The Reborn Lao Tzu Is the Emperor

Chapter 207 Punish Li Song

Chapter 207 Punish Li Song
After more than ten minutes, Zhao Dongting and the generals entered the city on foot.

There are many soldiers on both sides of the road, and the flags are like clouds.

Since nearly 15 troops gathered in Pingnan, Zhao Dongting sent an imperial decree to Qingyun Peak for the convenience of command, ordering Wen Tianxiang to reorganize the rebels and Xiang troops who came to Pingnan from all over the place, as well as the surrendered generals and soldiers who had been collected in the original place. , with tens of thousands of people as the army, and named after Tiangang Dixie Xing respectively.

The Dianqian Division and the Guards Army were cancelled, and the two army horses were replenished to full strength, numbered Tiankui Army and Tiangang Army.

The Beggar Army was also denumbered and changed to the Tianxian Army.

The Xingguo Army was replenished to [-] soldiers and horses, commanded by Liu Zijun and Du Hu respectively, numbered Tianyong Army and Tianxiong Army.

The left and right guards of Longxiang, who belonged to the bodyguards, were formed separately as the Tianji Army, and Zhang Hongwei, the sharp archer, served as the commander of the army.

The remaining nearly 9 horses were also numbered with the ranks of Tiangang.The commanders of each army are selected from among the former generals of each army.

In ancient times, the command of marching and fighting was extremely inconvenient. With tens of thousands of people as an army, it would not cause too much command pressure on the commander.

Wen Tianxiang was no longer directly under the original Xingguo Army, but was appointed by Zhao Dongting as the deputy marshal of the world's soldiers and horses to command the overall situation.Grand Marshal, on the other hand, hangs the seal himself.

The military system of the Song Dynasty, which had been completely disintegrated due to the war, was initially organized by Zhao Dongting.

At present, the Southern Song Dynasty court is almost paralyzed in Guangnan West Road except for Leiqiong and Qiongzhou. There are no defenders. The reorganized 15 soldiers and horses are reorganized and dispersed. With Pingnan as the center, they guard the surrounding areas. important place.

In Wuzhou City, the two armies of Tianyong and Tianxiong are still stationed, and the Tianshang army has been sent to assist the defense.

The commander of the Tianshang Army is Qi Tianlang, a member of the Miao nationality.Originally living in Qinzhou, he received an order to recruit security, and led thousands of young men of his family to Pingnan.

He was originally the leader of the clan, also known as the wolf king, he was born extremely burly and rough, possessed extremely fierce martial arts, even surpassing Yue Peng.

The Tiankui Army, Tiangang Army, Tianji Army, and Tianxian Army sit in the middle of Pingnan.

Lu Yu of the Tianying Army, Yang Fan of the Tianwei Army, and Jiang Xiu of the Tianman Army led the troops to Cenxi County in the south of Wuzhou.

Both the Tianxuan Army and the Tiangu Army command envoys Ge Lichun and Ge Xiuhong, who are brothers, and they are stationed together at the Yulin Mansion in the southwest corner of Pingnan.

The remaining Tianmeng Army, Tiangui Army, and Tianfu Army are located in Yangshou Mansion, Xiangzhou, in the northwest corner of Pingnan.

The five cities are almost divided into rectangular divisions, and Pingnan sits in the middle. If a big battle breaks out, no matter which direction the Yuan army attacks from, they can echo each other from afar.

Originally, most of the commanders and envoys of the armies were not in Pingnan, but they rushed to face the saint when they heard that Zhao Dongting was coming.

As Zhao Dongting entered the city, he laughed and talked with all the generals.I can't help feeling that heroes come out of troubled times.Among the new commanders of the various armies, except for Ge Xiuhong and Ge Lichun who were over fifty, the rest of the chief generals were all under thirty.The oldest wolf king, Qi Tianlang, is still a few months away from turning 30.

Lu Yu, the youngest commander of the Tianying Army, whose father was Lu Ying, who was in charge of the North Jingbei Road. Lu Ying was killed on the way to lead the army to break through and rush to Pingnan. , who has just turned twenty.

There is also Yang Fan, the commander of the Tianwei Army, who is only 21 years old.

If this is placed in modern times, they are all just out of society.But now, they have been embraced as commanders of the military capital.

Such positions are naturally considered the mainstay of the Great Song Army.

In the main hall of the government office in Pingnan County, Zhao Dongting lived in the upper hall, and the generals stood in rows below.

Zhao Dongting glanced down the hall, and said: "Today, I will introduce a person to you. The former Sichuan envoy, Sichuan Tiger General Zhang Jue Zhang."

Zhang Jue, who stood low-key at the end of the queue and approached the palace gate, cupped his hands to signal to the generals.

All the generals were shocked.

Zhang Jue has resisted the Yuan army in Sichuan for many years, defeated the Yuan army repeatedly, and made outstanding military exploits. Who hasn't heard of his name?

Seeing him bowing his hand, all the generals did not dare to be negligent and returned the salute repeatedly, even Wen Tianxiang bowed his hand to Zhang Jue.

Zhao Dongting nodded with a slight smile, and said: "From now on, Master Zhang Jue will be the Marquis of Yu, the general capital of our Great Song Army, and will assist the military order to take charge of the military."

The Marquis of Du Yu in this era is actually similar to the military political commissars of later generations, and it is not possible for the chief of the army to monopolize power.

When all the generals heard Zhao Dongting's words, their expressions became more awe-inspiring, and they said respectfully: "The last general has seen the Chief Yuhou."

Zhang Jue was a little stunned.

Since Jun Tianfang rescued him to Haikang, he has repeatedly mentioned that he wants to go to Pingnan to take charge of the army, but Zhao Dongting has never said anything, and he has no intention of re-sealing his official position in the court.He originally thought that even if he followed the emperor to Pingnan on this trip, he would probably just get a idle job, and the real military strength would have to be developed by himself. After all, the commanders of all armies had already been appointed by the emperor, but he didn't expect that the emperor would He made himself Marquis of Yu, the general capital of the world's soldiers and horses.

This position, in the Ministry of Military Aircraft, is second only to Military Aircraft Commander Wen Tianxiang and Deputy Military Aircraft Commander Su Liuyi.

And Su Liuyi is in Haikang, which means that among the 15 troops on Guangxi South Road, his status is second only to Wen Tianxiang.Moreover, Du Yuhou's position is a bit special, he holds the post of supervisor and commander in chief, his status is only slightly inferior to Wen Tianxiang's.

This is definitely a great grace.

It took several seconds for Zhang Jue to come back to his senses, and knelt down on the ground with red eyes, "My minister, Zhang Jue, thanked the emperor."

Zhao Dongting waved his hand, "Master Zhang, you don't need to be too polite. You are a tiger general. With your assistance in the military order, Guangxi will be safe."

Zhang Jue said emphatically, "I'm so overwhelmed!"

On this day, there was a big feast in the government office of Pingnan County, and Zhao Dongting drank with the generals.

There are fifteen soldiers and horses on Guangxi South Road, the commanders of each army, the deputy commanders of the capitals, and the marquis of Duyu are all listed.

Except for a few people such as Su Liuyi and Liu Hongyi who are still in Haikang, all the generals at the Wanfuchang level in the Southern Song Dynasty are all here.

Zhao Dongting looked at the bustling generals in front of him, and he was also moved with emotion, and his pride and ambition spontaneously arose.

The Song Dynasty grew from less than 2 soldiers on Quzhou Island to the current 15 soldiers and horses in just over two years.And if you count the Huanglong Forbidden Army in Leizhou and the Qiongzhou Army in Qiongzhou, there are even more people.

The current Da Song is finally no longer just an ant.Compared with the fierce tiger in the Yuan Dynasty, it can be regarded as a wolf in front of it.

After the banquet, Zhao Dongting personally handed over the armor, weapons and red capes that the generals had specially brought from Haikang Military Industry Department.

These armors and weapons are carefully forged with his improved new smelting method, light and tough, which made the generals very happy.

It is a pity that, with the current manpower and material resources of the Ministry of Military Industry, there is still a long way to go to equip the entire army with such armor and weapons.

When it was almost night, the generals who were ordered to station in the other cities left Pingnan and went back separately.

Zhao Dongting was full of travel and dust, and he was also a little tired. After practicing the art of the room and reading a few books, he was ready to go to bed.

But just lying on the bed, he heard the guard outside report: "Your Majesty, General Yue is asking to see you."

Zhao Dongting turned over, a little surprised, Yue Peng just went back to the barracks, why did he come again?
When he opened the door, he saw Yue Peng kneeling in front of the door with Yue Yue.

Now Yue Yue has changed into women's clothing, her face is cold and pretty, her figure is slim, her skin is wheat-colored, and she has the heroic air of a woman.

Zhao Dongting said to Yue Peng: "I have already said that the past is not to be blamed, Yue Peng, what are you doing?"

Yue Peng kowtowed and said: "Sister She is reckless and almost hurt the emperor's life, please punish him!"

A smile flashed in Zhao Dongting's eyes, and he said, "Do you really want me to punish you?"

Yue Yue knelt beside her and said nothing, but after arriving in Pingnan, she also heard Yue Peng say a lot about Zhao Dongting, and her impression of Zhao Dongting has changed greatly.Of course, Zhao Dongting picked up her clothes in the carriage, which made her quite sullen every time she thought about it.

No matter how wise and powerful the emperor is, he is still a lecherous kid.

Yue Peng said: "True punishment."

"it is good."

Zhao Dongting said loudly: "Since you insist on my punishment, then I will not be polite. From now on, Yue Yue will enter the Martial Cauldron Hall, and a special Shadow Hall will be set up. Yue Yue will be the lord of the hall, and will train assassins for our court, and will perform crimes and meritorious deeds. "

Both Yue Peng and Yue Yue were stunned.

Then Yue Peng said: "Your Majesty, this..."

Zhao Dongting smiled and pulled the two of them up from the ground, and said: "I'm fine now, what's the point of punishing her again? Besides, Miss Yue Yue assassinated me back then, it was justifiable. In your heart, I may not be A person with such a small belly?"

As he said, he waved his hand, "Okay, don't mention this matter anymore, you two should go back to rest earlier!"

After speaking, he walked into the house.

Yue Peng watched Zhao Dongting close the door, turned his head to look at Yue Yue, "Sister, now you know why brother is willing to die for the emperor, right?"

Yue Yue's expression was slightly complicated, but he muttered softly, "But he... is still a disciple."

At such a big age, she has never been molested like that before!Thinking of it now, I still can't help feeling a little numb in my chest.

(End of this chapter)

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