Chapter 1603
According to the total statistics, nearly 4000 soldiers of the Tianhui Army were lost.

The Tianlao Army was much better, but in the subsequent siege process, there were also nearly 2000 casualties.

A total of nearly 6000 people, except for more than a thousand people who were only slightly injured and could continue to stay in the army, the rest...

The soldiers who died in battle can only return their souls to their hometowns.

Those who were seriously injured and disabled could only be sent back to Song Dynasty.Probably in this life, there will never be a chance to go to the battlefield again.

Although the Yuan army suffered more casualties, there are probably less than 2000 left in the [-] army.But such a loss still made Yao Xingchao, Fang Zhenshan and others feel extremely distressed.

The results of the battle are astonishing, and the battle damage cannot be ignored.

If it was really a face-to-face fight with real swords and guns, it shouldn't be a big problem for the [-] Great Song Forbidden Army to resist even [-] soldiers of the Yuan Army?
On this day, the Tianhui and Tianlao armies stayed in Gushu County to clean up the battlefield.

Mao Huli's Yuan army was killed and fled in a hurry, leaving a lot of ordnance and a little food and grass in the city.These are all strategic materials for the Great Song Forbidden Army.

Although it was difficult for the Imperial Army of the Song Dynasty to be replenished in the Yuan Dynasty, these strategic materials could be used immediately after being captured.

Until dusk, a horn suddenly sounded from the top of the city.

Su Quandang led the army of the Jiankang Military Region and finally arrived here.

After Yao Xingchao, Fang Zhenshan and others heard the news, they rushed to the gate of the city to greet them.

Su Quandang's army of more than [-] troops is naturally mighty.The army formation spread from the gate of the city to the very distant mountain depression, but the end was still not visible.

Su Quandang rode a war horse, and when he saw Yao Xingchao, Fang Zhenshan and others at the gate of the city, he was quite surprised, and then he said with a smile: "You generals, you have already conquered Gushu County?"

The two armies sent scouts to make contact, and he still had some understanding of the itineraries of the Tianlao and Tianhui armies.He never thought that the two armies could take Gushu County before he came over.

This is of course a good thing.

Because in this way he could lead the army straight to Guide Mansion, which saved him a lot of time.

Without this period of time, the preparations of the Guide Mansion Yuan Army might not be so adequate.

"Su Shuai!"

"Su Shuai!"

Yao Xingchao, Fang Zhenshan and others bowed their hands and saluted Su Quandang.

Then Yao Xingchao said with a wry smile: "Although Gushu County was defeated, President Fang and I suffered heavy casualties..."


Su Quandang was a little moved, got off the horse and said, "How many people have been lost?"

Wen Qi and other generals behind him also dismounted.

Everyone went to the city.

Yao Xingchao sighed, "Nearly 2000 people have been lost under my command, and nearly [-] people have been lost under President Fang's command."

"The casualties... are indeed a bit large."

Su Quandang also frowned a little when he heard the words, and then said: "The two armies of Tianlao and Tianhui broke through the gate of Guide Mansion for us, and this commander will report the truth to the emperor and ask for credit for the two presidents. "

Both Yao Xingchao and Fang Zhenshan nodded slightly.

A group of people went straight to the government office.

During this process, Su Quandang saw everything in the city.With his ability, he could vaguely imagine how much resistance the two armies of Tianlao and Tianhui encountered in attacking the city.

After sitting down in the main hall of the government office, Su Quandang said to Yao Xingchao and Fang Zhenshan: "President Yao and President Fang, your two armies have just gone through a war and won Gushu County, so it's better to go to Gushu now." Rest in the county for two days. The commander-in-chief will lead the army to test how much the Yuan army in Guide Mansion is worth!"

As he spoke, he looked at Wen Qi, "Wen Qi, tell the soldiers to camp outside the city to rest! At dawn tomorrow, continue marching towards Guide Mansion!"


Wen Qi took the lead.

Yao Xingchao and Fang Zhenshan looked at each other, and then they both waved their hands at Su Quan, "Thank you, Shuai Su!"

It is indeed necessary for their two armies to take a break in Gushu County, and they don't think Su Quandang is reluctant to let them and the army of the Jiankang Military Region take military merits.

With Su Quandang's status, there is absolutely no need for this, let alone such thoughts.

In the final analysis, with Su Quandang's position in the Great Song Army today, it can be regarded as reaching the pinnacle.No matter how great his military achievements are, his real power will not change.

As for glory and official position, only the military aircraft order and the deputy military aircraft order are above the marshal in the army.At Su Quandang's age, it doesn't seem difficult to reach that level in the future.

He and Yue Peng are now the two most dazzling handsome stars in the army.

In terms of age and military merit, Liu Hongyi, Shi Kaiji, Huang Hua and others did not even deliberately compare them.

Even in terms of background and favor, both of them followed the emperor from Naozhou Island.The position in the heart of the emperor should be unmatched by the other marshals.

In Gushu County, the army of Su Quandang's Jiankang Military Region is eyeing Guide Mansion.

At this moment, along the line from Kaifeng Mansion to Guide Mansion, Marshal Zhanbutai of Yuanzhong Road personally led more than 16 Yuan troops to Songcheng.

In Kaifeng Mansion and Xuzhou, only about [-] troops from Yuanwuqi were left to guard.

This troop strength is still not as good as that of Yue Peng Xianglong Military Region, but they have been preparing in Xuzhou and Kaifeng Mansion for many days.

Zhan Butai led all the soldiers under his command to rush to Song City, so he had some confidence in Yuanwuqi.He believed that Yuanwuqi could stop Yue Peng's attack before he destroyed Su Quandang's army.

What is more likely is that Yue Peng would not attack Kaifeng Mansion when he learned that his army had gone to Guide Mansion to fight Su Quandang.

Because of his 16-odd army, plus the existing troops in Guide Mansion, such troops are tens of thousands more than Su Quandang's Jiankang Military Region.

He felt that Yue Peng would sweat for Su Quandang, and then rush to help Guide Mansion.


Let's talk about Bai Jinjun.

Since they were defeated by Battelle's Qingqi at nightfall yesterday, they fled in the direction of Weinan County in a hurry.By now, it was not too far from Weinan County.

Only the army looks really bleak.

There were only a few hundred of the original two thousand soldiers, and almost half of them were injured.

It can be said that the Baijin army was almost completely disabled, and had no fighting power anymore.

If they want to take down Weinan County, they seem to be able to rely on only the priests of the Shuzhong Military Region.

At this time, the Yuan army had already learned of their whereabouts, and it was hard to say whether they would send troops and experts to Weinan County for assistance.

Ling Chengzhi had been crying all day long, without showing the slightest smile.

Hearing the cries of the people in Sanyuan City behind him, he felt really uncomfortable.

I think that before he led the soldiers and common people of the Baijin Army out of the city, he promised these soldiers a bright blueprint for the future.But now, in the blink of an eye, the Bai Jin Army was almost wiped out.

If it wasn't for Xu Mukun and others persuading him, he would have no face at this moment to face the soldiers and the common people, and chose to slip away quietly.

After all, he was just an ordinary person before, and it was difficult for him to bear such psychological pressure.

into the night.

Bai Jinjun and the common people are still on their way.

They want a safe place to live, and they are more worried that the Yuan army will catch up from behind again.So, we had to keep going.

Another day.

At dawn, Su Quandang led all the soldiers of the Jiankang Military Region to leave Gushu County and march towards Song City, the main mansion of Guide Mansion.

Bai Jinjun is getting closer and closer to Weinan County.

At the same time, in Shandong East Road.The soldiers of Liu Hongyi's Zhenguo Military Region also had complete original strategic intentions.

Dengzhou, Ninghai Prefecture, Laizhou, Mizhou and other places were all captured by the Imperial Army of the Song Dynasty.Moreover, all the armies of the Zhen Guo Military Region are gathering towards Gaomi County, Mizhou, and will gather again soon.

Huang Hua, who led the army stationed in Juzhou, sent his younger brother Huang Fu to negotiate with Liu Hongyi in Zhucheng, the main residence of Mizhou.

The two major military regions of Zhenguo and Xingguo are facing the army led by Harbala, and it is impossible for them to act independently.To destroy Halbala, only joint operations are not possible.

Near the evening, Huang Fu led a few worshippers to the west gate of Dezhu City.

Liu Hongyi is currently sitting in Zhucheng himself.

After Huang Fu revealed his identity under the city gate, soldiers guarding the city immediately took him to the government office to meet Liu Hongyi.

When Liu Hongyi learned that Huang Fu had arrived, he hurriedly summoned all the generals to discuss matters in the main hall of the government office.

(End of this chapter)

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