The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 2036 Identity Exposed

Chapter 2036 Identity Exposed
Zhao Xu allowed his only son to live outside and let him feed the dead, no doubt he cared and indulged him very much.

This is only because he really has only one child like Zhao Di.

There are dozens of Zhao Di's houses outside, but Zhao Xu certainly knows all of them.

Hearing the address of the outer house from the housekeeper, he already knew that his son, who had a hobby of playing with women in the outer house incognito, had really been kidnapped.

Immediately, Zhao Xu had someone bring Steward Chen to him.After asking about the situation, he quickly dispatched experts from the Fuzhong to the outer house to search for clues.

At the same time, he also sent his servants to report the case to the government office, and asked the housekeeper to explain the situation to Zhang Xiangyang's mansion, the Jingbei Road Jiedu envoy who was sitting in this Jiangling mansion.Then they sent people to the place where gossip was bought and sold in Jiangling Prefecture to inquire about information.

They also invited a painter to let Butler Chen recall the appearance of the two Bauhinia Villa elders.

These are enough to show that he attaches great importance to and cares about Zhao Di.

In fact, this matter does not need to alarm Zhang Xiangyang at all.It is enough to find the chief officer of the Social Security Bureau in Jiangling Mansion. Even if Zhang Xiangyang agrees to explain it, it is likely that the task will be handed over to the chief officer of the Social Security Bureau.

It's just that if Zhang Xiangyang speaks in person, the chief officer of the Social Security Bureau will work harder.After all, Zhang Xiangyang is the most powerful person on Jinghu North Road, while King Jian Zhao Xu is only the most honorable person in name.

The promotion, evaluation, etc. of the head of the Social Security Bureau have nothing to do with Zhao Xu, so there is really no need to care too much about Zhao Xu.

Spreading the net like this, Zhao Xu thought, even if those two old men could fly over the roof and walk over walls, it would be impossible for someone with a cultivation level in the Upper Yuan Realm to fly.He didn't think about the Real Martial Realm, because he didn't think there would be such an existence to trouble his son.

He is clear about Zhao Di's temperament. Although he is arrogant, he has a quick mind and a poisonous vision.What can be offended and what can't be offended, my son can clearly distinguish it.

Of course he never thought that Zhao Di's vision was poisonous, and he could tell that Xu Fuxing and Cao Zhenzhen were not the kind of people with a big background.But it happened that the emperor Zhao Dongting had a deep relationship with these two "grassmen".

It was night, and the governor of Jiangling Prefecture's Social Security Bureau hurried to Zhao Xu's palace with a few capable men.

At this time, Zhao Xu had asked the painter to draw the appearances of the two Bauhinia Villa elders according to Chen Butler's memory.

The two elders didn't make it easy for the case.They will not easily tolerate this technical work.

The artist has a good foundation, and the two elders in the portrait and the other real people must have seven or eight parts.

The governor of the Social Security Bureau of Jiangling Prefecture stared at the portrait for a few seconds, his expression changed instantly, his heart skipped a beat, and he almost lost his breath.

He happened to recognize these two elders.Followed Qi Wulie to the Social Security Bureau of Jiangling Prefecture to find him.

Qi Wulie asked their Social Security Bureau to cooperate with Xu Fuxing to act, except that Zhao Dongting's intention was behind the concealment of this matter, and he did not conceal his identity, let alone the two elders.

At this time, the governor saw the portraits of the two elders, and he wanted to know who was behind the scenes.

No matter what he did, he never expected that it would be Qi Wulie who kidnapped King Jian's son.

These two things are going to come together.

The old man said he was looking for his granddaughter...

Could it be that he was taken away by His Royal Highness?
The more the governor thought about it, the more he was inclined to believe in this possibility.

No matter what he said, he was also the governor of the Jiangling Mansion. Although his status was far below Zhao Xu's level, he had heard a little about Zhao Di's conduct.It's okay to talk about other things, but most of all I can't control the stuff under me.

This time, King Jian's Mansion may have bumped into the Shashen.

How could the status of a woman be so simple that the dignified owner of Qi Zhuang personally investigated it?
For a while, the governor's mind was full of thoughts.I don't know if I should tell Zhao Xu about this.

After all, he didn't know if he would offend Qi Wulie by doing so, and he didn't know what it would be like when King Jian Zhao Xu and the owner of Bauhinia Villa collided.

One is a nobleman of the Song Dynasty, and the other is a leader in the world and a hero of the Song Dynasty.When such two people collide, no matter how you think about it, it will be a scene of sparks flying.

But this matter, is it possible to hide it?

When King Jian knew that Qi Wulie had been to the government office in the future, wouldn't he hate himself for not reporting what he knew?Don't even want to disclose this bit of news?

This is really a headache.

It seems that both sides will eventually offend one side, and they cannot have both.

The governor was actually not afraid of Zhao Xu, nor Qi Wulie, but in the end, he still didn't want to offend either of these two.

"Master Governor!"

Seeing him in a daze, Zhao Xu frowned, and said, "This king is such an only son, and you are still standing here, are you planning to wait until his body is decapitated before going to rescue him?"

His face became gloomy, "He is the root of this king! No matter who it is, if my son suffers, this king will never die with him!"

In fact, these words were Zhao Xu's vent of anger, and there was no hidden meaning.But in the ears of the governor, it was a completely different feeling.

At this moment, he finally had a decision in his heart.

Qi Wulie did not specifically explain that his visit to the government office should not be spread.Now that he has taken people away, and rescued those who should be rescued, it is not wrong for him to say it, right?
Thinking of this, the governor also complained in his heart.The same goes for Qi Wulie, to save the girl is to save the girl, what else do you have to do to kidnap Prince Jian's son?
Is that girl so important?Have to vent your anger?

Or is it that the owner of Qi Zhuang no longer pays attention to royal relatives like King Jian?
"My lord."

The governor with a cloudy face raised his head and said, "I don't think there is any need to investigate this matter. If you draw these two people, I know you..."


Zhao Xu's face changed suddenly, and he stood up abruptly, "Who is it?"

The governor replied: "These two are the top masters of our Great Song Dynasty...the two elders of Zijing Villa Qi Wulie under the command of the owner of Qizhuang. You should be familiar with the title of Qizhuangzhuang, my lord, right?"


Zhao Xu's face couldn't help but change again.

With Qi Wulie's status, even he dare not underestimate him.Although it is not as noble as him, it is definitely not a small ant that can be trampled to death.

Immediately, he couldn't help muttering: "Why did he let Dier be kidnapped?"

I suddenly remembered something, and my eyes fell on Steward Chen next to me, "You said that these two old guys are all going to save that little girl? That little girl named Cao Zhenzhen."


Butler Chen obediently agreed.

"It must be."

The conversation between the two made the governor affirm the guess in his heart.He sighed softly and said, "King Jian, you don't know something. Qi Wulie came to our Social Security Bureau two days ago and asked us to perform a play with a lame old man named Xu Fuxing."

He slowly told what Qi Wulie had told him.

"Then who is this Xu Fuxing?"

Hearing this, Zhao Xu frowned more and more, he was angry and puzzled at the same time.

But the governor couldn't answer this question, he just shook his head, "This officer doesn't know."

Then he said: "I think, my lord, you should go and talk to Qi Wulie! Although he is enshrined in the Wuding Hall, he is equivalent to the second rank, but he dare not ignore your face, the lord. His Royal Highness really fell into his hands. It should be all right. Perhaps, he just wanted to vent his anger on that Xu Fuxing and Cao Zhenmai."

(End of this chapter)

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