The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1887 1 retreat 1 advance

Chapter 1887

It was Naiyan who broke the awkward atmosphere.

He said to Zhenjin, "Your Majesty, why did you come here suddenly?"

Borzhi and the others took advantage of the situation and stood up to salute.

But anyone can see the perfunctory look.

In recent years, the relationship between the Yuan Dynasty and the Four Great Khanates has not been so peaceful on the surface. God knows how they are slandering real gold in their hearts.

The guard outside the house looked into the house in shock.

It was only now that they came back to their senses.Previously, he was captured by Kong Yuanzhou's artistic conception.

This artistic conception can be as silent as moistening things, it is hard to imagine how far Kong Yuanzhou's artistic conception has reached.

Perhaps in terms of martial arts alone, he is really the best in the world.Whether it is Kong Qiangu or Monk Kong Shan, they may all be a little different from him.

Kong Qiangu's artistic conception was also unbelievably strong at the beginning, but it seems that it should not have reached such a state.

Just now, the generals of the four major Khanates in the room did not notice Kong Yuanzhou's artistic conception.And among them, there are masters of Shangyuan Realm.

"You generals are welcome."

Zhen Jin smiled and waved his hands, "Please sit down!"

Poor and the others sat down again.

Naiyan came out of the topic again in a timely manner: "Why did the emperor just decide that the Song army intends to lure us into it?"

Zhen Jin smiled lightly and said: "The interior of the Song Dynasty is calm and there is no great chaos, but they only withdraw at this time. It is not to lure the enemy, but what is it?"

In fact, this incident made him quite unhappy.

Previously, under the guidance of Kong Yuanzhou, he realized that the anti-Song forces in Dali, Shuzhong, Xixia and other places could still be used, and they could more or less always cause some troubles to the Song State.So he let the spider web try every means to win over and sow dissension. He exhausted all kinds of methods, but in the end, there was little effect.

When the Military Intelligence Department didn't get serious with them, there were quite a few people who seemed to be ready to make a move.When Xuanxue made a real move, many people immediately retreated.

During this period of time, the Military Intelligence Department picked out some typical people and killed them, and those who were cheering and cheering all died down.

It seems that Spiderweb's institutions in various places have been completely suppressed by the Military Intelligence Department, and many elites have been lost because of this.

Real gold couldn't stand this situation, and when it stopped continuing to infiltrate, blood was already dripping from my heart.

Saying this now, I still feel very uncomfortable.Because his original intention was to hope that the territory of the Song Kingdom would be full of storms and waves.

Bo Erzhi, Wu Ergang and others obviously couldn't pay attention to these psychological processes of Zhenjin.

"Since that's the case, then the Song Army can completely defend Kaifeng Mansion, so why retreat?" Naiyan asked again.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly recalled the words Zhen Jin said when he entered the room, and blurted out: "They want a decisive battle?"


Zhen Jin nodded and said: "According to reports, the Song army in East Shandong Road and Jingzhaofu Road are already preparing to retreat. If it wasn't for the decisive battle, they would not have done so."

"But why do they want a decisive battle?" Naiyan couldn't help asking again.

He followed the armies of the four Khanates from the grasslands to Kaifeng Mansion, and he was indeed a little unclear about the current situation between the two countries.

Bor and the others also showed doubts.

"Ha ha!"

Zhenjin smiled lightly, and said: "Perhaps the Emperor Song thinks that the decisive battle is more likely to win than the three-way battle! You can find out by calculating the current military strength comparison."

Naiyan fell silent.

Of course, he is still clear about the current military strength comparison between the Song and Yuan Dynasties.

And calculated in this way, it seems that he really understands Song Jun's plan.

When the three armies meet, the disadvantage of the Song army can be greatly reduced.Judging from the fact that the Song army can often fight with the weak over the strong, if there is a decisive battle, the outcome is really unpredictable.

It should even be said that Song Jun may have a better chance of winning, but Naiyan is subjectively unwilling to admit this.

He only said to Zhen Jin again: "Your Majesty, since they are going to meet up for a decisive battle, what we have to do to break him all the way first?"

"Do not."

Zhen Jin shook his head and said, "I'm just inferring now, and I'm not sure yet. Let's see the Song army's movements on Jingzhaofu Road and Shandong East Road first."

"Then next..." Naiyan said again.

Borzhi and the others also looked at the real gold.For real gold, they still dare not be so casual with Naiyan.

After all, Zhenjin is Yuanhuang, and this status is enough to give anyone a great deterrent.Even their lord is half a head shorter in front of real gold.

"The Song army is retreating, we are advancing. We are not in a hurry to win, just take back the land we lost, and keep the supply route safe." Zhen Jin glanced at Kong Yuanzhou and said slowly.

He and Kong Yuanzhou both rushed to this Kaifeng Mansion along the way, and he reckoned that he still got a lot of "tips" from Kong Yuanzhou.

Otherwise, with the temperament of real gold, it would be difficult to use such a firm tone.He is indeed a little indecisive, this is his nature and cannot be changed.


Naiyan took the order first, and then said to Borzhi and the others: "Then I will trouble you generals."

Borzhi and the others saluted the real gold with the etiquette of the grassland to show their acceptance.

For several days after that, Wen Tianxiang and Yue Peng led their troops to retreat southwards.It's not slow, but it's definitely not fast. It's just a normal march.

The main forces of the four major khanates were all entrenched in the Kaifeng mansion, and only a small group of troops followed the imperial army of the Song Dynasty.

Song Jun took a few steps back, and they took a few steps forward.Keeping a distance all the time, there is no intention of confrontation at all.

This of course made Wen Tianxiang and the others puzzled.

They had thought that the armies of the four major Khanates would follow behind and fight fiercely, and they had also discussed countermeasures for this.I really didn't expect that Yuan Chao would not be in a hurry.

But this is obviously a good thing for them.

According to Zhao Dongting's meaning, it was a decisive battle with the Yuan army along the lines of Dengzhou, Tangzhou, and Caizhou.They wished they could reach Tangzhou and other places peacefully.

No confrontation on the way can preserve the strength of the army to the greatest extent.

The original plan was to defend Tangzhou after arriving in Tangzhou, and wait for the two armies from east and west to join up.Now it seems that there is no need to hurry to Tangzhou.

To the south of Kaifeng Mansion, Xuzhou.

Wen Tianxiang led the Feilong and Feitian armies and the remaining soldiers of the Jiankang Military Region. They are now stationed in Changge County, where Xuzhou and Kaifeng Prefecture border.

From time to time, scouts reported the movements of the "chasing troops" of the four major khanates.

After those chasing soldiers entered Weishi City, they never came out again.

Wen Tianxiang, whose face was a little red, had a look of suspicion on his face, and finally couldn't help it, and said: "Go and invite Wen Shuai and all the presidents here."

Speaking of the word "Wen Shuai", he still had a strange expression on his face.

In the twinkling of an eye, his son is now Generalissimo. Although he is an agent, it still makes him feel like the vicissitudes of time have passed.Until now, this feeling has not passed.

(End of this chapter)

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