The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1934 1 Lines Complete

Chapter 1934 One line is complete

"Shuai Liu!"

"Shi Shuai!"

"You are here!"

Zhao grinned and went in with his hands arched, smiling all over his face.

He led the Flying Dragon Army to guard Changsha before, so he basically knew the generals of the security offices from all over the Song Dynasty.

His loud voice made all the leaders in the hall look at him.

Immediately, many people bowed their hands to him, saying hello: "President Zhao! Haha!"

Zhao Day returned the salute one by one.

In terms of status alone, he is undoubtedly higher than the general president of the forbidden army.In the army, Ren Wei can also be compared with him.

After all, the entire Song Dynasty consisted of these two special forces appointed by the emperor.

In front of Wen Tianxiang again, Zhao Da saluted and said, "Military orders, we are back."

Wen Tianxiang nodded with a smile, "Your Flying Dragon Army has completed this mission quite well. Not only have you successfully completed the mission, but you have also displayed the prestige of our Great Song Dynasty."

Yue Peng also laughed beside him and said, "Just now the military aircraft order was still telling us how powerful your Flying Dragon Army is!"

For Zhao Da, people like Yue Peng, who have lived and died with Zhao Da before, all have a new impression of Zhao Da.

The present Zhao Da is definitely not simple.

No matter which Forbidden Army goes there, I'm afraid they won't be able to complete the task as perfectly as the Flying Dragon Army.

A few days ago, when the vice president of the Flying Dragon Army came back with the spoils, he really surprised the generals of the Xianglong Security Office and Jiankang Security Office in the city.

And Zhao Da, the commander in chief and commander of the Flying Dragon Army, obviously won't be so simple.

Zhao Da was not shy, his dark face glowed, and he said: "It's not a piece of cake to beat those barbarians on the grassland!"

He patted his chest, "If it wasn't for fear of scaring them away, our Flying Dragon Army would have wiped them all out!"

"Ha ha!"

His appearance made everyone in the palace laugh out loud.

Someone said: "President Zhao, don't blow the cowhide, they have an army of more than 20!"


Zhao Da groaned twice, and said: "Even if they come with 20 more, our Feilong army will still destroy them."

His chest was slapped loudly.

The laughter in the hall grew louder.

The atmosphere is very lively.

On this day, Wen Tianxiang cleaned up for Liu Zhuwen, Shi Kaiji and others in the government office.

And in Shangcai County, which is not far from Ruyang, a cleansing feast is also being held.

Chai Liren, who was sitting on Nanjing Road, also led his Yuan army to Caizhou, following the soldiers of the Dali Security Office and the Shuzhong Security Office.

On the way, they were all on their way, and the two armies did not engage in any fighting in a tacit understanding.

Suiping County ushered in a new army, Chai Liren's West Route Army.

It's just that this army didn't make the people in the town happy, they all hid in the house and didn't come out.

The short time since the establishment of the base area has already made them lean towards the Song Dynasty between the Song and Yuan Dynasties.

Chai Liren was afraid of causing trouble, so before he went to Shangcai County, he ordered the soldiers not to make trouble.This can be regarded as saving the soldiers of Suiping County.

Even in their own country, the Yuan army did not burn, kill and loot.


Within the territory of West Hebei Road.


This is an important city in North Hebei Road, second only to Zhending Mansion.

This was originally an important place in the Yuan Dynasty. Even if the situation on the front line is quite tense at this time, it will definitely be stable and peaceful in a short period of time.

Only this day, a sensational change occurred in a well-known place in the city.

This place is Sanding Palace.

Although Sanding Palace is located in Xingzhou City, it is a bustling and prosperous place, but it is a powerful force in Jianghu.It even has a detached status on North Hebei Road.

Its palace lord has been in the Jianghu for decades.

In Xingzhou City where he sits, there are not even a few Jianghu people who dare to make trouble in Xingzhou City.But today, his Palace Master was severely injured in front of countless disciples.

Then, he was sucked dry of his internal energy.In the end, he died without treatment.

The assailant left with two people.

You know, the owner of the Sanding Palace is at the True Martial Realm.Moreover, it is rumored to rank among the top five in the arena. It is hard to imagine how strong the perpetrator is.

Those who can be ranked in the top five of the great Yuan Dynasty Jianghu will not be lower than the middle stage of Zhenwu.

I just don't know what these people would think if they knew that some of the perpetrators were even masters of pseudo-extreme realm.

Of course, this matter was done by the three of Zhao Dongting.

At this time, the three of them had already left Xingzhou City.

Three sweaty horses galloped on the official road.As before, they didn't take anything from the Sanding Palace, and they didn't know who would end up taking advantage of it.

Wu Amiao kept asking Zhao Dongting: "Your Majesty, we will go back to Ruyang directly! Now you can talk!"

A few miles away from Xingzhou City, Zhao Dongting saw that this guy was really depressed, so he didn't try to keep it up, and said: "There is still some distance from consummation, nine stars away."

"Nine short..."

Wu Amiao muttered, and then her eyes widened, "130 six!"

Zhao Dongting nodded immediately, and finally smiled.

Although this trip to the hinterland of the Yuan Dynasty did not experience too much danger, it was not easy.Just traveling is tiring enough.

It is of course more gratifying to only harvest.

After absorbing the inner energy of the master of the overbearing sect at the Badaomen, Zhao Dongting opened up 130 five scattered points in one fell swoop.Then suck the lord of the middle stage Zhenwu of Sanding Palace, another one.

He didn't even think that he would have such a good harvest before he came.

It was indeed an accident that the domineering sect master had broken through the pseudo-extreme realm.If it wasn't for absorbing his inner energy, the harvest of this trip would not be so great.

Right now, the next nine scattered points are the most difficult to get through, but Zhao Dongting thinks it will be a matter of time.

This trip made such a big commotion in the hinterland of the Yuan Dynasty, but none of the masters of the Green Forest Camp was seen. One can imagine where the enshrined people of the Green Forest Camp are.

And as long as it is on the battlefield, even if it is a true martial arts enshrinement, it cannot avoid going to the battlefield to kill enemies or perform special tasks.In this way, there is also the possibility of being captured.

However, Zhao Dongting has already been handed over to Wen Tianxiang, and he will try his best to capture those true martial arts enshrined in the Green Forest Camp alive.

With Qixia Palace Master Hou Wuyou and others sitting in Ruyang City, I don't know if they have harvested now.

Judging from the efficiency of absorbing the lord of the Three Tripod Palace, there should be nine more middle stages of the True Martial Realm to reach the Consummation Territory.As for the later ones, of course there are even fewer.

Thinking about it, Zhao Dongting really wanted to go back to Ruyang City as soon as possible.

From Ruyang, Xingzhou city road, even with their foot strength, it would probably take nearly five days.And there must be a constant change of horses along the way.

But this is obviously not a problem for Zhao Dongting.




Amidst the sound of patting the horses, a group of three riders startled the yellow dust on the official road, thinking about the direction of Ruyang City and flew away.

(End of this chapter)

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