Chapter 2016
If this was in the past years, it is indeed not too rare.There are always an endless stream of people from all over the country going to the capital to sue, especially in disaster years, there are so many.

Only since the emperor perfected the supervision and legal departments, this situation is much rarer.It is almost impossible for the county government to dare not accept the case like this.

And often the rarer something is, the easier it is to attract people's attention.

Just the next day, several large and small newspapers in Yicheng County published Xu Fuxing's story.Even the Huaxia Daily of Yicheng County published the matter in the middle of the second edition, and even drew Xu Fuxing's portrait.

With the popularity of sketching, Xu Fuxing's appearance is so lifelike on paper.

At this time, Xu Fuxing had already appeared outside the Social Security Bureau in Xiangyang Prefecture.

Just like yesterday, he rang the drum outside Xiangyang Fucheng Social Security Bureau.

The drums were pounding.

This big drum was left on purpose by Zhao Dongting.There are social security bureaus everywhere.

People who come to report crimes or seek grievances don’t have to beat the big drum to get in. It’s a pity that they choose to report crimes quietly, but the purpose of this drum is that whoever rings this drum, most of his cases will be spread quickly go out.

In this way, it is less likely that the government can bend the law.

The more people pay attention, and the more attention the public pays, the harder it is for those with ulterior motives to play tricks.

Although Xu Fuxing was brought in by the yamen inside within 2 minutes of beating the big drum, the sound of the drum still attracted many neighbors from the surrounding streets.


Xu Fuxing, who had a broken leg, was thrown out again.

He was crying and screaming outside the Social Security Bureau again.

Not surprisingly, this matter will soon ferment in Xiangyang Mansion.After all, there are many witnesses, and there are Wuming who are behind the scenes.

As long as the news from Yicheng County arrives, Xu Fuxing's name will probably appear in all the yamen on Southwest Beijing Road.

Xu Fuxing made a fuss outside the Social Security Bureau of Xiangyang Prefecture for nearly a whole morning.

The Social Security Bureau of the prefectural government, which was instructed by Wuming, was more patient than the Social Security Bureau of Yicheng County, and risked the public opinion, but did not send anyone out to control Xu Fuxing.This attitude made more and more people pay attention to Xu Fuxing's affairs.

Some people from the newspaper even followed Xu Fuxing to see how the matter would develop.

This is a very gimmick, and it is the hot news in Xiangyang Mansion right now.

And isn't that what newspapers are all about?

As long as whoever follows up on this matter faster and in more detail, the newspaper will not worry about selling.Profits, of course, came in a hurry.

The profit from selling newspapers is only a small amount, and the real big one is the cost of advertising those big workshops in the city.And this fee is charged according to the sales volume of the newspaper.

In the afternoon, Xu Fuxing arrived at the yamen of the Social Security Department on South Jingxi Road, which was also located in Xiangyang Prefecture, amidst the high expectations of many people.

Soon the big drum outside the Yamen of the Social Security Department also rang.

In fact, at this moment, those who paid attention to this matter were thinking in their hearts that the matter should have almost ended here.The office of the Social Security Department is the highest-level social security office on Southwest Beijing Road, so Xu Fuxing will not be kicked out.

But what happened next was surprising.

Xu Fuxing was not only kicked out, but also framed by the yamen servants inside.It was very pitiful to be pushed directly to the street outside the yamen, caressing his own broken leg.

No one knows what happened in the government office just now.

Someone went up to ask Xu Fuxing, "Old man, what kind of case are you going to report? Why did the adults in the office of the Social Security Department kick you out?"

Xu Fuxing didn't answer, but just cried.Those who say that these officials think he is crazy, he has to go to Changsha to sue the imperial court.

Some people found it strange that it was logically impossible for the yamen of the Social Security Department to do such an unreasonable thing, so they wondered whether Xu Fuxing was really a lunatic.

But just looking at Xu Fuxing's appearance, and the words he yelled out, they are orderly, and they don't look crazy.

Unknowingly, more and more people are interested in Xu Fuxing and what kind of case he has.

Xu Fuxing also "blessed in disguise".

His pitiful appearance aroused the sympathy of many kind-hearted people in the city, and many people brought him food and clothes.Some even invited him to live at home.

These days, after all, kind-hearted people still account for the vast majority.

These were of course rejected by Xu Fuxing.

It was not until late at night that he left the yamen of the Social Security Department, and went down the overpass in the city on his own, regardless of the people who followed him.

He went to sleep under the overpass with the rest of the beggars in the city.

For Cao Zhenmai, he is willing to suffer such hardships.At his age, all hardships and reputations are taken lightly.

Besides, he didn't feel that living under the flyover with these beggars was a kind of defilement to himself.

Poor people must have something to hate, but those who have really fallen to the point of begging are mostly poor people who have been teased by fate.As for those who pretend to be begging but are actually cheating, they will not live under this overpass.

It was the next day.

Xu Fuxing got out from under the overpass and went to the south gate of Xiangyang City.

The only difference from yesterday was that behind him were several ragged, skinny beggars.They are all very old, but walking beside Xu Fuxing at this moment, their eyes don't seem to be as blank as before, but have a certain kind of light.

Under the flyover last night, they heard stories about him from Xu Fuxing, a "newcomer".

Xu Fuxing said that just because he was a beggar, those masters in the government office thought he was crazy, and said how could someone like him be willing to recognize him as a grandfather, and he was a very beautiful girl.

This aroused the indignation of several old beggars.

There is nothing wrong with their sanity, but they have encountered setbacks, tribulations, or are disheartened, or have no ability to rely on themselves.The half-truths and half-false words fabricated by Xu Fuxing gave them a certain vitality.

No one is worth looking down upon.

There is only some kind of power in his body.

The old beggars were unable to give Xu Fuxing any advice, but they were able to follow him begging all the way to Changsha.They said they were willing to risk their lives and let the government accept his case.

Xu Fuxing chose to take these old beggars with him because he was moved in his heart, and because it could really make things more eye-catching.

As for the newspaper offices in Xiangyang Mansion, before Xu Fuxing and the others left the city, they quickly sent people to chase them out.

The gimmick of this matter is enough to make it the hottest topic in Xiangyang Mansion before it ends.Although it will definitely not spread as widely as the frontier war before, it will definitely attract the attention of countless people.

Under such circumstances, sending someone to follow up with Xu Fuxing is the best choice.

Ever since, Xu Fuxing's team grew bigger and bigger.

Except for a few old beggars waving their flags to cheer, there are also the newspaper's eyeliner.

Any actions of Xu Fuxing, as well as what happened to him, will be reported to the newspaper office through these eyeliners, and then to countless people.

At this moment, it seems that there is no need for Wuming to add fuel to the flames.

(End of this chapter)

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