The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 1984 Chapter Zhongdu

Chapter 1984 Returning to the Central Capital
Yuan Zhongdu.

Zhen Jin was outside the south gate of the central capital, and when he saw the towering city gate of the central capital again, he felt as if he had passed away.

In fact, he hasn't been out of the squadron for a long time.

When I went, I took Kong Yuanzhou and others with me.Although it is not imposing, it can be regarded as high-spirited.

At that time, Zhenjin was still thinking about relying on the strength of the armies of the four major khanates, even if they could not repel the Song army, they could still hold on for a long time.Then it has a life of its own.

Unexpectedly, in such a short time now, he would end up like this.Being "escorted" by the Flying Dragon Army all the way, Zhenjin certainly felt uncomfortable.

Even though his temperament is far less than that of his father, Kublai Khan, he still has the feeling of a hero's twilight in his heart.

Since then, his real gold has been the sinner of the entire Great Yuan.He is the sinner of the entire grassland.

The foundations that generations of previous emperors had worked so hard to build were completely wiped out by him.

But looking at the flying dragon army "escorting" beside him, Zhen Jin couldn't help sighing deeply again in his heart.These days, he often does.

For more than half a month, chasing the stars and the moon, traveling day and night, he had to admire the Flying Dragon Army from the bottom of his heart.

In just over half a month, he rushed from Caizhou on Nanjing Road to Zhongdu, the hinterland of Dayuan, which he had never even dared to think about before.

There should be no army in the world that can do this. This is not the speed that a large army should have, but the Feilong Army insisted on doing it.

For more than half a month, except for the night rest and the occasional time for cooking, the rest of the time was almost jolted on horseback.

Zhen Jin felt that it was quite unbearable to sit in the carriage, but none of the soldiers of the Flying Dragon Army on the horse complained.

Just marching, the Flying Dragon Army created a miracle.Not to mention how powerful they fought.

Then admire Zhao Dongting who created this army.

For this young son-in-law, he has already gone from being contemptuous at first, to becoming extremely important in repeated setbacks.But now, it should be regarded as shock and admiration.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was so admired.

Maybe there is no such factor of admiration in it, and he would not have made up his mind to surrender so quickly in Xiping.

This son-in-law's mind is too amazing, the New Deal, firearms, martial arts, and military management, it seems that he can't do without him.And proficient in everything.

It should be said that Zhao Dongting's only weakness is that he cares too much about the people around him, but it's a pity that the ancestors are unwilling to do such trivial things.


Zhen Jin sighed deeply again, then shook his head, throwing out these messy thoughts.

Now that it's a foregone conclusion, it doesn't make sense to think about it anymore.It's better to think about how my son-in-law will arrange himself and the members of the Dayuan royal family.

Kong Yuanzhou, who was right next to Zhen Jin, had the same expression on his face, no different from when he was sitting in the carriage with Zhen Jin before.

He could understand why Zhao Da let the real gold get off the carriage and ride into the city at this time. He wanted to let everyone in Zhongdu know that the real gold had already fallen.

But this has nothing to do with Kong Yuanzhou, he is the ancestor of real gold in name, but he is not in fact.It's just a promise to the old man to protect the Dayuan royal family's wealth forever.

There are many kinds of wealth.Of course, being king in the world is extremely rich, but to be a prince of peace in the Song Dynasty, is it not rich?
Kong Yuanzhou has too much life experience, and he has his own views on wealth.

The army slowly entered the city.

The soldiers at the city gate had already knelt on the ground, not daring to look up at the real gold, nor did they dare to look at the soldiers of the Flying Dragon Army.

The news of Zhenjin's surrender was faster than the speed of the flying dragon army's march, and it had already spread here two days ago.

To be precise, since the surrender of Zhenjin, the news has swept across the Song and Yuan Dynasties at a speed like a hurricane.

Zhao Da rode a BMW with pure black fur and walked beside Zhen Jin, his face full of vigor and vigor.

He didn't care if there was any danger, it was a good job anyway.

Being able to "escort" the Yuan Emperor's real gold back, only the Feilong Army in the entire Song Dynasty had this "honor".

This time the Flying Dragon Army really showed their face.He, Zhao Da, also showed his face.

Now Zhao Da, who finally has some ink in his stomach, can't help but think in his heart at this moment, probably what the historian will record in the future, in the third year of Dingchang, the commander of the Flying Dragon Army, Zhao Da, led the entire army of the Flying Dragon Army to general Yuanhuang on October [-]th. The real gold was escorted back to Zhongdu. .

And as long as such a sentence is left in the history books, Zhao Da will be worthy of this life.

Think about it when you and your younger brother Zhao Hu were still in Leizhou, did you ever think that there would be today?
How many people can have their names left in the history of all living beings in this world?
How many people can leave a bad reputation for thousands of years?

Anyone who can do the latter is considered a traitor, a treacherous and cunning generation.And those who do the former are naturally even more remarkable.

He, Zhao Da, did it.Of course, this, in his opinion, was bestowed by the emperor.

After entering the city gate, many people were watching on both sides of the street.

Zhongdu City has its own weather in Zhongdu City.

The people in Zhongdu City also have differences between the people in Zhongdu City and the people in other places.

The people bred in this most special city in the entire Central Plains always have a certain aura that outsiders don't have.

This comes from the bottom of their hearts, and it is the temperament that comes out naturally after they know the meaning of the city of "Zhongdu City".

This has nothing to do with who dominates Zhongdu City.Because no matter who is in charge of the world, Zhongdu City has a background, or a position that other cities do not have.

Its location is destined to become a unique city.

Even at this time, many people have already discussed in private whether the Song Dynasty will move the capital to Zhongdu.

Of course, most of the results of the discussion are that this is unlikely.Most people thought that Kaifeng would be the best choice for the Song Dynasty.If Emperor Song intends to move the capital.

After all, Kaifeng Mansion has a very special meaning to Song State.

This was the capital of the former Song Dynasty.It is the place where countless predecessors of the Song Dynasty once dreamed of, and it is also the place that bears the shame of the Song Dynasty.

Only when the capital is relocated here, the Song Dynasty will be completely exhaled.

Something weird happened.On both sides of the street, it is not wrong for the common people to kneel, or not to kneel.So some knelt down, and some stared blankly at Zhen Jin and the others.

They don't know if Zhenjin is still the emperor of Dayuan.My heart is at a loss and numb.

After all, it has only been 20 years since the Yuan Dynasty established its capital here.In the hearts of the people, they have not fully regarded themselves as the people of the Yuan Dynasty.

Zhen Jin was a little restless on the horse, his face flushed slightly.

He felt ashamed to face these people.

I just don't know how he would feel if he knew what these people were thinking.

Probably the entire Yuan Dynasty was really in the same vein as Bo'er. In fact, only those tribesmen who had been devoted to them from the grassland.

(End of this chapter)

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