Chapter 1572


The gunfire finally rang out at this moment.

The defenders gathered at the gate of the government office saw that the people rioted, and many of them raised their Shenlong guns and started shooting.

Those yamen servants and arresters also pulled out their sabers from their waists.

Several generals and leaders were all stern.

But there are also many defenders who did not shoot.

They saw their relatives in the crowd, "Don't shoot! Don't shoot! That's my dad!"

Loyalty and filial piety are in a dilemma, even though some of them have been secretly persuaded, they are still at a loss at this moment.

They could not shoot at these folks, nor could they shoot at Pao Ze who lived together day and night.

Only the defenders and yamen servants hurriedly pushed their robes to the back.

They have long been dissatisfied with Nadalu Huachi's rule over Sanyuan City.

The scene is even more chaotic.

The two brothers of the noodle shop led the common people to forcefully disperse the front servants and arresters, and wrestled with the defenders behind with various weapons.

Although they are at a disadvantage in equipment, they have the advantage of having a large number of people.Although, many people did not dare to make a move after all.

But standing here, they can already put some pressure on the defenders.

Moreover, people continue to gather here.

These defenders and arresters were originally from Sanyuan City, so more and more people saw their relatives and friends among the crowd.

Someone quietly stepped back.

With meager salaries, they did not have a firm belief in the rule of the Yuan Dynasty, so they would not point their guns at their relatives and friends.

At the entrance of the government yamen, the resistance of the defenders, arresters, and yamen servants is relatively weak.

After a while, they were abruptly dispersed by the common people.

Seeing such a situation, the common people gathered together and rushed towards the government office.

The servants in the government office saw so many people running in and fled in all directions.

Knowing that the common people rushed in, Nadalu Huachi panicked.He really never thought that the defenders he mobilized could not even stop these rioters.

But even under such circumstances, he still did not escape from the government office.

He dare not.

If he escapes from the government office, he will be the first Dalu Huachi to be forced out of the city by the rioters.No matter where he goes, the result will not be better, because the court will definitely hold him accountable.

He quickly summoned the masters of the rivers and lakes that he had won over and let them make a move.

About a dozen people with different cultivation levels came out from the depths of the government office. Among them, the strong ones were in the Middle Yuan Realm, and the weak ones were in the Lower Yuan Realm.

This is quite good among the people.

And they did cause a lot of trouble to the uprising common people.

Although there are people who practice martial arts among these common people, they are only rare.When those ordinary people faced them, they were powerless to resist.

After being beheaded dozens of people one after another, his momentum also weakened.

Everyone is afraid of death.

Gradually, many people did not dare to rush forward, but hesitated in place.

The two brothers in the noodle shop were covered in blood.

By this time, the backbone they brought had almost been sacrificed.

The price to be paid by the peasant uprising was too great.

And at this time, the defenders finally made a move.

Most of them have given up resistance.Some people in the crowd saw their relatives being beheaded by those masters of the rivers and lakes, how could they bear it.

Someone yelled: "Damn it, those Mongols don't treat us as human beings at all, and they work hard for them!"

As soon as the voice fell, the defender raised the Shenlong gun and shot at those Jianghu people.

As soon as the gunshot was fired, a Jianghu man groaned when he was shot, looked at his chest in disbelief, and then slowly fell to the ground.

And this is just the beginning.

The actions and words of this defender moved many defenders a little.

It would be fine if the Yuan court treated them well, but the actual situation is that the Yuan court treated them and those Mongolian troops very differently.

No matter how hard they work, they can only get a meager salary, and there is no hope of promotion, and they often have to face and scold them from the Mongolian officials above.

Even beat and scolded.

A kind of resentment gradually spread from the hearts of these defenders.

Although not everyone is like this, but it accounts for a considerable proportion of them.

The gunshots became so intense.

Although the dozen or so masters sent by Nadalu Huachi were not bad, they were obviously not strong enough to withstand the sharpness of the Shenlong Gun.

The army is the army, and the strength is not comparable to these uprising common people.

If it wasn't for the fact that these defenders were not determined to resist before, it would have been impossible for these uprising civilians to rush into the government office.

In a short while, several Jianghu people were shot and killed on the spot by the Shenlong blunderbuss.

The expressions of the other few changed dramatically, they didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurriedly ran to the back.Only in this process, two more died under the gun.

The last strength Nadalu Huachi could rely on was unreliable.

It is impossible for the remaining three or five escaped Jianghu people to continue to protect him.

This is definitely a matter of who blocks who dies.

Public anger is hard to offend.

The two brothers in the noodle restaurant were lucky to survive.

At this time, the uprising people don't need the two of them to mobilize their emotions.Everyone spontaneously ran to the depths of the government office.

The whole government office jumped up quickly.

The righteous people are not disciplined.

Among them, there are many people wantonly scrambling for things in the government office.

Only ten minutes later, the government officials and their families were also tied up by the rioters.

Nadalu Huachi was among them, and his face was full of panic at the moment.

He is the master of Sanyuan City!
He never thought that one day he would be tied up by these people who he regarded as fish and meat.

The bloody noodle shop boss picked up a knife on the ground and walked slowly in front of Dalu Huachi.With a single slash, Dalu Huachi fell to the ground.

The elder brother raised his saber and shouted loudly: "Mie Yuan! Vote for Song!"

There were tears in the eyes.

This uprising was not easy.Too many people who were acquainted with him died in this government office.

"Mie Yuan!"

"Mie Yuan!"

Many people who were still gathered around shouted loudly at this moment, as if a fire was burning in their hearts.

Even the defenders shouted.

They all had the same blood on them.

Sanyuan City is in chaos today.

Later, many Mongolian officials and generals, and even some Han officials who worked for the tiger, their government offices were all captured by the people who initiated the uprising.

Burning, killing and looting are happening all the time.

No one can stop this chaos.

Most of those officials and their families did not end well.In Yurou Township for all these years, this moment is considered to be paying the price.

I don't know when the chaos in Sanyuan City will be calmed down.

Shandong East Road.

The army of Liu Hongyi's Zhen Guo Military Region moved in unison.By this time, Yin Yongning, the commander-in-chief of the Tianwei Army who was in charge of capturing Wendeng County, had led his army outside Wendeng County.

The officials in Wendeng County had heard about Muping's fall, so they were already running and hiding.

It is impossible for a district or county town to stop the Great Song Imperial Army.

After Yin Yongning led the soldiers of the Tianwei Army to the city, the defenders in the city quickly opened the city gate and asked to surrender.

Yin Yongning took down Wendeng without a single soldier.

So far, the entire Ninghai Prefecture has fallen into the hands of the Zhen Guo Military Region.

At this time, President Gao Xing of the Tiangu Army and President Lu Guang of the Sky Air Force also led their troops to Fushan County in Dengzhou, west of Ninghai Prefecture.

More than [-] troops pressed to the outside of the city, and their formation is quite mighty.

The official defenders in Fukuyama also did not choose to resist.

Afterwards, Gao Xing and Lu Guang left [-] soldiers in the city, and then divided into two groups, heading towards Qixia County and Penglai City respectively.

Both of them felt quite relaxed.

According to this situation, as long as the large forces of the Yuan army do not come over, it will take less than ten days for them to take down the whole of Dengzhou.

In the territory of Tengzhou, Pizhou and Xuzhou on the East and West Roads of Shanxi, Wen Qi and other generals under the Jiankang Military Region also gathered in Xuzhou at this time and arrived in Pei County.

Su Quandang did not let them continue to attack the city and land.

Although he knew that Halbala had led the army to the territory of the East-West Road, he still planned to continue to implement the strategic shift.

This is the trust in the Xingguo Military Region.

He believed that even if he led the army to leave Shanxi Road, the soldiers of the Xingguo Military Region would be able to stabilize the situation.

At this time, the Xianglong Military Region, which is alone in the territory of Nanjing Road to deal with the yuan house enterprise and cannot occupy the army of Taiwan, needs his assistance even more.His soldiers in the Jiankang Military Region are the Central Route Army.

(End of this chapter)

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