Chapter 1860
Over the past few days, things intensified.Although there was no riot, the voices of the people were unexpectedly high.

Even around Changsha, there were many officials who played Zhao Dongting's law, and the two provinces of military and aircraft tried Su Quandang again.Not to mention the officials in Changsha City.

Public opinion is so obvious and strong that no one dares to ignore it.

At the beginning, Zhao Dongting didn't understand why the public opinion was like this, but now he gradually understands.

Over the years, his prestige has unknowingly reached a level that even he himself can hardly imagine.Eunuch Liu was not exaggerating when he said that he could stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods.

The people not only enshrine his portraits and longevity tablets, but also regard what he once said as life creed and wise words.

Although Su Quandang also has high prestige in the hearts of the people, it is absolutely taboo for him to disobey orders.Between him and Zhao Dongting, the common people unsurprisingly supported Zhao Dongting's "idea".

It's just that these public opinions have never erupted before, so Zhao Dongting didn't notice it.

It turns out that many people have already regarded his words and ideas as a kind of yardstick.While regulating oneself with this requirement, it also requires others.

Not to mention Su Quandang, if Wen Tianxiang and Zhao Dongting were rebellious, they would be rejected by the common people.

Zhao Dongting felt a little chill in his heart from time to time in the past few days.


A eunuch suddenly called out from outside the imperial study, "Lord Su and Su Quandang are asking to see you."


Zhao Dongting sighed softly, and said to Eunuch Liu, "Xuan come in!"

He was not surprised by the arrival of Su Liuyi and Su Quandang.He knew that the two of them would come sooner or later, and it was neither too early nor too late to come now.

Eunuch Liu bowed his waist and went out to invite Su Liuyi and Su Quandang in.

To Zhao Dongting's surprise, both Su Quandang and Su Liuyi were in a bit of a panic.There were even a few red marks on Su Quandang's face, which were scratches from nails.

"What happened to the face?"

Zhao Dongting frowned and asked.

Su Quandang smiled wryly, "My uncle and I never thought that one day it would be so difficult to even leave our own house."

Su Liuyi beside him also had a wry smile on his face.

Zhao Dongting frowned even deeper.He knew what Su Quandang was talking about.

Over the past few days, the Su Mansion has been surrounded by people every day.Before, some people asked Su Quandang to plead guilty, but now some people have started to curse when they fanned the flames.

No one broke into the Su Mansion, it was because this was the imperial city.Ordinary people dare not make mistakes.

"Preach the decree!"

Zhao Dongting tilted his head and said to Eunuch Liu: "Send the imperial guards to protect the Su family's mansion and strictly prohibit anyone...don't, directly restrict the inner city!"


Eunuch Liu agreed and walked outside.

Su Quandang and Su Liuyi arched their hands, their faces were a bit complicated, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

It is a great honor for Zhao Dongting to send the forbidden army to guard the Su family mansion, it is not just as simple as protecting the people of the Su family.

This can also show the whole world that he still trusts the heart of the Su family.The Su family is not a tree falling down and monkeys scattered, whoever can be bullied can be bullied.

Zhao Dongting waved his hand, "It's my negligence that Tang Tangyuan's Deputy Military Commander and Marshal were surrounded by people, and even grabbed their faces."

As he spoke, he leaned forward and said to Su Quandang: "You came to see me suddenly, do you want to ask me to send you back?"

There was an undisguised smile in his eyes.

Su Quandang looked serious, nodded and said: "Because of Quandang's incident, so many people are dissatisfied with the court's laws and military affairs, Quandang..."

"Ha ha."

Zhao Dongting smiled lightly and waved his hands to stop Su Quandang's words, "The reason for this is not entirely your fault. You don't need to mention this matter again, I know it well."


There was emotion in Su Quandang's eyes, "Your Majesty, how can Quandang's honor and disgrace alone be as important as the voices of thousands of people in the world?"

Zhao Dongting wants to protect him, he has always been very clear.And now, he wants to repay Zhao Dongting by quelling these voices.

This is not a play.

If Su Quandang hadn't had the spirit of dedication to the court, he wouldn't have been fighting at the forefront for the Song Dynasty for so many years.

Zhao Dongting shook his head lightly, "The voice of the people is certainly important, but... let's do this first..."

He didn't even know what to say.

Although it can be regarded as excusable, the crime Su Quandang committed is actually quite serious.Prison is more than enough.

If it wasn't for the sake of personal relationship and Su Quandang's previous achievements in the Su family, it would not be an exaggeration to take his head.

But Zhao Dongting couldn't be cruel.Even after so many years, he is still not a qualified emperor.

This is probably the case.

He doesn't know how to calm down this matter now, but he is absolutely unwilling to let Su Quandang go to prison.And only slightly increasing the punishment will not help.


Su Quandang suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, "Quandang doesn't want to be a burden to the court! Please let the emperor do it!"

This made Zhao Dongting suddenly silent.

He couldn't come forward to protect Su Quandang, because it would be tantamount to violating what he said before.The hearts of the people will be in turmoil, and the country will also be in turmoil.

The development of the Su Quandang incident has made Zhao Dongting realize that his words and deeds are related to the community.

But the more Su Quandang was like this, the more he wanted to keep Su Quandang.

Although such a general who is loyal to the country is wrong, depriving him of his official status is the ultimate.Let him go to prison, it would be too wronged him.

Zhao Dongting frowned, and after not speaking for a long time, he suddenly said: "How go out to avoid it first?"

He couldn't think of any other way for the time being.

When encountering such a thing, it seems that they can only avoid the limelight first.Just like in the previous life, wait for the public opinion to pass.

Things like public opinion often come and go quickly.After some time, there will always be new things to attract the attention of the people, and the matter of Su Quandang will naturally pass away.

Su Quandang was slightly taken aback, "Where are you going?"

Zhao Dongting said: "Why don't you leave Song Dynasty for now... go to Australia or other continents to see the scenery?"

Zhao Dongting feels that he is quite powerful, and he can easily arrange intercontinental travel in this day and age.This was something that people of this era would never have dared to think about before.

Outside the eastern coast of the Song Dynasty, for them, there are a few small sea countries.No matter how far away, I don't know what is there.

How would one know that on the other side of the sea, there would be land many times larger than Song Dynasty.

Su Quandang hesitated.

Seeing his hesitation, Su Liuyi said from the side: "You are the target of public criticism when such a thing happens in the city, and Qianluo can't be at ease in her heart. It's good to go out and relax."

His words made Su Quandang make up his mind, and said, "Then I'll go out and escape... I'll go to Australia."

He had heard from Zhao Dongting that Australia is the smallest territory and has extremely beautiful scenery.

(End of this chapter)

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