The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1844 Persuading to leave the palace

Chapter 1844 Persuading to leave the palace

As soon as Zhao Dongting finished speaking, Le Chan said, "Do you think we will leave if you stay in the palace?"

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, but her eyes were full of determination.

Beside them, Ying Er, Zhang Ru, Mei Qingzi, Turandot, Yue Wu, Liu Piaoxu, Yue Yue, Yun Jing, Zhu Qingfu, Zhu Qingci, and even Li Xiushu, who had not yet recovered, all had such expressions.

They never thought of leaving Zhao Dongting.

If they were really afraid of death, Kong Yuanzhou's killing in the palace last time was enough to make them feel lingering fear.After that, Zhao Dongting asked them to leave the palace, but they all refused.

This time it's actually a retelling of the story.

It's just that Zhao Dongting's attitude this time is obviously much firmer than last time.

If there is no accident in Kaifeng Mansion, he knows that Kong Yuanzhou will not dare to come to the imperial city again, after all, it will only be the result of death.But now, it's different.

Su Quandang led the army to attack Kaifeng Mansion, which was tantamount to tearing up the "agreement" between him and Kong Yuanzhou.A powerful man like Kong Yuanzhou who can forcibly enter and exit the palace is very likely to come to the palace again. It is hard to say what will happen then.

"It's different this time."

Zhao Dongting said: "You must not stay in the palace anymore, because no matter who you are, any accident will be a pain for the rest of my life."

"But what if something unexpected happens to you, Your Majesty?"

Le Chan said.

Ying Er pursed her lips beside her, and said, "Your Majesty, we will be where you are. Our fate has long been linked to yours, and we will leave the palace. If something happens to you in the palace, we will be there." , do you think all the sisters, who would be willing to live alone?"

All the girls shook their heads.

Zhao Dongting smiled, "I know all about this."

His eyes swept across the faces of the women, and he continued: "But I am different from you. I am the king, and even if Kong Yuanzhou came close to me, he would not dare to kill me. Because if he kills me, I will be the king of the Song Dynasty." The army on the front line must have driven straight into the central capital of his Great Yuan. He definitely does not have the confidence to die, otherwise he would not have dared to take the lives of the seniors of Wu Dingtang last time. This time the situation is different from last time, but I guess, The most likely thing for him is to come to the palace and kill a few people around me to warn me. Therefore, I can stay in the palace, but you need to leave the palace to be safe."

The girls fell silent.

None of them wanted to leave Zhao Dongting, but they had to admit that what Zhao Dongting said made some sense.

Kong Yuanzhou should not have the guts to dare to kill the fish and break the net.He is a killer move, and Song's hundreds of thousands of troops at the front are also a killer move. Both sides are afraid, so they probably won't do anything absolutely.

And they are probably the best choice for Kong Yuanzhou to "beat" the emperor.Because they are the people the emperor cares about most.

If they died, they wouldn't make all the troops on the front line lose their minds.

The emperor is also likely to cast a mouse for those who are still alive.

Looking deeply at Zhao Dongting for a long time, Le Chan said: "Where does the emperor plan to let us go?"

She is the backbone of the women.

Her words finally let Zhao Dongting breathe a sigh of relief.What worries him most is that the girls are unwilling to leave, even if they are all reasonable women.

"Let's go to Dasong City in North America!"

Zhao Dongting already had a comprehensive plan in his heart, and said directly: "The spider web of the Yuan Dynasty should not be underestimated. They may still know the traces if they stay in the Song Dynasty. The surrounding countries are even more inappropriate. The Yuan Dynasty has hidden power. Only There are overseas continents, which can protect you and your children from the extreme threat. I saw the voyage report that Haojing Island will have a fleet of ships heading to North America in half a month. Speed ​​up the journey on the way, and wait for the Yuan Dynasty extreme. If you arrive, you will definitely not be able to catch up with you."

"North America...does it have to go so far?"

Le Chan said with complicated eyes.

The eyes of the rest of the girls are also complicated.

They all knew what Zhao Dongting said was right, but they really didn't want to leave Zhao Dongting so far.For them, this is the real end of the world.

Zhao Dongting knew how they felt, and said with a smile: "You guys are bored staying in the palace, isn't it a good thing to take this opportunity to see the scenery outside?"

"When will you be back?"

Le Chan is the person who can best understand Zhao Dongting's good intentions.No more words, just asking.

Because she didn't want herself and her sisters to be a burden to the emperor, let alone cause something that would cause the emperor to suffer for the rest of his life.

She especially remembered how sad and indignant the emperor was when Li Xiushu had an accident in Xixia.

These people are truly rooted in the emperor's heart.

Although reluctant, but at this time it is necessary to clearly distinguish the seriousness.Especially as a queen, she knew that what she should do at this time was to help the emperor take good care of the sisters.

And Le Chan's sentence "When will you come back?" also made the rest of the girls who had planned to say that they didn't want to go out of the palace swallow their words back.

Even Yue Yue, Yun Jing, and Ying Er now regard Le Chan as their backbone.Not to mention Le Wu and Mei Qingzi and Liu Piaoxu who entered the palace later.

Maybe Li Xiushu would have been a woman with her own opinions before, but now her the one who listens to Le Chan the most among all the girls.

Zhao Dongting was silent for a while, but finally said: "I don't know yet."

He looked at Turandot as he spoke, and continued, "By the time you come back, the confrontation between the two countries should have already come to an end."

Tears welled up in Turandot's eyes, and under Zhao Dongting's gaze, he lowered his head slightly.

Le Chan bit her lip and said for a long time, "Then... we will wait for your letter from the Emperor in North America."

Zhao Dongting nodded.

Le Chan winked at Ying Er and the other women, and walked outside the house.

Zhao Dongting stepped forward and grabbed Turandot's hand.

When the girls walked out of the house, he sighed and said, "Don't worry, when you come back from North America, I will definitely let you see your father and mother who have not lost a single hair."

Turandot looked up, looked at Zhao Dongting, and nodded slightly.

"You only need to take care of the child, and leave the rest to me."

Zhao Dongting took her hand out of the room.

Turandot stayed in the yard, and Zhao Dongting took Eunuch Liu to the imperial study.

It was not far from the palace when he said to Eunuch Liu: "Go and invite the Sword Immortal to the imperial study..."


Eunuch Liu agreed, and walked quickly towards Wudingtang.


Zhao Dongting looked up at the sky, narrowed his eyes slightly, and let out a long breath.I don't know how I feel in my heart at this moment.

He was relieved that the girls agreed to leave the palace and go to a place as far away as North America, but he also felt a sense of loss.

If it was not forced, how could he be willing to separate from the girls?

The war between Song and Yuan did not know if we could see each other in a short period of time. This time we parted, I really don't know when we will see each other again.

(End of this chapter)

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