The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1751 1 Problems

Chapter 1751 A Problem

Zhao Dongting was in the imperial study, holding Su Quandang's letter of invitation to fight, and slowly read the contents of the letter.His brows gradually wrinkled.

Even Eunuch Liu frowned slightly behind him.

Zhang Polu, who was wiping the bookcase in the corner of the wall, quietly glanced this way.

Zhao Dongting gently put the letter back on the desk and fell into deep thought.

It is normal for the troops on the front line to send letters of invitation.Zhao Dongting realized that this was his own negligence, and he should have expected such behavior from the frontline soldiers.

After all, there is still no empathy.

Sitting in Changsha, Zhao Dongting, who can be regarded as pampered, doesn't care about continuing to spend with the Yuan Dynasty, but the soldiers on the front line don't think so.

They all thought in their hearts that they could destroy the Yuan Kingdom earlier and return to the court triumphantly.But now, they are wasting their time on the front line.

The development of base areas is done by civil servants, and the army is at best helping them maintain law and order.In the absence of any chaos, it is really empty.

Apart from training, soldiers are training.Of course, there is an idea in my heart that I should either go to war with the Yuan army soon, or I might as well go back to the military region for training.

This may not seem like a big deal, but it is worth paying attention to.Zhao Dongting knew very well that under such circumstances, his decision could greatly affect morale.

But it is already impossible to promise Su Quandang to lead the army.

Zhao Dongting has made up his mind not to risk the danger of death and the Yuan Dynasty to start a war.Even if you want to start a fight, you have to wait until the right time.The timing that can determine the world in one fell swoop.

And if you don't agree to Su Quandang, what will the soldiers on the front line think?
They have been given a truce on the front line before, and it can still be understood as letting the army recuperate.Now that the army has already rested and reorganized, how can they not even give them a reason?
Just let the soldiers wait at the front line in such a ignorant manner?
Zhao Dongting could imagine that feeling of bewilderment.If this is the case, the soldiers on the front line may become anxious in a short time.

This is quite dangerous for the army.

Uncertainty will lead to chaos.

"Invite Deputy Su Jun Ji Ling and Zhong Shangshu from the Ministry of War!"

Realizing that he couldn't hastily reply to the matter, Zhao Dongting turned around and said to Eunuch Liu.


Eunuch Liu quickly agreed and walked out of the imperial study.

Not long after, Su Liuyi and Zhong Jian appeared outside the imperial study together.They work in the Ministry of Military Aircraft and the Yamen of the Ministry of War respectively, and they are very close to each other.

"Chen Su Liuyi kowtowed to the emperor..."

"Chen Zhongjian kowtowed to the emperor."

Both of them saluted Zhao Dongting when they entered the room.Eunuch Liu brought Su Liuyi a chair.

Zhao Dongting said: "Give Zhong Shangshu a seat too!"

Zhang Polu who was in the corner hurriedly tied up a chair and brought it up.

This surprised Zhong Jian a little.He had never enjoyed this kind of treatment before, and then he thought, maybe the emperor has some headaches to discuss.

Reminiscing that it was only me and Deputy Su Jun who were announced, I took the initiative to ask: "The emperor suddenly announced the order of Chen Chen and Deputy Su to come, could it be that there is some change in the front line?"

Zhao Dongting nodded to Zhong Jian appreciatively.

The familiar faces he often sees in the entire imperial court should be regarded as smart people, at least not stupid, but it is really rare for Zhong Jian to be able to see the small things and know the big things.

Perhaps this has something to do with Zhong Jian's background.Born in a poor family, he is always more careful and willing to use his brain than others.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Dongting said: "Marshal Su from the front sent back a request for war, asking for my permission to lead the army with Marshal Yue to the Central Capital."

A look of shock appeared on Su Liuyi's face.Because even he doesn't know it.

Then he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, Quandang is reckless..."

He had just set a "truce" policy with Zhao Dongting, Zhong Jian and others, and he was worried that Su Quandang's letter of war would make Zhao Dongting unhappy.

Because this is definitely not in line with the emperor's wishes.

Before he had time to explain to Su Quandang, Zhao Dongting waved his hand and said, "It is not necessary for the Deputy Military Order to be like this. I know Marshal Su. He is not a reckless person."

Speaking of this, he suddenly understood Su Liuyi's intentions, couldn't help laughing, and continued: "This letter of request for war may not necessarily be Su Shuai's personal intentions, it is probably not the case. Counting the time, the soldiers on the front line are already on the scene. The base area has been resting for quite a long time. I have never conveyed any new orders, and it is inevitable for them to be at a loss. Calling for battle shows that the soldiers are fully prepared, which is a good thing."

Su Liuyi breathed a sigh of relief.

He could see that this was the real thought in the emperor's heart.

Then he still noticed something was wrong, and asked in doubt: "If the whole army wants it, why didn't the military order send the letter back in person?"

Wen Tianxiang is also in Song City now.In terms of military rank and status in the army, Wen Tianxiang must be the main force in Song City at this time, there is no reason for Su Quandang to submit a petition to fight.

"Ha ha."

Zhao Dongting laughed again when he heard the words, "It's not that you don't understand the temperament of Su Shuai and Yue Shuai. Before they wrote the letter, they must have discussed with the military order, but they didn't get approval."

Wen Tianxiang has a calm temper.Before getting a clear order, he must insist on standing still, Zhao Dongting knew this well.

It is also normal for Yue Peng and Su Quandang, who failed to pry their teeth from Wen Tianxiang, to write directly to the Imperial Study Room.It's not uncommon for two people to do such a thing.

Glancing at Zhong Jianjian, Zhao Dongting said: "It's just that we can't fight now. I announced the two lovers here, and I want to ask the two lovers if there is any way to keep the troops on the ground. And calm the restless hearts of the front-line soldiers. The low-level soldiers in the army don't know about the fact that the extreme powerhouse came to the palace. You have to think of a more reasonable reason to take a rest."

Su Liuyi and Zhong Jian thought about it when they heard the words.

Zhao Dongting spoke clearly, and of course they all could understand Zhao Dongting's intentions.

And this is not an easy problem to solve.Otherwise, Zhao Dongting wouldn't have announced the two of them, so he would be able to figure out a way.

There was a long silence in the royal study.

Both Su Liuyi and Zhong Jian frowned slightly, without saying a word.

After a long time passed, Zhong Jian raised his head and said, "Your Majesty, I have a plan and maybe I can try it."


Zhao Dongting said.

Zhong Jiandao: "I think that the frontline soldiers will have the heart to fight. Just like what the emperor said, it is because they are at a loss in their hearts. At this time, when everything is ready, they don't know why the army hasn't started a war with the Yuan army. The best way to get rid of their confusion is not to distract them too much, and keep them from thinking about Yuan Mie."

(End of this chapter)

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