Chapter 1675
Although the age of this woman is not too old, she is about thirteen or fourteen years old.

Before the year of Jingyan, it was possible to marry, but now, after the emperor implements the New Deal, women have to be sixteen years old before they can marry.

Of course, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that everyone can see that this woman is already Xiaohe showing sharp corners, and in a few years, she must be a stunning beauty.

This figure in a red dress walked and looked around the street, as if immersed in the lively atmosphere of the streets of Changsha.

"Candied haws, sweet and sour candied haws..."

"Oil cakes, hot oil cakes..."

"Guest officer, please..."

The peddlers and servants on the street kept yelling, although it was quite noisy, but it also had other flavors.

In this day and age, food is already very abundant.

The girl in the red dress always smiles like a flower.

It seems that she is not a woman from this city.

Those who were captured by the charm of the girl in the red skirt couldn't help but think so when they saw the girl in the red skirt looking around like this.

Perhaps it is very likely that this is the first time I have come to Changsha.

Because only outsiders often show this appearance when they enter the city for the first time. If you are an insider in Changsha, you will get tired of seeing the bustling scene.

This can't help but make some young master Pian Pian's heart skip a beat.

Changsha is full of dragons and snakes, and there are countless big shots. The women in the city are outstanding in appearance and temperament. Even if they are plainly dressed, they may have a difficult background.For example, women from the official family are still dressed in simple and simple clothes but have read poetry and books well. They dare not come forward to ask casually.It's not like there were no young masters like this before, who went up to strike up a conversation, but found that the other party's family background was far superior to their own, and ended up making a fuss and retreating.

The women outside the city are different.

It's really a girl from outside the city, even if it's from an official family, she will dress up carefully when she comes to Changsha for the first time.Dressed plainly, she was probably a woman from a common people's family.

Furthermore, even after the eunuchs, which of the officials from the outer city should not lower their heads and act cautiously when they come to Changsha?
Even if he fails to strike up a conversation with a woman from outside the city like this, he probably won't have any future troubles.

As for the elderly man with a half-smile look behind the girl in the red dress, he didn't seem to have any outstanding features, and was not taken seriously by everyone.

In the end it was jade on the waist and flowers on the head. The young man who thought he was handsome staggered and walked towards the girl in the red dress with his followers.

Although the girl in the red dress does not seem to be married yet, it doesn't hurt to get to know each other.The emperor didn't make a decree that he couldn't get acquainted with or interact with girls under the age of 16.


The young man walked up to the girl in the red skirt, deliberately untied the money bag on his waist, and let it fall to the ground.

The girl in the red dress stopped in her tracks.

The fair-faced Young Master knelt down to pick up his purse, and his eyes lit up even more when he saw the pair of embroidered shoes under the red skirt.

He picked up the purse and stood up, saluted the girl in the red dress, "I'm blocking the girl's way, please forgive me."

The girl in the red dress smiled, "It's okay."

She really didn't take it to heart, and she didn't notice anything wrong.

This made Young Master brother even more elated, feeling that this girl is so ignorant of the world, it must be very easy to win her favor.

He didn't notice that behind the girl in the red dress, there was a look of disdain in the eyes of the old man carrying the medicine box.

Thinking about him, Xu Fuxing, since he retired from the army in front of the palace, he has traveled the world for nearly ten years, and he has visited countless cities. How could he not see through this little trick of the young master?

"Wait a minute, girl!"

When the girl in the red skirt was about to go around the young master, the young master suddenly saluted him again.

The girl in the red skirt stamped her feet, "Is there something wrong, sir?"

Brother Young Master showed a handsome and handsome smile, and said, "I felt very close to the girl when I first saw her. I don't know where she comes from?"

The girl in the red dress had a look of innocence in her eyes, "I am from the countryside of Ning County, and I should have never met Mr. He. You must have admitted the wrong person..."

"What a coincidence."

Brother Young Master was startled and said: "My very good friend when I was young was also from Ning County, could it be you, Miss? May I ask Miss where your house is?"

"Sorry, I don't have a home."

The girl in the red skirt smiled apologetically, and wanted to leave again.

She lost her parents when she was very young, and she made a living by singing and singing with her grandfather.Although she is from Ning County, she didn't stay in that home in Ning County for a long time, and she didn't even have any memories.


Brother Gongzi stopped her abruptly and said: "Meeting is fate, haven't you asked the girl's name yet?"

Although the girl in the red skirt's answer was beyond his expectation and did not allow him to get her home address, but he was obviously unwilling to give up just like that.

The girl in the red dress was so naive, when she saw him ask, she planned to say her name.

She is used to treating everyone with kindness.

"Cough cough!"

At this time Xu Fuxing suddenly coughed twice, stopped in front of the girl in the red dress, and said: "The old man and granddaughter still have things to do, so I won't bother you, sir."

He grabbed the hand of the girl in the red skirt and was about to leave.

If you continue to talk to this young master and give him a taste of the sweetness, you may not know when you will be able to escape.

This made Degongzi frowned slightly.

There are still people around watching and talking softly.

On the streets of Changsha, it is not uncommon for the son to strike up a conversation with a beautiful woman.Firstly, there is no shortage of beautiful women in Changsha, and secondly, there is no shortage of rich and powerful sons and daughters in Changsha.

Those who live in Changsha, there are people in the family who live in the fifth grade or above, or have a lot of money. There are as many as dogs, walking everywhere.

Those onlookers also wanted to see if this young man could successfully strike up a conversation with this beautiful girl.

And this undoubtedly made this young master a little bit hard to get off.

He thinks he is still a figure in Changsha.

If you don't even have a name, wouldn't it be ridiculous, and you will be laughed at by your brothers in the future?

There is no shortage of rascals who sneak around in any era, and there is also no shortage of idlers.

They were born higher than many people's end points, and they have no worries about food and clothing. Apart from fighting crickets, walking dogs, playing with horses, and indulging in sensuality, they really have nothing to do.

The slightly more elegant ones are fiddling with musical instruments.

And what they have in common is that they value the skin on their face more than anything else.Because this is something linked to their family, their loss of face is the family's loss of face.

Zhao Dongting knew that there were such people in Changsha, but there was nothing he could do about them.

You can't put them all in prison just because they don't want to make progress, right?

Although these Gaoliang dudes are idle and domineering, they are not to the point of being unforgivable.

(End of this chapter)

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