The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 200 1st Hongying

Chapter 200 A Red Shadow

But even Yinger herself didn't know that after she left the palace, two master priests of Wu Dingtang followed her quietly.

Having been with Yinger for nearly two years, Zhao Dongting has already regarded the virtuous and gentle Yinger as a relative in his heart, how could he really have the heart to expel her from the palace?

There is nothing to do with this move.

Yinger's parents are still in Tianxiang Pavilion, if she continues to stay in the palace, she will definitely have to work for Tianxiang Pavilion.Otherwise, her parents would be dangerous and unpredictable.

Zhao Dongting can't just sit back and watch Yinger's relatives suffer.

But his secrets can't really let Yinger pass all of them back to Tianxiang Pavilion.

Is it to spread some irrelevant information, or to make up information?
There may be other secret operations in the palace. If Tianxiangge finds out that something is wrong, the safety of Yinger's parents is still unpredictable.

Yinger's parents, after all, have caused great constraints to Zhao Dongting and Yinger.So much so that Zhao Dongting couldn't do it if he wanted to follow the vine.

He could only deliberately chase Yinger out of the palace, and then wait for Tian Xiangge's reaction.Yinger is an important pawn, and Tianxiangge should not abandon it.

Apart from this reason, he also wanted to give himself time and Yinger time.

Zhao Dongting knew very well in his heart that Ying Er would definitely not know how to face herself now that this kind of thing happened.It's fine to let her go out of the palace quietly.

Before the two masters of Wu Dingtang left the palace, he explained that no accidents should happen to Ying Er.For the rest, just adapt.

"Tianxiang Pavilion..."

Sitting alone on the roof, looking out of the palace, Zhao Dongting whispered these three words softly.

Guigu Academy, Pojun Academy, Tingyu Pavilion, and now there is Tianxiang Pavilion, this world is really getting more and more interesting.

The streets of Haikang County, which was dark at night, were silent, only a red figure was running away hiding his face.

After Ying Er came out of the palace, her tears never stopped.Drop by drop fell to the ground and splashed on the bluestone slab, but the dust could not be disturbed.

The two Wu Ding Tang masters who followed quietly behind couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, wondering what happened between Concubine Hui and the emperor.The emperor chased the empress out of the palace, but arranged for the two of himself to protect the empress.

Could it be that the newly-promoted empress had an embarrassment with the emperor?
But this concubine Hui is said to be a maid, so it stands to reason that she shouldn't be so bold.

The two most skilled masters in the Wuding Hall are still puzzled at this moment.

Occasionally, a watchman passing by knocking on a bamboo clapper saw Yinger crying and running in the faint light of the oil lamp, his face turned pale with fright, thinking that it was haunted, his legs were numb, and he could not move.It wasn't until he saw Yinger's shadow leaning on the ground again that he suddenly turned around and forced himself to swallow the heart that jumped into his throat.Then he showed a little puzzled and chuckled.

It must be a newly married young lady who was wronged at the wedding night, and she was so angry that she wanted to run home overnight.

Could it be that the newlywed has some strange disease in the boudoir?

The watchman's thinking involuntarily spread infinitely.Although women don't have much status in this day and age, there are always some with unique personalities. He has seen little ladies who ran out of the husband's house on their wedding night before.

When Yinger ran to the gate of the city, he frightened dozens of guards under the gate.

In the era when ghosts and ghosts were prevalent, it was always a very extravagant thing for such a beautiful figure in red to appear late at night.

At the gate of the city where the curfew prohibited the first entry, no soldier dared to stop her, and Yinger was allowed to run out.

It wasn't until Ying'er ran tens of meters away that the soldier said in surprise: "It seemed like it was for a little lady just now? Was she dressed in happy clothes?"

A soldier who was still in shock replied, "It seems to be..."

But Yinger has already run away, and no one intends to chase her anymore.

The two masters of Wu Dingtang in the back came up and were stopped by the soldiers.

Two take the tokens out.

The centurion guarding the city had seen it, and asked in surprise: "Could it be that the two adults are chasing that little lady?"

A master said: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask."

After finishing speaking, he left the city coldly.

The guards left behind were full of doubts, each guessing who the little lady was.

The night was getting darker and darker.

Leizhou at the end of the year is also a bit cold in the middle of the night.

Ying Er ran Xu Yuan outside the county seat. She was really tired from running and crying, so she squatted on the side of the dark road and choked up.

She sobbed softly for a long time, and fell asleep leaning against the big tree like this.

Fortunately, her internal strength is good, and she is not afraid of the coolness of the night.

Two Wudingtang masters followed closely tens of meters away.

When the sky brightened slightly, Yinger woke up and continued to go north along the official road.

She stopped crying, but she was a little dazed, not knowing where to go.

After entering the palace and becoming Zhao Dongting's personal maid, she only contacted the eunuch in Tianxiang Pavilion who was in charge of connecting with her.Up to now, I don't even know what organization Tianxiang Pavilion is, let alone the headquarters of Tianxiang Pavilion, and I can't find my parents at all.

She has no home anymore and has become a rootless duckweed in this world.

The originally bright red dress looked a little tattered after running around last night.

When the sky became brighter, the official road gradually became lively, and all the passing carriages and pedestrians cast curious glances at Yinger.

There is a golden phoenix inlaid on her wedding dress, which is definitely not something that ordinary people can have.But fortunately Leizhou is under the emperor's feet now. Although everyone is amazed by Yinger's beauty, no one dares to make any mistakes.

Yinger was a little hungry, and saw a peddler selling sesame seed cakes by the side of the road. She struggled for a long time, but finally left.

She has no money on her body, only a lot of jewels are inlaid on her wedding dress.At this time, she held these jewels tightly in her hands, but she was reluctant to use them.

These jewels are the testimony of the emperor marrying her.

Thinking of Zhao Dongting, she couldn't help crying again.

In this way, Yinger got farther and farther away from Haikang County.

Inside the Haikang County Palace.

Zhao Dongting also got up, and after saying good morning to Concubine Yang Shu as usual, he went to the Yizheng Hall to pay his respects.

The matter of Yinger's leaving the palace last night has not been spread in the court, but there are some rumors among the people that a newlywed lady left the city late at night last night.

The ministers unexpectedly discovered that Zhao Dongting, who used to be well-dressed in the past, had slightly disheveled hair today, as if he hadn't combed it.

They were all from here and they couldn't help but feel happy in their hearts. They just thought that Concubine Hui was overworked and didn't have the energy to dress up the emperor?
But it never occurred to him that the expressionless Zhao Dongting had just sat down on the dragon couch and said something shocking, "I have something to tell you all. Last night, Concubine Hui died suddenly and unfortunately."


Everyone in the hall was shocked, and their expressions changed suddenly.

Lu Xiufu walked out of the queue with a trembling beard, and cupped his hands to ask, but after thinking about it, he walked back silently.

The emperor has already said that Concubine Hui died suddenly, so what's the point of asking?
Few people really believed that Concubine Hui died suddenly.However, these courtiers avoided the affairs of the harem, just like the concubines and nobles in the harem kept a respectful distance from the political affairs of the court.

As a courtier, it is taboo to meddle with the emperor's family.

Even if Concubine Hui died because of other things, but the emperor said she died suddenly, it was a sudden death.

All the ministers were stunned by the sudden news.

Seeing that no one was talking below, Zhao Dongting said again: "Last night, I arranged for the funeral director to bury Concubine Hui overnight. After two days, the Ministry of Rites will take the lead in presiding over the burial of Concubine Hui's body as a noble concubine!"

After saying these two sentences, he stepped off the dragon couch and walked outside the Yizheng Hall.

The officials looked at each other in blank dismay, each wondering what was going on with Concubine Hui.

Soon, the palace exploded.

Zhao Dongting had just returned to the bedroom, and before he had time to have a sip of tea, Concubine Yang Shu hurried over with a group of eunuchs and maids.

"The queen mother is here."

The eunuch's sharp shout sounded, and Concubine Yang Shu had already rushed into the yard, until she was in front of Zhao Dongting, "Is Concubine Hui dead?"

Zhao Dongting was slightly surprised that Concubine Yang Shu received the news so quickly, and said, "Please come to the room to talk, Queen Mother."

Concubine Yang Shu frowned slightly, sensing something strange about this matter, she followed Zhao Dongting into the room.

As soon as she arrived in the room, she asked again: "What's going on with Concubine Hui?"

Zhao Dongting knew that he would not be able to hide this matter from Concubine Yang Shu sooner or later, so he replied truthfully: "Concubine Hui is not dead, I have expelled her from the palace."

Then without waiting for Concubine Yang Shu to ask, he told Concubine Yang Shu the whole story of Ying Er like mung beans in a bamboo tube.

This made Concubine Yang Shu in a daze for a long time, angry and sad, she couldn't help saying: "How could she be a spy? How could she be a secret?"

She also had difficulty accepting this reality.

But she didn't have any objection to Zhao Dongting's move of expelling Ying Er from the palace.

Yinger has been in the palace for many years, and Concubine Yang Shu also has feelings for her.She just lamented that a good marriage would turn out like this.

After a short while, Yue Wu and Yun Jin also brought Zhang Ru to Zhao Dong's courtyard full of anxiety.

Even they have received the news.

Yue Wu and Yun Jin regarded Ying Er as their sisters, and at this moment, they even shed tears.

After hearing the eunuch's report, Zhao Dongting called all three daughters into the room, and had to tell Yinger's story in detail again.

He couldn't look at Le Wu and Yun Jin sad.

After hearing this, the three girls were also shocked by Yinger's identity.

No one would have imagined that Yinger, who cared so much for the emperor, would be the secret work of Tianxiang Pavilion.

But even so, Le Wu was also slightly dissatisfied with Zhao Dongting's decision to expel Ying Er from the palace.He didn't say anything, but his red lips were pouting high.

Zhao Dongting smiled wryly in his heart, and didn't give any further explanations, let Concubine Yang Shu and the girls leave, and sent people to the eunuch of Xuannei Shifu and Su Liuyi, who is now in charge of the left and right guards in the palace.

Ying'er has already left the palace, and after being picked out of this muddy water, he will naturally not allow the existence of secret agents in the palace.

When the eunuch and Su Liuyi arrived, Zhao Dongting only said: "From now on, we will strictly investigate all the departments in the palace to see if there are any detailed operations in the palace."

Both the eunuch and Su Liuyi were thoughtful, and immediately took orders.They naturally faintly realized that this matter might have something to do with Concubine Hui.

Concubine Hui had just died suddenly, and the emperor suddenly wanted to investigate the details. How could there be no connection?

A dark storm suddenly swept across the palace quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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