The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1684 Dongting was arrested

Chapter 1684 Dongting was arrested
He suddenly felt a little refreshed again.

Because as long as he goes to the Yamen of the Social Security Bureau, he will take care of it and operate it. Whether it is soft or hard, taking down the little lady in the red skirt is a sure thing.

Such a little lady is rare, although she is a little young, but there will always be a time when she blooms.Faced with the kind that has already been trained, Mr. Geng actually prefers to do it himself and slowly train it.

It's just that when his eyes inadvertently swept across the group of Zhao Dongting and Le Chan again, the fire that had just surged up in his belly seemed to be extinguished many, many times suddenly.

Le Chan and the others were all covered with veils, but any fool could tell that none of them lacked beauty.The little amorous feelings revealed under the veil that is occasionally blown by the wind can make people feel physically and mentally at a glance.They are not comparable to the red skirt girl at this age.

Zhao Dongting is still looking coldly at the side at the moment, as if he doesn't care about the girl in the red dress.

And he didn't make a sound, Le Chan, the others and Jun Tianfang obviously wouldn't make decisions on their own.

In fact, he wanted to see how far this young master, who had shown some family background, wanted to get this matter.

As for that Fei Butou, after talking to Mr. Geng just now, he also focused his eyes on Le Chan and other girls, and he couldn't look away anymore.

In fact, he had noticed these veiled beauties before, and he was also surprised that there were so many beauties in Changsha City suddenly.

However, he didn't think of it to the emperor, even though Zhao Dongting had done the thing of taking all the concubines out of the palace before.Because there are only a very small number of them, and even fewer are discovered.

And the emperor will basically never leave the magnificent palace. This is a rigid thinking that has been cultivated in the minds of the people and even the officials for many years.

Of course, it has something to do with the current oiran conference.

During the Oiran Conference, there were indeed many more beautiful women in Changsha than usual.

Zhao Dongting's indifference turned into an expression of "incompetence" in Mr. Geng's eyes.

He felt that although this young man had some style and was surrounded by many beauties, he should be a character from outside the city.

If it was the big yamen in the city, I would not have never seen it.Furthermore, since he knew the little lady in the red dress, there was no reason for him to remain indifferent, right?

Even if he is a very cold-hearted guy, how can he still not covet the beauty of this little lady at all?Could it be because there are too many beautiful ladies around him?
But who in this world would dislike the many little ladies around him?

Mr. Geng's mouth curled up into a slightly sinister smile, obviously quite proud of his reasoning.

Immediately he said to Catcher Fei: "Brother Fei, he also knows this old man, maybe he is the messenger behind the scenes, don't you plan to bring him to the Yamen for interrogation?"

Catcher Fei just looked at him, and he knew what the yamen was thinking, but he didn't feel the slightest bit of contempt, because he saw such things not uncommonly.

Mr. Geng still needs to give some face.

As for whether he can take down these little ladies after he arrives in the yamen, he doesn't care.

After all, the imperial court is actually quite strict with these people now. In order to put this hat on their heads, most of the captors dare to turn a blind eye to those yamen and say they are loyal to them. Geng Genggang's dog leg and pawn, he hasn't reached that point yet.

Waving his hand, Catcher Fei said, "Take them all to the yamen too!"

Behind him, several other policemen walked towards Zhao Dongting and the others.

Jun Tianfang and the others couldn't calm down when they heard this, and immediately stepped forward to show their identities.

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Dongting laughed lightly, then waved his hands secretly to signal them to back down.

Jun Tianfang and the others knew that Zhao Dongting had plans, so they stopped.They don't worry about what these catchers can do to the emperor and the ladies.

Not to mention that the emperor himself is in the mid-stage of the True Martial Realm, and there are some girls with good cultivation.Besides, with them watching, who can do anything to the emperor and the ladies?
Only this head catcher and that kid must suffer a lot.

After laughing, Zhao Dongting turned his head and asked Le Chan and the others: "You probably haven't been to the government office of the Ministry of Social Security, do you want to go and see?"

All the girls covered their mouths and laughed lightly, but no one objected.

Anyway, they are just going out of the palace to relax, it doesn't matter where they go.And when encountering such a thing, I actually feel that it is more interesting than the performances of those oirans.

Among them are Zhang Ru, who is unparalleled in dancing and painting; I really don't need to watch other people perform.Laymen watch the fun, and experts watch the doorway, but those who watch the doorway actually find it interesting?
After the police officers walked in front of him, Zhao Dongting said: "Don't handcuff, I will let you go!"

This calm and calm attitude made Mr. Geng feel a little uneasy.Just looking at the girls again, this anxiety disappeared again.

Seeking wealth and wealth, he is now like a gambler.Before placing a bet, I always feel that I have a great chance of hitting the jackpot.

The servant at Guanchao Inn watched Zhao Dongting and the others follow the policeman out with bitterness on his face.

He probably didn't want Zhao Dongting and the others to leave, because it meant that his local rich man had left.The opportunity to make a fortune just slipped away from his hands.

"This young master is completely stranger to us. The police in your imperial city just listen to the yamen's orders and arrest people. Is this how they usually do things?"

When Zhao Dongting walked to Xu Fuxing's side, Xu Fuxing said suddenly.

The girl in the red dress pursed her lips and said, "I'm sorry, my lord, for dragging you down."

Zhao Dongting smiled, "What a drag."

Then he looked at Xu Fuxing, and said: "Although you don't know the old man, it's okay to go to the yamen and ask a few words. I haven't asked the old man Gao's name in Dongting of Zhao."

Xu Fuxing couldn't see the depth of Zhao Dongting, he just said: "Old man Xu Fuxing, there is no need for you to get into our muddy water. Once you enter the yamen, I'm afraid you and I won't be able to control ourselves."

He originally planned to run out, but if Zhao Dongting was added, it would be troublesome.

Zhao Dongting deliberately pretended to be ignorant and looked at Catcher Fei when he heard the words, and said, "Officer, we didn't do anything. We will only be asked a few words before entering the yamen, right?"


Catcher Fei nodded with a sullen expression, scolding Zhao Dongting in his heart for being so stupid.

When they will come out, of course depends on Mr. Geng's wishes.

Mr. Geng walked leisurely with his two attendants beside him, looking very triumphant.Looking at the eyes of the people here, I feel that there is admiration in these eyes.

It made him very comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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