The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1561 Attack on Jingzhao

Chapter 1561 Attack on Jingzhao
Another scout ran up to the top of the city and knelt down beside Bing Wenxuan, "My lord Yushi, our army failed to resist the Song army and was completely defeated by the Song army! The Song army is resting ten miles outside the city!"


Bing Wenxuan couldn't help snorting when he heard the words.

At this time, a ferocious look appeared on the originally refined face.

Although he knew that he couldn't resist it, but at this moment, he was undoubtedly a little angry.

However, he has gathered an army of more than [-] in Jingzhao Mansion at this time, so he is quite confident, so he didn't say any curse words.

After the scout went down, he just stood there quietly.

At this time, he hadn't thought about whether Rong Leyong had betrayed.Although, it is indeed a bit strange that Song Jun quietly bypassed Lantian County.

But before, Rong Leyong never showed the slightest sign of wanting to vote for Song.

About two hours later, Liu Zhuwen led an army and appeared outside Jingzhao Mansion.

Although the [-] Qingqi only came slowly, the battle was already quite scary.

The Da Song Qingqi who appeared below the city lined up outside the city, with countless torches in the army, all over the mountains and plains.

"Prepare for battle!"

"Prepare for battle!"

Such shouts sounded from the top of the city.

The war drums beat together.


Under Liu Zhuwen's order, the Qingqimen of the Song Dynasty dismounted one after another, except for the two special regiments who served as the two wings and did not dismount.

Some grenadiers ran to the front of the army and set up a front line on the front line of the army.

The Yuan army at the head of the city also pointed the Shenlong gun and grenade at the outside of the city.

Anyone can imagine that this must be a big battle.

Liu Zhuwen rushed to this Jingzhao Mansion in a hurry, time was short, and it was difficult to use any strategy to take down Jingzhao Mansion before Chai Liren.

After the grenadiers assembled the grenadiers, Liu Zhuwen shouted: "Fire!"

The military flags in the army fluttered, and the drums of war resounded.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of cannons.

The Yuan army at the head of the city and the Song grenadiers outside the city fired almost indiscriminately.

Cannonballs rushed past in the night sky.

The Yuan army on Jingzhaofu Road was not the trump card of the Yuan Dynasty after all, and many soldiers were stationed troops.In contrast, it is naturally impossible for every soldier to have grenades and dragon guns.

In the Yuan army, the only ones that could be equipped with Shenlong guns were probably those Xiang armies.

Although this is already a large number, it is definitely not as large as the Song Qingqi led by Liu Zhuwen.

The Qingqi of the Song Dynasty are all equipped with Shenlong guns. In terms of armaments, they are still not comparable to the Yuan army.

Bing Wenxuan obviously knew this well, so besides the grenade launchers, there were quite a few artillery throwing vehicles at the top of the city.

It's just that the range of these artillery vehicles is not as good as that of grenades, so they haven't fired yet.


Liu Zhuwen shouted again.

At the front of the Imperial Army of the Great Song Dynasty, there were countless soldiers rushing towards the Jingzhao Mansion.

There is still a row of soldiers holding shields in front of the army.

In this way, they rushed to the city of Jingzhaofu under the artillery fire.

There were clusters of flames exploding on the ground.

The same is true in the city.

Some shells went over the top of the city and fell straight into the city.Either explode on the ground, or destroy the houses in the city.

In such a war, the common people will inevitably be affected by Chiyu.

But Liu Zhuwen obviously couldn't care less.

This is impossible.

As the Imperial Guards of the Great Song Dynasty got closer and closer to the city, the sound of gunfire from the top of the city instantly became denser.

One by one, the Yuan army standing on the top of the city fired at the bottom again and again.

The cannon carts also fired.

Fireballs flew across the air.

Among the black crowd, soldiers of the Great Song Dynasty continued to drop their halberds like this.

Even closer, the soldiers holding bows and arrows on the top of the city also shot arrows at the city under the orders of their generals.

It's all rockets.



With the sound of an order, the scene of rockets filling the sky.

The cooperation of these Yuan armies is fairly close, and there is no gap in the process of the soldiers shooting arrows alternately.

But of course, this still couldn't stop the Great Song Forbidden Army.

When the soldiers spread to the bottom of the city, some Yuan troops threw thunder, rolling stones, and fire oil to the bottom.

But these voices were almost drowned in the shouts of killing.

Among the Forbidden Army of the Great Song Dynasty, there were master priests who looked like ghosts, dodged these thunders, rolling stones and other objects, and plundered to the gate of the city.

A dozen or so thunderbolts were thrown over in unison, and the city gate collapsed with a bang.

With the invention of Thunderbolt, the city gate no longer has much defensive effect.

Now is no longer the era when you still need to use siege engines and battering rams to break through the city gates.

Only when the city gate collapsed suddenly, countless flames appeared in the city.

Those Yuan soldiers standing in the corridor fired at the outside, throwing thunder.

There is also a crossbow cart that is not as powerful as a grenadier, but is quite convenient.

The Yuan army has also learned this way of fighting. The arrows of these ballistas are tied with explosives like firecrackers.

When the bowstring rang, it shot towards the gate of the city with a whistling sound.

Even though the priests who broke the door were well-cultivated, some people fell in a pool of blood.

Compared with the previous wars that the Imperial Army of the Song Dynasty won easily, this war will undoubtedly be a hard one.



"Kill it!"

These artillery fires did not stop the Imperial Army of Song Dynasty.

They swarmed down the city, and then headed towards the inner corridor of the city gate with these guns.

Sparks sparkle in the night.

The soldiers of the two sides continued to exchange fire with Shenlong guns, Hongtianlei and other objects.

In just a short time, there are already a lot of corpses lying in the corridor of the city gate.And most of them are incomplete.

At the top of the city and outside the city, both sides are still bombarding.

Liu Zhuwen stood in front of the army with a serious expression on his face.

He can probably figure out how many yuan troops there are in the Jingzhao mansion now, and this yuan army is definitely not so easy to be wiped out.

Even if it is him, it can only be said that he has hope for this battle.Whether or not Jingzhao Mansion can be successfully taken down is uncertain.

If it weren't for the fact that it would be of far-reaching significance to take down the Jingzhao Mansion before Chai Liren led the army, it would have a major impact on the situation of both the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and he would not have taken such a risk.

I only hope that the [-] Great Song Forbidden Army can destroy these Yuan troops in the city.

Not long after, a hot air balloon slowly rose into the sky in the city.

Liu Zhuwen led Qingqi here, and did not bring hot air balloons, but there are quite a few of them in Jingzhao Mansion.

Under Bing Wenxuan's order, these hot air balloon troops obviously planned to attack the troops of the Imperial Guards of the Song Dynasty who remained in place without attacking the city.

Although the city is in chaos at the moment, everyone can see that it will take some time for the Imperial Guards of the Song Dynasty to enter the city.

Even the remaining two True Martial Realm enshrined around Liu Zhuwen, under such circumstances, would not dare to go ahead easily.

Guns have no eyes, and they pose a great threat to real martial arts masters like them.

"The sky cannon is ready!"

Seeing the flames in the sky, Liu Zhuwen ordered in a deep voice.

Behind him, a soldier hurried forward carrying the sky cannon and shells, and began to assemble the sky cannon on the spot.

From the outside of the city, the entire city of Jingzhao Mansion was covered by artillery fire.

The clusters of flames filled the night sky.

This situation is like a volcanic eruption.

At the gate of the city, Zhang Hongfan, who was in charge of leading the army to break through the city, took the lead and organized soldiers to attack the corridors of the city gate before the formation.

But in this short period of time, two attacks were repulsed.

Not a few of his light cavalry soldiers of the Tianxian Army were lost.

This made Zhang Hongfan very angry.

With the Thunderbolt and the Dragon Gun, these Yuan armies are really not as easy to deal with as before.

But at the moment there is no other way.

Even if the soldiers of the special regiment use flying claws to climb up to the top of the city to seize the top of the city, it is definitely not an easy task.

Zhang Hongfan was not willing to let the soldiers of the special regiment under his command go to death for nothing like that.

The soldiers of the Forbidden Army are baby bumps, and the soldiers of the special regiment are even more so.


At this moment Zhang Hongfan didn't have the mind to take care of the hot air balloons in the sky, he watched the soldiers retreat from the tunnel again and shouted again.

Another group of soldiers rushed towards the corridor, about a hundred people.

This is the strength of a battalion.

There is probably only room for so few people to attack at the same time in the corridor of the city gate.

The sound of guns and guns in the corridor rang out again.



The screams were endless.

Even the elite soldiers of the Imperial Guards of the Song Dynasty paid casualties all the time in such a bloody battle.

(End of this chapter)

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