The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1577 Attacking Mount Mangdang

Chapter 1577 Attacking Mount Mangdang

Only Wan Xueming probably didn't expect that after Su Quandang led his army to the border between Nanjing Road and Shanxi Road, he never sent heavy troops to attack Mangdang Mountain.

Good steel is used on the blade, and the same is true in war.

After Su Quandang sent Chi Hou to investigate the details of the Yuan army on Mangdang Mountain, he just sent Wen Qi to lead the Tiangang army to attack.

The narrow terrain of Mangdang Mountain simply cannot accommodate too many soldiers attacking at the same time.

This is impossible.

No matter how many troops come, it is useless.

The battle that the Tiangang Army will face will not be easy.

According to the scout's report, the Yuan army has already deployed artillery arrays dangerously on the mountain beside the official road.But they had to take down the Mangdang Mountain.

In this way, the soldiers of the Jiankang Military Region can pass through the Mangdang Mountain with the least damage and press down on Guide Mansion.

At the foot of Mount Mangdang, there is a rock wall more than ten meters high.

Wen Qi personally led the army.

The army set up camp hundreds of meters away from the rock wall.

The time Su Quandang gave him was relatively loose, but he was only asked to win Mount Mangdang within two days.

While the soldiers were camping, Wen Qi held up his binoculars in the wilderness and looked towards the rock wall.

The rock wall is bare, and even with the military quality of the Imperial Guards of the Great Song Dynasty, it is difficult to climb it successfully.

If there is no accident, the Yuan army must have been fully prepared on the rock wall.

This is really a place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

After several 10 minutes of observation, Wen Qi led his generals to his tent.

There are dozens of generals at the Dutong level in the Tiangang Army.

After gathering in the tent, Wen Qi said: "To break Mangdang Mountain, you must first take down this rock wall. Do you have any clever ideas?"

A general said: "President Du, the general thinks that we can send soldiers from the special regiment to climb the cliff with flying claws at night to open up the front line for our army."


Just as the general finished speaking, another general said: "The soldiers of the special regiment have flying claws to climb the cliff, but the rest of the imperial guards like me don't have this. Although they can also use the flying claws of the special regiment to climb the cliff, But if the soldiers of the special regiment encounter the counterattack of the yuan army on the cliff, we may not be able to rescue them in time! I think we should have a more secure method."

Wen Qi nodded slightly, "What do you mean by Zhang Dutong?"

The general surnamed Zhang said: "The general thinks that we should rush to build the ladder overnight! After we can build the ladder, we will launch a massive attack on the cliff."

Wen Qi frowned slightly, "I'm afraid it's too late to build a ladder now..."

The general surnamed Zhang said: "But it is better to have a ladder than to have no ladder. It doesn't matter how much you can build. What do you think?"

Hearing what he said, Wen Qi nodded and said, "Then pass on an order to tell the soldiers to quickly build ladders!"

What the general surnamed Zhang said was not unreasonable.

Simply using the flying claws of the soldiers of the special regiment cannot support too many soldiers climbing up the cliff.After all, not all of the Forbidden Army has the excellent military qualities of the Special Regiment.

But that alone is obviously not enough.

After pondering for a while, Wen Qi said again: "Su Shuai only gave us two days, and we don't have much time to delay. No matter how many ladders we build, we must launch an attack on the Yuan army before dawn. The soldiers are the vanguard, and I will send the soldiers to assist me, do you have any objections?"

All the generals in the tent nodded without any objection.

After all, there are thousands of Yuan troops on Mount Mangdang, and it will take time to destroy them.It doesn't mean that if you climb up the rock wall, you will win Mount Mangdang.

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Wen Qi clapped the table and said, "Okay, since that's the case, the matter of attacking Mangdang Mountain is settled like this. Before dawn, the soldiers of the special regiment went up to the rock wall, and the sixth and seventh regiments were under the rock wall. Help! If the Yuan army obstructs, we will use firepower to support the soldiers of the special regiment to open the situation."


All the generals in the tent bowed their hands and took orders, and then left the tent.

Not long after, Wen Qi also left the tent.But he galloped away with a few offerings.

He went to the place where Su Quandang's army was stationed.

After arriving in Daying, go to Su Quandang's handsome tent.

Su Quandang was discussing matters with the generals, and when he saw Wen Qi's money, he asked a little puzzled, "President Wen, why did you come back?"

Wen Qi reported: "Shuai Su, the general wants to borrow the flying regiments of various armies!"

Su Quandang smiled when he heard the words: "Why? Do you think it's a bit tricky to take down Mount Mangdang?"

Wen Qi didn't feel ashamed, and said: "The general has observed the terrain of Mangdang Mountain. If he wants to go up the mountain, he has to climb a rock wall of more than ten meters. Although he has ordered the generals to rush to build the ladder, but tomorrow I am afraid that it will be difficult to make many before dawn. If the soldiers are forced to kill the cliff, I am afraid that there will be heavy losses, so I want to use the flying regiment in the army to give our Tiangang army fire support. There are flying regiments , we can buy a lot of time to climb the cliff.”


Su Quandang nodded lightly when he heard the words, glanced at the generals, and said, "Then everyone, please lend the Feitian regiment to President Wen for the time being!"

He Fangsong, Jin Hao, Yu Xingwen and others in the tent all smiled and nodded.

When Wen Qi left the camp again, there seemed to be many soldiers from the Flying Regiment behind him.

The six forbidden troops under the Jiankang Military Region, and the garrison troops of Jiankang and Lin'an Prefectures, although the Feitian Regiment is only a non-staff regiment with only a few hundred people, it is quite an astonishing tree.

When Wen Qi led the soldiers of the Flying Regiment back to the camp of the Tiangang Army, dusk had already fallen.

The sunset is red, like the most delicate face.

The soldiers of the Tiangang Army were naturally delighted to see so many soldiers of the Flying Regiment carrying hot air balloons arrive.

Throughout the night, the camp was filled with the sound of felling trees.

Except for the Special Regiment, the Sixth Regiment, the Seventh Regiment, and the Flying Regiments of various armies, the rest of the soldiers in the Tiangang Army did not rest almost all night.

As for these, whether the Yuan army on the cliff knew about it or not is naturally unknown.

In short, they didn't kill them that night.

There was only silence on the rock wall, and there was no movement at all.

Before you know it, it's almost dawn.

Wen Qi ordered the lieutenant soldiers to gather the ladders that had been built quickly, and there were more than two hundred ladders in total.It's just that these ladders don't look particularly strong.

After seeing it, Wen Qi ordered the soldiers to tie up the ladders in numbers of five or five.

This forms about fifty large ladders, which look like rafts.But although it is bulky and bulky, it also looks much stronger.


Wen Qi personally led the soldiers of the enshrined and special regiments, the sixth and seventh regiments in the army to press down the rock wall, only a distance of tens of meters.

It was still quiet above the rock wall, and there was no trace of the Yuan army.

Wen Qi frowned and watched for a few minutes, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

The more silent the Yuan army is, the more fully prepared it should be.He could almost predict that after the soldiers of the special regiment rushed up, the situation they would face would definitely not be too good.

But sometimes there is no way to fight, and you have to face the difficulties.

After slowly putting down the binoculars, Wen Qi tilted his head and stomach and the special regiment beside him said: "Wang Dutong, lead your soldiers to charge up!"

The king is in command.

While the command flag was waving, the soldiers of the special regiment of the Tiangang Army ran down the rock wall with Shenlong blunderbuss on their backs.

The infantry soldiers of the sixth and seventh regiments were also looking up at the top of the rock wall at this moment, ready to shoot at any time.

As long as the Yuan army takes the lead, it will inevitably be attacked by their fierce artillery fire.

And something slightly unexpected by Wen Qi, until some soldiers of the special regiment climbed up with flying claws and waved on the rock wall, there was no Yuan army yet.

The Yuan army guarding the Mangdang Mountain did not take advantage of such a condescending terrain.

Seeing the soldiers of the Special Regiment climb up one after another, Wen Qi was even a little stunned, wondering if the soldiers of the Flying Regiment should be lifted into the air.

After his doubts passed, he waved his hand to the back.

The soldiers of the sixth and seventh regiments carried the ladder and ran to the bottom of the rock wall, and then climbed up.

The rock walls are full of figures of the Imperial Guards of the Song Dynasty.

Wen Qi's eyes became more suspicious, and then he shouted to the top: "Send scouts to explore the way! See how the Yuan army is arranged!"

(End of this chapter)

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