The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1858 The riot in the city

Chapter 1858 The riot in the city
"Then let's vote now..."

Zhao Dongting nodded slightly, and did not comment on Su Liuyi's opinion.

The people sitting at the table didn't say anything more, and each wrote down the names of the candidates they thought were suitable for the position of Deputy Military Aircraft Commander on the paper.

At this time, there were only a few marshal-level officials and generals who were not on the front line, and everyone was nominated, but Zhong Jian and Xiao Xianzhong still received the most votes.

As for the previous discussion, Zhong Jian and Xiao Xianzhong have become popular candidates, but why some people still recommend others, the reasons are really complicated.

This is related to the wrestling among the various factions, as well as their persistence and expression of their own positions.

In the end, Zhao Dongting personally sang the votes.

Zhong Jian, Minister of the Ministry of War, won the most votes by two votes more than Xiao Xianzhong.

After Zhao Dongting finished singing the votes, a slight smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Then let Zhong Aiqing be transferred to the post of Deputy Military Commander!"

He spoke, and the people below had no intention of objecting.

Zhong Jian stood up and saluted, "Minister Zhong Jian thanked the emperor!"

The most prestigious young and strong faction in the Great Song Army are Yue Peng and Su Quandang, while in the court is him, as well as Xiyi, Li Goudan and others.

Before that, he was Minister of the Ministry of War, Xi Yi was the Transit Envoy of Chengdu Fulu, Yue Peng and Su Quandang were Marshals of the Military Region, and Li Goudan was Minister of Science and Technology, none of them reached the level of chief and deputy commanders of the provinces.

Now he has moved from the position of Minister of the Ministry of War to the position of Deputy Military Commander. Although he is taking a slanted sword, he has finally taken this step.

From Zhao Dongting's expression, Zhong Jian could see that the emperor should be more inclined to himself.This also means that the emperor will rely more on the young and strong faction in the future.

As the veterans of the DPRK and China retire one by one, the speed of blood exchange seems to be getting faster and faster.In some respects, this is undoubtedly a good signal.

As for the vacant post of minister of the Ministry of War, this is not voted by the military cabinet, but nominated and appointed by the cabinet of state.

Zhao Dongting waved Zhong Jian up and said, "Let's adjourn the meeting!"

"I'm waiting to retire."

All the ministers stood up to salute, and then slowly retreated to the outside of the imperial study.

Later, Zhao Dongting announced Lu Xiufu and others to the imperial study.The candidate for the new Minister of the Ministry of War has also been confirmed, and it is Chi Fenggu, the current minister of the Ministry of War.

As a great talent in the former Guigu Academy, with his ability, there is no problem in managing the military department.

The next day, there is an early morning.

Zhao Dongting announced the appointment of Wen Qi, Zhong Jian, Chi Fenggu and others in the hall.And officially changed the official robes and seals for Zhong Jian, Chi Fenggu and others.

At the age of 30, Zhong Jian became a dignified deputy military order. It cannot be said that there is no one who comes after, but it is true that there is no one before.Of course, it was limited to the Zhao Dongting era.

At the same time, Zhao Dongting also asked Wang Wenfu, the presiding judge of Su Quandang's case, to read out the disposition of Su Quandang.

Su Quandang, the former Marshal of the Jiankang Military Region, was eager for revenge, disregarding the overall situation, and disregarding the orders of the superiors, and privately mobilized the army.Deprive him of his official status and title, and demote him to common people.

It's that simple.

Everyone in the hall understands that these crimes are completely avoided.In the final analysis, Su Quandang's biggest mistake was actually disobedience to the holy will.

This sin is heavier than any other.

Then he ignored Wen Tianxiang's dissuasion.

He committed two big taboos in the court and the army.

Zhao Dongting's desire to protect Su Quandang was unmistakable, not only avoiding these two items in the verdict, but also only demoting him to a commoner.If you really want to deal with it, beheading is enough.

Of course, since the news of Su Quandang spread to the imperial city, many people thought that Su Quandang would definitely not be stabbed to death.After all, he has followed the emperor since Naozhou Island, and he has worked hard and made great achievements.

After Wang Wenfu read out the verdict against Su Quandang, all the ministers in the hall were very knowledgeable, and no one objected.

Seeing that no one expressed his opinion, Zhao Dongting said, "I'll post the verdict against Su Quandang later! Let's make a warning to others!"

Then the dispersal of the court was announced.

All the ministers filed out.

"Congratulations, Lord Zhong!"

"Master Zhong, congratulations!"

"Your Majesty congratulates Mr. Zhong!"

"Congratulations, Lord Chi."

Just after leaving the hall, many ministers congratulated Zhong Jian and Chi Fenggu.Of course, most of them are based on Zhong Jian.

The Ministry of War is really lucky today.

The original Shangshu became the Deputy Military Order, and the original Zuo Shilang became the Shangshu.

Zhong Jian and Chi Fenggu returned the salutes again and again.

A eunuch hurried past them holding official documents.This is the verdict on Su Quandang, which will be printed and posted.

As for the Su family, they actually received the news last night.Regarding this verdict, neither Su Liuyi nor Su Quandang had any complaints, but rather felt the power of Long Enhao.

They all thought that the death penalty was inevitable, and the living penalty was inevitable.Unexpectedly, the emperor just deprived him of his title and official status.

In the future, Su Quandang can still live a nourishing life.Regardless of military affairs, you can come down carefully to accompany your wife and children.

However, to everyone's surprise, less than two hours after the notice was posted, commotion broke out in Changsha City.

The common people gathered around each notice area to discuss.

The matter of Su Quandang has been fermenting for a long time, and now with his verdict announced, this matter has once again been pushed to the forefront.

Only in the past, the people were just talking and talking.But this time, some people knelt down on the ground in the notice area, saying that they requested that Su Quandang be punished according to the laws of the country, and there were quite a few of them.

First, such people appeared in various notice areas, and then gradually people gathered in the government office of the Ministry of Law, the government office of the military aircraft province, the government office of Changsha, and even the imperial palace.

It was something that was beyond anyone's expectation, but it was actually getting worse.

Such a voice, no one dares to neglect.

Just after noon, several groups of officials went to the imperial study to see Zhao Dongting.It was just ordered by Zhao Dongting to go down and stopped outside.

There is no shortage of eyeliners from the Military Intelligence Department in the imperial city. Although he was in the palace, he got the news very early.Not long after this matter had become a commotion, he received a report.

At that time, Zhao Dongting announced Wang Wenfu and Xuanxue to the imperial study.

Time went back to about an hour ago.

Wang Wenfu and Xuanxue entered the imperial study one after another.

Xuanxue arrived first and had just entered the back room. Before she could salute Zhao Dongting, Zhao Dongting asked with a serious face, "Can you find out if someone is behind the scenes?"

Xuanxue saluted and replied: "Going back to the emperor, we are still investigating for the time being. However, now the voices are getting louder and louder, I think it may not be as simple as someone making a move."

"What do you mean by that?"

Zhao Dongting frowned slightly and asked.

Xuanxue said solemnly: "I'm afraid...the people are really dissatisfied with the handling of Su Shuai by the Legal Department. Otherwise, there shouldn't be so many people... protesting."

Zhao Dongting was thoughtful.

In fact, he didn't think so.

But he didn't understand why the common people had such a big opinion on Su Quandang's matter.

(End of this chapter)

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