Chapter 2080 A Potion of Strong Medicine

There were more than a dozen stewards who stayed in the villa and hurriedly followed them away.

For a sacred place with such a profound heritage like the Bauhinia Villa, it is already difficult for ordinary disciples to reach the level of stewardship.There are more than [-] people in charge in the villa, most of whom grew up in the Bauhinia Villa.

In fact, people like Yu Yuanlie who were selected as stewards because of their martial arts practice or outstanding management ability are not very popular in the Bauhinia Villa. , Stewardship is stewardship.

Even ordinary disciples represent the face of Bauhinia Villa, let alone stewards.And the chief arrester said that there are several other managers who have a lot to do with this matter.

If they didn't even ask about the matter, and handed over these stewards to the government, then the signboard of the Bauhinia Villa would be ruined in the future.This situation is much worse than when the fourth elder was taken away before.

After all, it was just a trivial matter back then.But this time, it was a major event of murder.

Arriving at the bedroom where Yu Yuanlie lived, the Fourth Elder directly lifted his pillow.Sure enough, there was a letter under the pillow.

The Fourth Elder opened it, and the Fifth Elder and Sixth Elder also turned their eyes towards it.

Elder Mingjian.

The letter has hundreds of characters, with these four characters as the first.It seems that Yu Yuanlie has plans to report this matter.

The fourth elder and others read the letter word by word.

What happened was not complicated, but Yu Yuanlie invited three other good stewards of the village to his home on the fourth day of the fourth day.What he didn't expect was that his younger sister, who was summoned by him to go to the town to buy ingredients, was stuck by the town's scoundrels, or a fellow villager hurried back to report the news.No matter what, Yu Yuanlie was also in charge of the Bauhinia Villa. He was not a household name in the local area, but he was definitely a famous figure. How could he bear this, and he went to the town immediately.In addition, the manager was afraid that he would be free, so he went together.

When they hurried to the town, those rascals were still making trouble for Yuanlie's younger sister.

Yu Yuanlie naturally took the initiative to teach people a lesson.

It's just a few scoundrels who know how to punch and kick. In front of him in the Shangyuan state, he was taught a lesson ruthlessly.

Yu Yuanlie didn't take this matter too seriously at the time, and went home with his sister and three friends in charge.It was night, and the three stewards also went back separately.

I just thought that on one day, that is, on the fifth day of the lunar new year, a friend from the town rushed to Yu Yuanlie's house and told him that all the scoundrels he beat up last night were all dead.

This really frightened Yu Yuanlie, and he soon realized that this matter was definitely not that simple.For example, he is quite measured when he is in the Yuan Dynasty. If he wants to kill someone, he will not save his life. If he does not want to kill someone, he will not kill someone.

Even if one is an accident, it can't be an accident for several people, right?
Killing people must pay for their lives, not to mention the management of the Zijing Villa, even the elders and the owner of the villa, they cannot override the laws of the country.

When Yu Yuanlie learned of this, he also panicked, so he hurried back to Zijin Villa.

"What do you think?" The fourth elder turned to ask the fifth and sixth elders.

The faces of the two elders were a little ugly, and the sixth elder said, "It's impossible for Yu Yuanlie to be so careless. I'm afraid this matter is aimed at him. I just don't know, some kind of enemy of his."


The Fifth Elder suddenly exclaimed, "But that Zhang just now, how can we say that some of our managers are accomplices? According to the letter, the three of them, Bi Xudong, didn't do anything, so how can they be regarded as accomplices?"

"Is that coming for us?"

The Fourth Elder's voice suddenly became lower.

"Regardless of whether it is true or not, as long as Yu Yuanlie's matter is true, then we can't ignore it." The fifth elder said, and then said: "And from my point of view, the content of this letter must be true. Yu Yuanlie The two of you know his temperament. He has always been a little timid. He has obviously written this letter for some time, but he didn't hand it over to us. He is probably very hesitant, afraid of being blamed by us, or handing him over to the government. .If the content of the letter is false, he should not be so hesitant."

"It makes sense..."

The Fourth Elder and the Sixth Elder both nodded.

"Old fifth."

The fourth elder suddenly said to the fifth elder: "Go to Yu Yuanlie and the others to take a look in the town and find out what's going on. If this matter is aimed at us, we can't take it lightly."

"it is good."

The fifth elder agreed, then called out the names of the two stewards, and left with them.So he hurriedly left the Bauhinia Villa.

Near night.

The fifth elder and the two stewards he took away have not returned yet.

The fourth and sixth elders are still in the villa.Before the Fifth Elder made any progress, they were also helpless, and they couldn't just go to the Social Security Bureau without any reason.


A disciple from the villa appeared outside the door of the four elders, "Someone outside the villa claims to be a lobbyist of Minjiang Dragon King and King Jian, and comes to ask for an audience."

"King Jian's lobbyist?"


The Fourth Elder appeared at the door, sneered softly, and had deep eyes.Those who come at this time, no accident, will be people with ulterior motives.

"Please go to the side hall!"

The fourth elder waved his hand, and then he walked towards the side hall in the villa that was specially used for receiving guests.

He walked slowly, thinking about something while walking.When they got to the entrance of the side hall, the Minjiang Dragon King, who was short and hunched over, was already sitting inside drinking tea.

Seeing the Fourth Elder, he stood up and bowed his hands to the Fourth Elder, saying: "I have seen the Fourth Elder, Qiu is very polite."

"Dragon King, please sit down!"

The fourth elder said calmly, then walked to the main seat and sat down, "I don't know why the Dragon King came to the villa to see the old man?"

"Ha ha."

Qiu Chu smiled, and said: "I'm taking the liberty, Elder Haihan. I'm here on the order of King Jian, and I want to talk to you, Fourth Elder, about something."

"Please say."

Four elders said.

Qiu Chu put down the teacup, "Then I'll be blunt. Please also tell the elders to tell the owner of the Guizhuang, if you don't want to let my family's eldest son go back, my prince's patience will become more and more shallow, and the murderous stewards of your villa will not Definitely won't live long."

The fourth elder narrowed his eyes immediately, "What do you mean?"

But Qiu Chu said: "Qiu is just talking, the elder doesn't have to be angry with me. After all the words are said, the elder can decide for himself, whether he would rather give up the lives of a few officers and become a sworn enemy with our Prince Jian's mansion, or just resolve the war, our prince Follow up."

After all, he just left like this.

The fourth elder sat inside with an ugly expression on his face.

It turned out that this was arranged by Prince Jian's Mansion at the back. It seems that it is difficult to find any clues on Lao Wu's side.After all, it is very unlikely that there will be mistakes in the affairs of King Jian's Mansion.

But, why didn't this Qiu Chu go directly to see the owner?
The fourth elder didn't know, this Qiu Chu didn't dare to see Qi Wulie anymore.Zhao Xu had no choice but to use such a trick.

The slight beatings in the past couldn't shake the Bauhinia Villa, and only with such a strong medicine, it might be possible.

After leaving the side hall, the fourth elder went directly to the sixth elder.

The sixth elder immediately rushed to Changsha overnight.

This matter has to be decided by Qi Wulie.

(End of this chapter)

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