible for anyone who wants to enter the beauty's boudoir and listen to the beauty's hands-on talk without spending some money.

And it is said that the owner of the Xilai Inn is also a great figure in Doubi City.

From the princes and princes to the traffickers and pawns, I don't know how many people have been complacent about being his guest.And those traffickers and pawns who became his guests will also rise to the top at an extremely fast speed.

It was even rumored that even the lord of the country went to the Xilai Inn in disguise several times to have a discussion with the boss.

On this day, no one knew that the mysterious owner of the Xilai Inn quietly left the inn.

Sitting in the sedan chair, he is actually just a young man not yet 30 years old.There is a slight beard on his chin, and he smiles like a spring breeze.

Finally, the inn stopped until the former site of the Wulin League, now outside the Liuqiu Palace.

The person in the sedan chair handed out a token.

The guard who saw the token hurriedly led the sedan chair to the palace.

It was only outside the imperial study in the palace that the sedan chair dropped.The young boss walked out of the sedan chair slowly, went to the door of the imperial study room, and softly called to the inside: "Master."

A Xinghuang's voice came from inside, "What's the big deal, can it alert you to come to see me?"

Judging from the tone of voice, it was obviously quite intimate.

The young boss pushed open the door and entered.

Going to the imperial study room and looking at A Xinghuang, the smiles of both of them are like spring breeze.

Compared with A Xinghuang's politeness and grandeur when he met the envoys of the Great Song Dynasty in Liuqiu, he was a little more relaxed and a little more personal when he met the young boss.

Immediately, the young boss bowed slowly to A Xinghuang and said, "Mu Yi has seen the king."

Mu Yi, the eldest grandson of Mu Kangxun.

When Zhao Dongting was in Leizhou before, he had met Zhao Dongting.Now, he is the behind-the-scenes owner of the Xilai Inn, and at the same time, he is also the resident Liuqiu manager of the Military Intelligence Department.

Of course, he is also a close personal friend with Ah Xinghuang.

The trade between Leizhou and Liuqiu is quite intensive, and Mu Kangxun was the supervisor of Guangnan West Road before, which created the foundation for the personal relationship between A Xinghuang and Mu Yi.

Seeing that Mu Yi was pretending, A Xinghuang waved his hands angrily, and said, "You guys always go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, so if you have anything to do, just tell me!"

Mu Yi took out a secret letter from his sleeve robe, handed it to A Xinghuang, and said, "I want to ask you to send troops to conquer Japan with my Great Song Imperial Army."

The smile on Ah Xinghuang's face subsided quietly, "The Emperor of Heaven wants to fight Japan? Isn't your Great Song Dynasty at war right now?"

Mu Yi cupped his hands and said, "Although we are at war in Song Dynasty, what does it have to do with fighting Japan?"

Ah Xinghuang raised his eyebrows, stopped talking, and took the letter from Mu Yi's hand.

After reading the letter, he just nodded, "Okay, you write back to the Emperor of Heaven, and I, Liu Qiu, will do my best to help."

Mu Yi nodded, "Thank you, King, Mu Yi will leave first."

After finishing speaking, he was about to walk outside the Imperial Study Room.


Ah Xinghuang called him to stop angrily.

Mu Yi turned back again, "Is there anything else the lord has to do?"

A Xinghuang hesitated a little, but still asked: "How is Ke'er?"

Mu Yi said: "Ke'er is living a carefree life in Xilai Inn."

Then he said suddenly: "Sometimes I really don't understand, since you never forget her, why don't you just marry her into the palace? Afraid she is my spy?"

A Xinghuang's expression was unusually embarrassing, he shook his head and said: "No... well, I'm not afraid of your jokes, you should know that the queen's family is not small..."

Mu Yi laughed out loud, "Do you think the queen doesn't know about the affairs between you and Ke'er?"

Ah Xinghuang curled his lips and said: "But as long as I don't marry her into the palace, the queen won't say anything."

Then, as if unwilling to talk about this topic again, he waved his hands and said: "Okay, I will go back to your Xilai Inn tonight, and you will prepare good wine and food for me!"

Mu Yi shrugged, "Okay."

Then he walked towards the outside of the imperial study room.

Go outside the imperial study and get on the sedan chair again, and the sedan chair gradually goes away.

King A Xinghuang of Liuqiu rubbed his brows and smiled wryly in the imperial study, "Ah... why can't I be like the Emperor of Heaven... that...hugging left and right..."

There is no lack of envy in his words.

What he probably didn't know was that when he went to the Xilai Inn to spend the night with Ke'er, the emperor Zhao Dongting whom he admired was sitting alone in the yard blowing the cold wind.

The incident started because of this, when Zhao Dongting was in the imperial study room, he couldn't refuse the beauty, and when he was admiring Ashima's peerless dance, he happened to be ordered by the queen mother to come to the emperor Zhu Qingfu and Zhu Qingci sisters to deliver cakes The two saw it, and then all the women in the harem knew about it.

Then, when our Heavenly Emperor returned to his bedroom, he rolled his eyes and closed doors all over.

Le Wu girl was the last to close the door, before closing the door, she only said to Zhao Dongting: "Since the emperor has learned how to hide the beauty in the imperial study, then go find your prince..."

Zhao Dongting almost went there, but he didn't have the courage after all.

(End of this chapter)

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