The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1581 Yuan Chaos Upheaval

Chapter 1581 Yuan Chaos Upheaval


Huang Cao's father was a little unhappy when he heard the words: "Cao'er running for the Imperial Army is serving the country. He is the glory of our village!"

In the whole village, among the young people who went to join the army, only Huang Cao has been selected into the Forbidden Army.

This is not only a glamorous thing in the village, but even in a radius of tens of miles.

In the past, Huang Cao's father was called Huang Liulang, but since the news of Huang Cao's selection into the Forbidden Army spread, who didn't call him Brother Liulang?

The more intimate ones are also called Liulang.

Yellow grass is his pride.

Huangcao's mother sighed softly, not knowing what to say.He bowed his head to pick up the rice, but there were some tears in his eyes.

She, a mother, is not proud of Huangcao.

Huangcao is different since he was a child, he doesn't like to talk, doesn't like to fight, and most likes to think in ecstasy.She knew that Huang Cao should be the most promising among the brothers in the future.

But success is success, and pride is pride.As a mother, she was more worried about Huangcao.

The yellow grass is the meat that fell from her body.

No amount of glory is as important as her Cao'er's life.

It's just that Huang Cao's father was not happy to say this at home, let alone say it outside.

The current Song Dynasty is proud of joining the army and serving the country.If such a thing is said, saying that he would rather his child not join the army, someone will poke his spine.

The screen returns to Mount Mangdang.

While the soldiers of the Tiangang Army were cleaning the battlefield, the scouts sent by Wen Qi to report to Su Quandang had already returned.

They brought Su Quandang's military order to let the Tiangang Army unplug several artillery arrays arranged by the Yuan Army in the northeast of Mangdang Mountain.

Without any hesitation, Wen Qi immediately gathered the soldiers of the special regiment to his side.

Although the soldiers of the special regiment played the important role of sharp knives in the Battle of Mangdang Mountain, the losses were not heavy, and the casualties were only more than [-] soldiers.

Wen Qi ordered the special regiment to lead the remaining soldiers to take down the artillery formations of the Yuan army.

He did not make detailed arrangements for specific tactics.

Such a battle does not require him, the president, to personally sit in command.

In the Great Song Army, from the marshal to the commander, most of them have commanding skills.It is impossible for the leader of the special regiment to be an unknown person.

It's just a matter of taking down a few artillery formations. He can do this when Mount Mangdang has been attacked by force.

This is like an army going to attack a certain village, all it needs is a battalion of troops.The commander can completely complete the task, so there is no need for the commander to personally command.

After all the soldiers of the special regiment led the soldiers of the Tiangang Army to hide in the forest, the soldiers of the Tiangang Army were still cleaning the battlefield in place.

It is unknown how many wounded soldiers were carried down, most of them were Yuan soldiers.

There were also scattered and hidden Yuan troops who were arrested.

The number of casualties of each army was reported to Wen Qi, and the number of lieutenant soldiers of the Tiangang Army lost less than [-] in this battle.Among them, the wounded accounted for thousands of people.

Under the rock wall, the medical soldiers and military attendants of the Tiangang Army were very busy.

Soldiers who were constantly seriously injured died because their injuries were too severe to be controlled.

This is also impossible.

When it was near night, the surrounding area of ​​Mount Mangdang became quiet.

The commander of the special regiment brought all the soldiers of the special regiment back and reported to Wen Qi.

The artillery arrays arranged by the Yuan army have already been taken down by them. Of course, some of them ran away early when they saw the opportunity, but it is unlikely to become a serious problem.

Wen Qi sent scouts to report the news to Su Quandang.

After Su Quandang received the news in the camp, he was quite excited.

He gave Wen Qi two days to take down Mount Mangdang. He really never thought that Wen Qi would be able to complete the task so quickly.

This allowed him to lead his army to Guide Mansion at a faster speed to complete his strategic deployment.

On this night, Su Quandang ordered the army to prepare to leave the camp tomorrow and go to Xiayi County in Guide Mansion.

As long as they can reach Xiayi, they will not be far from Qiao County, the main residence of Haozhou.At that time, it is completely possible to join forces with the Tianlao and Tianhui armies stationed in Qiao County.

With such a strong force, it should not be difficult to take down Guide Mansion.

The next day.

Su Quandang led his army along the official road to Xiayi County.

Wen Qi led the soldiers of the Tiangang Army to protect both sides of the official road.

There were scouts exploring the road for more than [-] miles in front of the army.


At this time, the news that Liu Zhuwen took down the Jingzhao Mansion was also sent to the palace by the Military Intelligence Department with pigeons.

Although this is not as formal as Babaili Express, the credibility of the news is of course very high.

Yi Shiyu held the letter and met Zhao Dongting in the palace where Concubine Yang Shu's coffin was placed.

Zhao Dongting was also excited after reading the contents of the letter.

Marshal Liu of the Dali Military Region led Qingqi from the Dali and Central Shu military regions to take down the Jingzhao Mansion and wiped out all the Yuan troops in the Jingzhao Mansion.

This can be said to be the biggest victory for the soldiers of the Song Dynasty since Shi Kaiji led his army to take down Languan.

The situation on West Road is actually quite optimistic.

Taking Jingzhao Mansion is equivalent to beheading half of the Yuan army on the West Road.If nothing else, the future battles on the West Road will be much easier than those on the Middle Road and the East Road.

Of course, Zhao Dongting did not say that it was impossible for Yue Peng, Su Quandang, Huang Hua, and Liu Hongyi to achieve brilliant results.

Both Yue Peng and Su Quandang are representatives of young generals in the army, and they are the most daring to fight. Whether they will catch up head-on, Zhao Dongting is not sure.

Although Huang Hua and Liu Hongyi are much more prudent, they probably won't be able to reap the greatest fruits of victory like Yue Peng and Su Quandang did, but it is uncertain what will happen in the future.

The battle situation is often changing rapidly.

Zhao Dongting did not intend to divert all resources to the army of the West Road just because the situation on the West Road was the most optimistic.

His strategic deployment is to attack Zhongdu from three directions. Now the layout is extremely obvious, and he will not make any changes easily.

After leaving the formation, Zhao Dongting handed the letter back to Yi Shiyu, saying: "Send this letter to the Military Aircraft Cabinet and the State Affairs Cabinet."


Yi Shiyu quickly agreed and ran out of the palace.

Zhao Dongting turned back to the palace, looked at Concubine Yang Shu's coffin, and murmured softly in his heart, "It's should be soon."

Even he couldn't think of the strength of the West Road Yuan Army to resist Liu Zhuwen and Shi Kaiji's army.

Chai Liren probably doesn't have that ability.

As long as the West Road army can defeat the Yuan army led by Chai Liren, they can drive straight into the central capital.At that time, the Yuan army will be in chaos, and victory can be expected.

But Zhao Dongting didn't know that the real gold in Zhongdu also received the battle report from the front line at this time.

It is also about the battle report of Jingzhao Mansion.

Zhen Jin was originally sitting in his imperial study reviewing the memorial, when the eunuch brought the letter to him, after he read it, his face turned pale instantly.

The brush in my hand slipped weakly.

Zhenjin shook his body a few times and almost fainted like this.

Fortunately, the old eunuch who was waiting beside him was quite quick-sighted, and quickly helped him up, "Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

He hurriedly shouted to the outside of the house: "Send the imperial physician quickly! Send the imperial physician quickly!"

Zhen Jin slowly closed his eyes, waved his hands weakly and said, "No need, go and bring Sang Ge and Ye Lu Zhu in!"

Zhen Jin knew that he was just out of breath, and there was nothing wrong with his body.

The old eunuch led the order and walked out of the imperial study.

Zhen Jin held his forehead with both hands, his face became paler and paler.

He also led the army to attack the Song Dynasty as the coach, so naturally he doesn't know anything about military affairs.He wanted to know what the fall of Jingzhao Mansion meant.

This means that his West Route Army may not be able to stop Song's West Route Army.

And if the West Road is opened up, it will not be much different from a complete defeat.Because he really didn't have too many troops to mobilize in the country at this time.

After a while, several auxiliary ministers of the Yuan Dynasty gathered in Zhenjin's imperial study.

They gave a gift to Zhen Jin in the imperial study room, and then stood quietly by the side waiting for Zhen Jin's order.

Zhenjin glanced at them and sighed softly: "Jingzhao lost."

With a single word, the whole room turned pale.

Yeluzhu, Wang Yun and others all showed extremely shocked expressions, and then a little panic appeared in their eyes.

No one thought that Jingzhao Mansion would fall so soon.

Jingzhao Mansion is a barrier on the frontier of the West Road!
Yeluzhu suddenly walked out of the ranks with his hands clasped, and said: "Your Majesty, I implore the Emperor to issue an order to temporarily withdraw the army from the West Road!"

What he said made Zhen Jin and the others look suspicious again.

(End of this chapter)

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