The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1626 The situation is tense

Chapter 1626 The situation is tense
The artillery formations on both sides gradually stopped shelling.

The cannonballs are all white silver taels.

Moreover, under such dark conditions, the bombardment no longer had as much effect as before.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Su Quandang led the army to retreat towards the camp.

Although the camp has not yet been fully established, their army's supplies are still in the camp.

Fortunately, the camp was not captured by the Yuan army before, otherwise, I am afraid that the situation of the army of the Jiankang military region is already quite bad.

Zhan Butai and Tang Fushi did not stay on the hillside any longer, and had already led people to the army outside Shenxian Ridge.

Of course, they didn't want to break through the formation of the Jiankang Military Region, nor did they want to take down the camp of the Jiankang Military Region, they just didn't do it.

Seeing Su Quandang leading the army back to the camp now, the faces of all the generals are not particularly good-looking.

They didn't expect that, with such a disparity in military strength, the Song army could still keep their positions and block them for such a long time.

Moreover, the fighting between the two sides during the day can only be said to be evenly divided, and they can't be said to have any advantage at all.

The fighting power of the Great Song Forbidden Army really makes people feel chills.

Except for those Yuan troops who were still leading troops to harass the army of the Jiankang military region and did not give the Jiankang army a rest, the rest of the generals gradually gathered around Zhanbutai.

Most of the Yuan army rested in the wild.

In fact, there are still many yuan troops who have never fought against the army of the Jiankang military region at all, but in such a mighty battle, this is quite normal.

In a war involving 20 people, not to mention this era, or future generations, it is impossible to spread all the soldiers in such a terrain.

After the generals got together, they all asked how to fight if they could not occupy the platform.

Now their morale is undoubtedly quite high, because they have a great advantage in military strength.

Although the army of the Jiankang Military Region also had high morale, there was inevitably a sense of grief and indignation in this morale.

Facing the inquiries from the generals, Zhan Butai waved his hand lightly and said, "No need to worry, are there any legions that haven't confronted the Song army head-on?"

"The last general has not yet led his army to confront the Song army!"

"The last general is too!"

All the generals answered in one go.

After no one spoke, Zhan Butai glanced at the generals who had just spoken, and said: "Then you are ready to take over later and attack the Song army's camp!"

He made up his mind to exhaust the army of the Jiankang Military Region.

With his current strength twice that of the army of the Jiankang Military Region, it is entirely possible to attack partly and rest partly.However, it is very difficult for the army of the Jiankang Military Region to do this.

Because if only part of the troops were sent to resist the Yuan army, the camp might be in danger of being captured.At that time, the army of the Jiankang Military Region will be cut off from food and grass, and it will be dangerous.

All the generals took orders and left in a hurry.

Zhan Butai, Tang Fushi and others sat on the grass with a desk in front of them.There is food and wine on the table.

They still seemed quite comfortable.

Although they also suffered heavy losses in this battle, comparatively speaking, the fruits of victory they achieved outweighed these losses.

Zhan Butai knew that the Song army was good at fighting, and was afraid that before leading the main force, he had prepared for the heavy losses of the army.

He doesn't care if some people die in the army, as long as the Jiankang military region can be destroyed.Of course, he is obviously unwilling to let him die with the Jiankang Military Region.

What he wants is that after the Jiankang military region is destroyed, his remaining army can work together with Yuanwuqi to overwhelm the Xianglong military region.

The gunfire still rang non-stop, but it was a little farther away from Zhanbutai.

The frontier Yuan army chased towards the camp as the army of the Jiankang military region continued to retreat. At this time, many Yuan troops were attacking the camps of the army of the Jiankang military region.

The camp of the Jiankang Military Region was built along the mountainside and stretched for several miles, which was enough for the Yuan army to have enough breakthroughs.

Of course, the army of the Jiankang Military Region will not let them enter the camp.

The food, grass and supplies in the military area were all placed in each camp, and all the generals in Su Quandang's army knew that these camps could not be lost.

At this time, Tiangang, Tianman, Luzhou garrison and other troops had all returned to their camps.

The army of the Jiankang Military Region is still fighting with the legion as its structure.

This can relieve Su Quandang a lot of pressure.

If he, as a marshal, is required to command regiments and platoons, even Han Xin, who claims to lead as many troops as possible, can't do it.

Wen Qi, Yu Xingwen, Lu Yuwen and others played a great role at this time.

As the commander-in-chief of each army, they personally command the defensive battles of each camp.

Which regiment to send to defend at the gate of the camp, and which regiment to respond in the rear, these are the presidents giving orders.

Su Quandang stayed in the camp of the Tiangang Army, and only issued a death order. Before the Tianlao and Tianhui armies arrived, the Yuan army must not be allowed to break through the camp.

And when the Tianlao and Tianhui armies will be able to rush over, no one knows.

The war is not as fierce as before.

The Yuan army no longer attacked with the whole army, so that the soldiers of the Dejiankang military region could breathe a sigh of relief, and finally had some rest time.

Up to now, even though they have been trained for a long time, they are also exhausted at the moment.It can be said that both the body and the nerves have reached a state close to the limit.

At this moment, in each camp, except for those soldiers who blocked the Yuan army at the front, the rest of the soldiers are seizing this opportunity to rest.

Su Quandang stayed in his handsome tent, frowning deeply.

The Yuan army is still unwilling to stop attacking until now in the darkness of night. He can fully guess the intention of not occupying the platform.

This style of play has never been used by the Imperial Guards of the Song Dynasty before.

And such a rogue style of play is actually very difficult to deal with.The disparity in military strength is there, this is an indisputable fact.

Is it possible to lead the army to retreat at this time?
Su Quandang had such an idea in his heart.

But then he cut off the idea.

Now the army has retreated into the camp, and the Yuan army is constantly attacking.The best time to retreat has long passed.

Speaking of it, when the main force of the Yuan army arrived, his army had already lost the best time to retreat.

If you retreat at this time, if you bring food and supplies, you will definitely be overtaken by the Yuan army.After all, there are still so many iron cavalry in the Yuan army.

And if you don't bring those supplies, even if you retreat, you won't be able to fight the next battle.

Su Quandang is aware of the shortage of food and grass in the country.If he lost the food and grass, he might have to lead his army back to the territory of the Song Dynasty incompetently, or send troops to rob food.

But the impact of such a thing as arranging soldiers to grab food is too bad.

Qixia Palace just came out to help him, and Hou Wuyou still said that he was for the common people.If he went all out to rob food, he would disappoint many righteous men.

(End of this chapter)

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